7Jeb updated their profile
Jan 3
7Jeb replied to 2Aidan's discussion Should students have open campus during semester test?
"I think we should, especially for things like study hall and lunches when you aren't doing anything. It wouldn't matter to me if freshman had open campus either, it wouldn't affect me. It would be nice for our grade to have open campus so we could…"
May 9, 2023
7Jeb replied to 5/8Logan's discussion Are Semester Tests Necessary?
"Honestly I would rather just take unit tests at the end of the year instead of taking semester tests for almost 2 hour class periods. Projects would be nice in certain classes. They also account for too much of your grade I think, so if you fail the…"
May 9, 2023
7Jeb replied to 6Annelyse's discussion Are 14 years of school rational?
"I do think students are in school for too long. Why must we go to school for 14+ years? It seems like too long of time to be forced into doing something that you don't want to do. Not to mention the whole 9 months, 5 days a week, 7 hours a day…"
May 9, 2023
7Jeb replied to 3Mylee's discussion Should the Paparazzi be banned?
"It seems like they have no respect for private decesnsey. I have heard of paparazzi renting hang gliders and flying over celebrities houses on beach sides, and then taking pictures of them and posting them online. To me, that's just horrible, and I…"
May 9, 2023
7Jeb replied to 5Lindsey's discussion Should Photoshop be banned?
"I don't think it should be banned but I think people who use it a lot probably shouldn't. All it does is make you look better so people online can see a "fake" version of yourself. But the mental health issues are more problematic than what most…"
May 9, 2023
7Jeb replied to 7Jeb's discussion How much daylight do you prefer?
"Yeah, driving could get weird/annoying. "
May 5, 2023
7Jeb replied to 7Jeb's discussion How much daylight do you prefer?
"Yeah, setting the clocks back or forward can get annoying. "
May 4, 2023
7Jeb replied to 7Jeb's discussion How much daylight do you prefer?
"Yeah, the vitamin D would be beneficial for a lot more people. "
May 2, 2023
7Jeb replied to 3Brock's discussion Are Movies more Informative than Books?
"I would say personally that movies are more entertaining and I would rather watch them. But if you are really looking for information about the subject of what the movie is about, I would tell you to read the book. Reading is better for you than…"
May 2, 2023
7Jeb replied to 6Mallory's discussion Should students have assigned seats in school?
"I think we should be allowed to sit where we want. But at the same time most people will sit in the same spot either way. It really isn't a problem if you get assigned a seat like most of the classes have. I honestly don't mind having to be assigned…"
May 2, 2023
7Jeb replied to 2Hannah's discussion Should schools require certain classes?
"I think we should be able to choose whatever classes we want to take without including core classes. Because most kids will not choose to take math or science if they know what they want to do in life. And if what that is, is fixing cars or…"
May 2, 2023
7Jeb replied to 3Sabre's discussion Should we keep Unmarked Police Cars?
"I think they should be banned because it gives a disadvantage to citizens when driving because naturally if you are going a little over the speed limit and see a cop, you will slow down. But if the cars are unmarked most people are more likely to…"
May 2, 2023
7Jeb replied to 7Jeb's discussion How much daylight do you prefer?
"Yeah, I'm guessing people in activities like jazz that get out late, would like it to be bright out more. "
May 2, 2023
7Jeb replied to 7Jeb's discussion How much daylight do you prefer?
"Yeah, it helps our sleep schedule more. "
May 2, 2023
7Jeb replied to 7Jeb's discussion How much daylight do you prefer?
"Yeah, I also like when it gets darker in the winter. "
May 2, 2023
7Jeb replied to 2 Manlluli Noriega's discussion Should high school graduates take a gap year before beginning their careers or going to college?
"I've heard that it's a bad Idea to do that if you want to set up your carrer. Because 9 times out of 10, people will realize after that year of working and not going to school, that they like it and it is way better than paying for an expensive…"
May 1, 2023
7Jeb posted a discussion
In places like Alaska it is bright out usually all day during the summer. And in the Winter it is dark most of the time. A lot of people who live there say they don’t mind it in the summer because the days are so long. But in the winter it can get…
Apr 28, 2023
7Jeb replied to 5Anthony's discussion Is AI Getting to Realistic?
"I don't think it's getting too realistic. I don't see any robots that you can talk to with very distinct human-like features in my everyday life. I don't think it will advance to the point where it will get out of hand like terminator or something.…"
Apr 25, 2023
7Jeb replied to 7Chloe R's discussion Should Schools Teach Mindfulness?
"It wouldn't be a bad thing to teach it to students. Especially at a time where a lot of teenagers go through a lot of anxiety and depression. Teaching students to calm down can help a lot of teenagers with their mental health. It is an issue in our…"
Apr 25, 2023
7Jeb replied to 3 Avery's discussion Is Snapchat My AI useful?
"I have never really used it. I honestly wonder why snapchat came out with it, considering it doesn't really do anything for you except talk to you. But I know some people like to talk to it and ask it questions. To me it's useless but if other…"
Apr 25, 2023
7Jeb replied to 3Tyler's discussion Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Society?
"I think it is good becasue it can help us more than hurt us. There really is nothing wrong with AI and how they can help us everyday. Introducing AI into the workforce can be good even though most people would disagree with it. But what most people…"
Apr 25, 2023
7Jeb replied to 2Jacob's discussion should trans people able to compete in powerlifting competitions?
"I personally don't think they should be allowed to compete in a sport where they would have a huge advantage in. Whether it's male or female switching, either way it would be unfair. There really is no way to make a man not be able to lift as much…"
Apr 20, 2023
7Jeb replied to 5Maria's discussion Iowa banning social media
"I don't see how affective it would be because most parents would just let their kids use social media either way. I don't think their needs to be a law on it, and if parents don't want their kids using social media, just don't let them use it. I…"
Apr 20, 2023
7Jeb replied to 6Hope's discussion Are AirPods Bad for Your Ears?
"As long as you don't listen to music too loudly it shouldn't be an issue. I wear earbuds a lot when I'm at the gym and I've never found that it affects my hearing in any way. There are some people who listen to music loudly with only one airpod in,…"
Apr 20, 2023
7Jeb replied to 5Aubrey's discussion Is Living in the City More Beneficial than Living in the Country?
"I have lived both the city and on a farm and I can say they are both very different. I don't like one more that the other to be honest. In the city there is so many places you can go to get things and everything is more accesable. While in the…"
Apr 19, 2023
7Jeb replied to 7Thomas's discussion What motivates you to pay attention in school?
"Probably if the class is interesting and isn't boring. I have a hard time paying attention in class if the teachers would make the class more fun I guarantee a lot more students would get a better grade in the class. So only if the class is…"
Apr 18, 2023
7Jeb replied to 8Kyrsten's discussion Should teens have to wear seatbelts?
"I personally don't have a problem with wearing a seatbelt while being a passenger or driving. It really isn't a bother and doesn't disrupt my driving or comfort in any way. Besides the biggest factor is that they have been proven to save lives if…"
Apr 13, 2023
7Jeb replied to 8Lexy's discussion Is Being An Only Child Better Than Having Siblings?
"I personally would not like being an only child. I feel that I wouldn't like it and probably get really bored with nobody to talk to. Especially cause that one child (in most cases) is usually spoiled by their parents because they don't have any…"
Apr 13, 2023
7Jeb replied to 5alex's discussion What Should The Legal Drinking Age Be?
"I feel like the drinking age should be lowered to 18. Because if you can vote, and die for your country in the military, I feel like you should be able to have a drink once in awhile. And you can see that in some other countries people are allowed…"
Apr 13, 2023
7Jeb replied to 7Grace's discussion Should students be required to take 2 years of foreign language classes?
"No, because it's really not for everyone. I took spanish 1 and didn't do too well with it. So I figured why would I take it again if i'm just going to fail it. I'm glad i'm not currently in any foreign language because I can take a lot more classes…"
Apr 13, 2023
7Jeb replied to 5Addison's discussion Is Netflix becoming less popular?
"I feel like over the past couple of years it has gotten less and less popular with time. I think it is because of the movies they release that aren't as good as they use to be. I have netflix but barely use it anymore, even though I will say that…"
Apr 13, 2023
7Jeb replied to 3Kai's discussion Will Donald Trump be The First President Indicted?
"Knowing him and seeing what he has done in the past, I would not be surprised if we found out he was guilty. I know he stated that he will get arrested, which never happened. I think that he knows if he gets arrested it will only help him in the…"
Mar 28, 2023
7Jeb replied to 8Andy's discussion Harlan Police Department "unification"
"I personally don't see a problem with it. I don't see how it would effect anybody who lives in town. It's basically the same thing, and I don't see how they aren't already unified. I think it would help a lot more than hurt anything. But I think…"
Mar 28, 2023
7Jeb replied to 3Emma's discussion Fast Fashion. It Needs to Stop.
"After hearing all about shein and how young people buy so much of it, I think it should stop or atleast be solved. All of the brands of clothing that you wear everyday, have sweat shops over in other countries where little kids are working for…"
Mar 28, 2023
7Jeb replied to 7Molly's discussion Banning transgenders in sports
"I don't think transgender people should be able to compete in the sport as the gender they identify with. Especially in the past if they have won every single game against other people because they are a man. I don't have a problem with transgender…"
Mar 28, 2023
7Jeb replied to 5Lauren's discussion Should There be an Age Limit on Energy Drinks?
"I personally don't think so, but I do think that younger kids like middle school age shouldn't be drinking them on a regular. I think once you get to around our age you can drink them. But either way they aren't too healthy for you. Which is why I…"
Mar 28, 2023
7Jeb replied to 5John's discussion Is Becoming Vegan Pointless?
"I remember hearing somewhere that being vegan can actually hurt more animals than saving them. Cause there was this type of vegan food to buy that they would grow in the mountains or something. And to grow it all of these birds and animals would try…"
Mar 15, 2023
7Jeb replied to 7Bryce's discussion Day Light savings all year around??
"I understand why they wouldn't need to change it or want to change it. But I don't see why it is an issue to change it back and forth. It would be nice to leave a practice late at night and have the sun still be out instead of making it feel like…"
Mar 15, 2023
7Jeb replied to 5 Paige's discussion Public School Lunch Costs.
"Of course, this comes back to the problem of the schools needing to make money off of lunches. It would benefit a lot of families to lower the price or to not have to pay for lunches. I don't think they are going to ever lower the price. When it…"
Mar 15, 2023
7Jeb replied to 5Danny's discussion should transgender care for minors be restricted?
"I think that transgender people should be allowed care for whatever they need. I don't see a problem with them and it is just sad that there are so many mental issues that follow from being part of the LGBTQ community. If it has been proven to be…"
Mar 15, 2023
7Jeb replied to 3Kendall's discussion Should Vaping and E-cigarettes be banned?
"From what I hear, I think vaping can be just as bad as smoking cigarettes. They don't need to be banned for anyone over 21, because they are legal. They definitely target teens because that is what is more popular for them. I don't think there is…"
Mar 15, 2023
7Jeb replied to 3keegan's discussion should underclass men be able to leave for study hall?
"I think if you drive, you should be able to. Especially if you have 8th-period study hall, it's kind of useless to be there unless you have something to work on. It is the student's choice so if they fail a test because of not studying, it's their…"
Mar 8, 2023
7Jeb replied to 7Austin Spray's discussion South Korea plans to heal forces labor feud with japan
"I think that South Korea negotiating and improving its bonds with other countries is a good thing. It will be good for both countries and boost the economy. I personally see more benefits in this situation than not. So I think it's a good thing. "
Mar 6, 2023
7Jeb replied to 6Annelyse's discussion Is there ever a point when stealing is justified?
"I mean, it is in the law that stealing anything owned by someone else is against the law. But let's just say that person doesn't care about that particular item or doesn't know that they took it. I say no harm no foul. And If that person's life was…"
Mar 6, 2023
7Jeb replied to 2Aidan's discussion Should the driving age be lower?
"I personally think so. When I was 14 I was probably more capable of driving a vehicle than most adults. Now I understand they don't trust a lot of young people and there could be more car crashes. But they already trust them with school permits, why…"
Mar 6, 2023
7Jeb replied to 3 Avery's discussion Should School be Year-Round?
"No, absolutely not. I think it is one of the benefits of not only being a student but a teacher as well. They get the summer off from work, and we do from school. We need a while before entering the next grade anyways. I think the summer is also a…"
Mar 6, 2023
7Jeb replied to 8Josiah's discussion What is currently happening with climate change?
"I think climate change is real but it is not an issue. We aren't seeing problems where we live, and until we do, I think we should just not worry about it. You will often see things like, glaciers melting and the amount of snow gone off mountains.…"
Feb 28, 2023
7Jeb replied to 3Tyler's discussion Should Schools Have Charging Stations in the Classroom?
"I know a lot of people have problems charging their computers at home and would rather do it in class. I normally remember and when I forget I just bring my charger to school. But having a charging station could eliminate the problem of having…"
Feb 28, 2023
7Jeb replied to 5henry's discussion Is allowing student to play games at school a good idea
"I heard that places like google in bigger cities, will pay their workers to play video games. And they say that it really helps them concentrate and get work done better. Especially as a stress reliever from work. I think it would be beneficial to…"
Feb 28, 2023
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