"What do you think about self driving vehicles? I think they can be helpful bet very dangourus. Many car crashes have been caused by self driving vehicles which leads me to think that the techknoledgy should be fully tested and safe before being put…"
"Do you think zoo's hurt their animals rather than help them? No, usally zoo animals are resucued because their homes got destroyed or they arent doing well. Zoo's give their animals a safe and healthy habitat to thrive in."
"Could this civil war lead to bigger wars/problems? Though it is hard to say, there could be many possibilities of this war breaking out into bigger wars. It depends if the opposing sides annoy other civilizations."
"I think that people who do drugs should recive treatment before being held on trial. I think this because when and if they get out of prison without treatment, they are just going to keep doing drugs because of their addiction. But with treatment,…"
"I think that this could prove to be very dangerus, It varies between contaminating the water supply and not having water at all. I think we should proitize getting clean water and maintaining it."
"Do you think firing Mike Mcarthy would help the Cowboys? I think it could help them and hurt them. The Cowboys have high chances of getting someone better the Mike Mcarthy and also someone worse than him. "
"I do think that small farmers are dying, other big farmers are over takeing them and bisinesses favor them because they moake more money wich means higher quality crops. This results in markets not wanting to buy from the smaller farms resulting in…"
"I think that genetic engineering could help humanity alot. Say someone has cancer, we could possibly take a non- harmful gene from a different organizim to help battle the disease."
"What are some of the good and band things that you think can come from religion? Overall I dont think there are many bad things that come from religion, everyone has their own belives and they follow their religion. "
"I think that cellphones shouldnt be banned in school, if an emergency happens how are we gonna call for help? Though it does distract students from their school work there are better solutions then just banning cellphones in school. Some teachers…"
"I belive that the Amish's style of life could prove to be very difficult, everyday things we use like cars and own tellivision the Amish dont have. We are very used to our electronics and luxery of having cars so it would be very hard to understand…"
Many people say that video games promote violence, especially parents. Parents have stated that violent video games affect their children, making them bully others at school, act out at home, and increase stress. Scientists have recognized this…
"I think that collge education being worth the money can depend on what you want to do in life. For example, If you want to be a doctor or a psyciotrist then you might want to enroll in your local collge as that would help you get that job. On the…"
"I agree that the tank man was probably arrested and then killed and covered up by the government. I also think that tank man was protesting something that the government didnt like for him to go missing."
"I dont think cursive should be tought in school. I think this way because there could be so many other classes that could teach students more engaging things that will help them in the future opposed to learning about cursive. Sure it would be a…"
"2. what things do you think affect a teen parent? I think teen parents are affected by school work in classes, their jobs, and financial troubles. All of these problems could most lkely affect teenage parents."
"I think this huricane caused a calamity, destroying buildings, houses, supermarkets ext. many familys have been impacted by this hurricane because of their houses being destroyed and food supply lost. "
"I would definetly vote for Donald trump, I would do this because trup belives in cutting inflation down and closing our borders. Me along with many other americans think trump did a good job in office. But many people dont vote for trump because of…"
"I dont belove that DeeDee should have died, even if what they did to gypsy was wrong murder is never a solution, I think jail time would have served them better then murderer because no human has the right to decide another humans fate."
"I dont think there should be school year round, I think this because students need time away from school to come back ready to learn with a fresh mindsent. I think it would also be misserable for teachers because they get less time with their…"
"I think the prisoners are being punished unfairly, no body should get away with what they did but they are humans, not savage animals, they were just fighting for what they belived in."
"I think ammonium nitrate fills its purpose to being extreamly dangourus, but it also makes farmers lives eaiser as it is sometimes used to fertalize feilds."
"people wore masks to keep the deisease from spreading. I dont think that the masks helped stop covid because the flow of the disease didnt stop even when people wore masks."
"I dont think it would be a good idea to give teachers guns during school hours, I think this because teachers would have to go through extensive backround check and training to handle the firearm. If they do get passed that teachers could get out of…"
"Do you think that trups assination atemt was planned by the democrats? all though it could be very likely I dont think the democrats would have done such a thing, if they did plan the assination on trump there would be multiple traces left behind…"
"I dont think the moon landing is fake because there where many people at mission control and citizens at there homes that physically watched the astronaughts get inside the spacecraft and watch the rocket fly into space."
"I do belive that climate change is extreamly important to deal with. It is depopulating exotic species such as polar bears and penguins down in the artic, but thats not all, it is forcing animals outside of antartica to move into knew habitats which…"
"I think JD Vance won the debate, Vance knows what its like to struggle more than some people. I feel that it would be better for this country if we had a vice president the understands U.S. citizens problems."
"I do think it would be an amazing idea teaching religion in schools because many poeple dont have the time to make it to church. for example wednesday night church services in harlan, not everyone can make it but those people usally go to school…"
"I dont really think there should have an age limit because even if there is one kids will still drink the energy drinks unless the law is actually enforced. I do thing that there should be some sort of label to warn people about the amount of…"
have you ever thought about what happens when you buy a gun? Well first there is usually a background check on the buyer of the weapon then there is a waiting period before you can actually buy the gun. In some places this rule is taken to extreme…
"I think crows only have a bad rep because of movies and how they survive, others might also think that they are very noisy, other birds are regarded as better looking then these crows"
"I think the accident was likely caused by drunk driving, it makes more sense but in reality it could be any of these theiries, it could also be a complete accident but i agree more with the royal family planning it."
"I feel that it is very important to note that animals like dogs, cats, rabbits etc. Are just like us humans but just a little underdeveloped compared to us, other animals have feelings just like us. I think it is extremely wrong that scientists even…"
"I do believe that we should have border security because of the many cases of people coming into the U.S. illegally. It would help the cost of health care if this wasn't the case."
"I don't really think that schools should have uniforms due to the fact that some uniforms can be more uncomfortable than your everyday school outfits from home. There are also no benefits to students with school uniforms. Besides, it would save the…"
"I belive that Amelia Earheart's plane ran out of fuel and plumeteed into the ocean, due to her tracking being off they still have no idea to this day where she is."
"i belive that vaccienes should be mandatory due to the fact that covid cases are arousing and many people are getting sick, without the vacciences the disease may be deemed uncurable and can also sometimes lead to death"
"I do think that russia and ukriane should sign peace treaty because many inoccent people are dying in ukraine for no reason, it will also save ths US money due to the fact that we send money to ukraine to aid them in the war. the damages will cost…"
"I agree that gas pricezs are at an alltime hight rightnow because the demand is extreamly high, we use these fossil fuels for our vehicles. I also agree that the war is causing prices of different items and commottites to go up"
"i think that minnum wage was a good thing until now, some teenagers have a car and need money to pay for gas and in some cases provide for their family, and the minimum wage rule makes it hard for people to complete those tasks."
"i agree that you think the conspiracys are correct, it does all add up and kenidys assasination would be an opourtunity for someone that supports the cubans to lead the country."
"i dont think cellphones should be banned, but the rule "no cell phones in class" should be enforced way more if schools want to get rid of it this badly , i do agree that students should not be on there cellphones during class."