What is currently happening with climate change?

      High-temperature extremes and heavy precipitation events are increasing, glaciers and snow cover are shrinking, and sea ice is retreating. Many people believe that climate change is entirely the result of human-produced factors. Others believe that our effect is inconsequential and that the earth is simply going through a natural phase. In reality, the problem is ultimately a blend of both.


      How long do we realistically have to affect significant change according to many climate experts? In 2022 these experts reached a consensus that we have until approximately the year 2030 before we begin to reach a point at which there will be no return. In the United States alone record blizzards have occurred in the Northeast, while extended drought conditions persist throughout the Midwest and Southwest. They even had blizzard warnings in Los Angeles, California.


Conversely, Climate change skeptics say that climate change is natural and normal. It has occurred numerous times throughout natural history. Living things have always adapted to the changes. They argue that plants, animals, and humans all survived the last Ice Age. Finally, many skeptics contend that climate change is actually good for us since it has allowed us to evolve into a stronger species.


In conclusion, there is validity to both sides of the equation. What needs to be determined is whether we need to act immediately to avoid immenent disaster or simply ride out the storm.







1) What are your opinions of either side of the argument?

2) How would you support your opinion?

3) Do you believe there is an opportunity for compromise?




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  • Good job overall! Be sure to reply more to student comments. Posted late.

  • I think climate change is being made a bigger deal than it is because even if it is happening then no one in our generation or the next will even see the effects. Although I do think there could be some changes mad to help preserve the current environment.

  • Climate change is made into this huge deal, but it's not that big of a deal. The earth was not made to stay forever, and it's not our job to try to preserve it. When the earth "dies" then it dies. There is nothing we can do to stop it from happening.

  • I think climate change is a huge problem. I also think that it isn't talked about enough. Even when people do talk about climate change people dont do anything to help it. I think the us needs to really stop polluting the earth. We all need to take care of our planet. Good topic!

  • I personally think that climate change has become a problem drastically, and we as humans are part of the problem. There is so much trash and chemicals on our Earth that is just making things worse. And things are only going to get more worse because people aren't trying to stop it.

  • I do not think that climate change is a problem and if the whole world melts that means it is our time to go I just do not think that climate change is a big deal and it will be fine.

  • I think that climate change is a really big issue, and it progressively gets worse every year, actually every second. Many people don't take it seriously and that's the issue. People don't care enough to change their ways, and it isn't going to get better.

  • I personally think that climate change is a very big problem and it needs to be fixed before it gets very dangerous. How I support this opinion is pollution, pollution has gotten worse and worse as time goes on. More and more factories that produce toxic chemicals in the air are being built and are endangering the air.  I don't know about you, but I'm going to believe the scientists. If scientists can find a cost-effective solution to climate change, I would like to think politicians will use it.

  • I am not sure what I think but I have been told by my father that when he was young he was told that the world is going to freeze and not it is the opposite so I think that we shouldn't really do much if anything for it. I understand that it can be scary but there will always be something scary happening in the world.

  • I personally think that climate change is a very big problem and it needs to be fixed before it gets very dangerous. How I support this opinion is pollution, pollution has gotten worse and worse as time goes on. More and more factories that produce toxic chemicals in the air are being built and dangering the air. Gas vehicles are also polluting the air. I’m not saying that we are the problem with the world but we most definitely are in some ways. A way that we could fix this is to find better ways to decrease air pollution. For example, using electric vehicles and/or hybrid vehicles. We could also find ways to recycle so the trash is not on the streets decomposing.

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