5Clara replied to 2 Jacob's discussion History of the Stanley Cup Playoffs
"I have never watched the NHL and I've also never heard of it. But I'm kind of curious now as to what it is, and what it's about. I have been to a hockey game and it was super fun, there was lots of fighting and yelling. It was a super cool…"
May 1
5Clara replied to 8ulyssa's discussion Iowa and Nebraska Tornadoes
"I did actually watch the tornado outside, it was huge and it really scared me. I was nervous about where it was going to go. I thought it might hit my loved ones who lived near it. Thank God, my friends nor family got hit or affected by the tornado.…"
May 1
5Clara replied to 6Lily Schechinger's discussion History of the American Burger
"Personally, I prefer a hot dog, they're just more enjoyable to me. Obviously, I like both of them, but when I think of America I think of Hot Dogs, not really burgers. I honestly didn't know burgers were originally from the US, but now that I know I…"
May 1
5Clara replied to 2/6/8Caleb Sampson's discussion Global Climate Change
"There are many ways plants bloom earlier than other plants. It could have to do with what kinda plant it is or if the plant was genetically modified to bloom earlier than most other plants. I think that if we stop letting out and producing harmful…"
May 1
5Clara replied to 6Nolan's discussion History Of The NFL Draft
"I haven't ever really watched the NFL draft and I don't know if I ever will. football is only interesting if you're watching it in person. Watching it over the TV makes me bored. I lose interest super fast. I don't have any clue or idea who has the…"
Apr 30
5Clara replied to 6Dominic's discussion Gun's Right
"I think that teachers should and shouldn't. It's like an iffy kind of thing, I think it just depends on the teacher, they should all have to go through training at least once a month to be able to keep the guns in their possession. As long as they…"
Apr 24
5Clara replied to 8Kaitlynn's discussion Does Trash Talk Have a Place in Sports?
"I don't trash talk out loud, but I do in my head. I think it's important to have good sportsmanship and to show respect to the other team no matter the circumstances. Even if the other team is being rude or not following the rules. I don't think its…"
Apr 23
5Clara replied to 2/6/8Caleb Sampson's discussion Global Climate Change
"I think that by recycling we can keep the earth safer, healthier, and overall just a better environment for every living thing on it. Everyone can stop littering, we can start using and making safe products without harmful or harsh chemicals. Not…"
Apr 23
5Clara replied to 5Ellerie's discussion The History of Math
"I do not like math unless, of course, I understand it. When math is hard and confusing then life is the same way. Math is my worst enemy, it's always bringing my GPA down and then I get grounded for having a terrible grade. Math is so hard to…"
Apr 23
5Clara replied to 5Mikayla's discussion Show Choir
"I think show choir is super cool, I did normal choir in middle school without all the dancing. I feel like it would be so hard to sing and dance at the same time, I cant multitask like that. People who do show choir are really talented, they put in…"
Apr 23
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"My reaction would be the same, I would be scared to death, I think I would have a heart attack or something. "
Apr 18
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"That's a great point, yes, most assassinations are planned within bigger groups with bigger purposes. "
Apr 18
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"I honestly don't know where Oswald hid, that's a great question. He was most likely in a building or something. "
Apr 18
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"I really think he executed this plan himself, he shot JFK and got the blame just like he should have. "
Apr 18
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"I disagree with you on this one, I think Oswald definitely did this on his own. It just really seems like a one-man job. "
Apr 18
5Clara replied to 4Tiffany's discussion Popularity Contest
"I agree with you on this one. As we get older things change and people change. As we get older we figure out who we are as people and we get categorized into different groups based on our hobbies and the way we act and dress. We all just need to be…"
Apr 16
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"Yes! I didn't know much about the cold war before I did this Forum post, it's interesting and scary. "
Apr 16
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"You do make a good point, but this just seems like a one-man job, I doubt it goes into that much depth. Lee Harvey Oswald just didn't like JFK and wanted to eliminate him from the presidency. Thats all there is to it, or so I think that. "
Apr 16
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"I see what you would do, great way to explain it all in steps. I would also go get help and or call the police. "
Apr 16
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"Yes! I 100% agree with you on this one. Oswald worked alone to kill JFK. I'd honestly faint if someone got shot next to me. "
Apr 16
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"Alright, great answers!!! They're super in-depth and looks like you've put in a ton of effort. "
Apr 16
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"I would be so scared if someone I knew and loved was shot right next to me, it would be devastating. "
Apr 16
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"Good point, but I still think Lee Harvey Oswald did this himself. Yes, I've heard that same conspiracy theory and I honestly believed it for some time. "
Apr 16
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"I completely agree with you, one person carrying out an assassination isn't crazy to do. "
Apr 16
5Clara replied to 4Tiffany's discussion Popularity Contest
"I think that we do that because as everyone grows up and people live and learn, people are separated into different clicks or groups. People find out who they really are and that determines the type of friends they make and what they do with the…"
Apr 16
5Clara replied to 4westin's discussion history of the united states military
"I know the history of our army, yes. But I'm not sure I know it very well. I think yes, most of the information given is useful, it's providing facts and evidence about our Unisted States army. I don't think I would join the army, but if it was…"
Apr 16
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"I'm not sure about him working with a lot of people, he most likely set this all up himself, we still don't know his motive to this day. Good point though, that's a good conspiracy theory. "
Apr 15
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"Good point, I personally still think he worked alone. I feel like if someone got shot next to me I wouldn't know what to do, it would leave me scarred and probably with PTSD. "
Apr 15
5Clara replied to 5Clara's discussion     JFK Assassination  
"I agree, there are many different conspiracy theories! I think it would be more interesting if someone else worked with Oswald. "
Apr 15
5Clara replied to 6Anastacia's discussion A Historical Lobotomy, Gone Wrong
"I don't think she should have gotten the surgery, solely because there are other ways to get better and feel healthier. A lobotomy procedure has many negative impacts on a person, infact there's more harm done than good. Most lobotomies have left a…"
Apr 15
5Clara replied to 8Lincoln's discussion O.J Simpson
" I 100% think that O.J. committed the murders, I feel like it was very obviously him who killed his ex-girlfriend and her friend. I've heard of O.J. Simpson and Iv'e seen a couple of clips from his trial. He seemed guilty, there was a lot of…"
Apr 15
5Clara posted a discussion
It’s been 60 years since America's youngest president; John F. Kennedy was assassinated. John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917, and raised in Brooklyn Massachusetts. He was the 35th president of the United States and ran for the Democratic party,…
Apr 15
5Clara replied to 6catherine's discussion How Insane Asylums have changed over the years
"I don't think sending a person against their will is okay, unless it's actually medically proven they need to go. I feel bad for anyone struggling with their mental health and hope they never get sent to a mental hospital by their families. I think…"
Apr 8
5Clara replied to 8Kamdyn's discussion Should TikTok be banned?
"I honestly don't know, I like tiktok and I scroll on it endlessly, but it can be super weird and negative. I think the world would be overall better without social media, but i know its not going anywhere, if anythign it's becoming more and more…"
Apr 8
5Clara replied to 5Annabelle's discussion The History of Disney World
"I have never been to Disney World, or Disneyland but I wouldn't mind going to either of these places, it sounds fun, but more like it's childish, like it's just for kids. I think it woul dbe fun, yes, but at the same time it seems childish. For kids…"
Apr 8
5Clara replied to 6Elizabeth's discussion Death penalty
"I agree with the death penalty, it seems harsh and inhuman, but the person who would be getting the death penatly would be one that deserves it. This person would have to had killed people or someone, it really just dependdon the crime that was…"
Apr 8
5Clara replied to 4Rebekah's discussion AMBER Alerts
"I do read the amber alerts I get, they inform me of missing people and keep me aware of what is happening around me. Amber alerts are very necessary and I think they're helpful, they let people in surrounding areas know that there is a missing…"
Apr 8
5Clara replied to 6Emeri's discussion Tootsie Rolls, A Saving Grace
"I would honestly be frustrated and angry that I didn't recieve the amunition I needeed, but at the same time I would probaly laugh, this is something so small but so funny. A nice laugh would be good after surviving something so horrific. I think…"
Apr 2
5Clara replied to 6MaryRuth W's discussion George Stinney and the Electric Chair
"I think its abosolutely hoffific what happened to this young boy. He did not deserve this fate and I don't know how any human could convict a kid of something he did not do. If I was him, I'd question everything. I'd think humans were monsters, and…"
Apr 2
5Clara replied to 8Jeffrey's discussion Do aliens really exist?
"Honestly I'm not sure if aliens are real, I don't think that they are. If they were friendly aliens then its fine if they exist and I would want to know if they were real. But if the aliens were bad and destroyed things or tried to take over Earth I…"
Apr 2
5Clara replied to 8Enrique's discussion History of Fast Foods
"I have never been to White Castle, though it seems great. I would like to visit White Castle for the experience and good fast food. My favorite fast food resteraunts are Panda Express, Panara, and Toco Bell. I think fast food has come a long way…"
Apr 2
5Clara replied to 5Lydia's discussion History of April Fools Day
"I think April Fools day is funny, and especially seeing pranks being done to people. I feel like the pranks have become more scares and scares over the years, like it's not a widely celebrated day anymore, it's forgotten about. I used to prank my…"
Apr 2
5Clara replied to 4Vylet's discussion The history of makeup
"I thinl that makeup has come a long long way since it was first made, it has evolved with all the new eras the world has been through. Women have changed their style and made differnet types of makeup looks and makeup brands. I think over the years…"
Mar 26
5Clara replied to 6Carly's discussion Volleyball: An American Classic
"I have not been to a college or professional volleyball game, though I would love to go to one. I did volleyball in middle school and my freshman year, I liked it but not a lot. I think watching volleyball is more fun than playing it. I think over…"
Mar 26
5Clara replied to 4 Joel's discussion US History of Trapshooting
"I have never been in trap shooting, but my dad was a trap coach for a couple years when my brother did it, I've tried trap shooting but it wasnt really high on my list of intrests. I liked to watch trap when my brother did it, its fun to watch. I…"
Mar 26
5Clara replied to 6 hugo dominguez's discussion History Of Soccer
"I think that the boys and girls on the Harlan soccer team will do good this year. I am in soccer right now, and I will say its tough but im learning a lot and having a good time with it. Im not sure what soccer team I would play for, I don't really…"
Mar 25
5Clara replied to 5Sienna's discussion history of Florida
"I have not been to Florida, I don't think I ever really want to go there. The place has never interested me or seemed cool to go to. All I know about Florida is that there is beaches, alligators, crazy people (crack heads), and it seem like a…"
Mar 25
5Clara replied to 8 Ainsley's discussion Should Minimum Wage Be Changed?
"I think that the minimum wage has come a long way, but I mean I think it could be raised a little bit. If it wasnt raised it's not that big of a deal though. I would honestly just keep the minimum wadge the same. If that went up then so would prices…"
Mar 20
5Clara replied to 4Jaden's discussion History of Mcdonald's
"My favorite thing ive ever gotten from Mcdonalds is definetly the chicken nuggets, I get it every time im there jsut becasue I love chicken nuggets. I like their sprite too, I like how good and crsipy it is. I think Ronald Mcdonald is creepy and I…"
Mar 20
5Clara replied to 5Arianna's discussion History of The Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
"I love Reese's peanut butter cups, they are the best treat for any occasion. I never have and never will pass up a reese's peanut butter cup. My favorite kind is the original, because nothing else can beat it, I love the chocalate and peanut butter…"
Mar 20
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