The year is 2024, the global population is rising and so is the demand for water, however we continue to destroy our supply. Some scientists believe that by 2025, loads more areas will be in extreme water crises. We already have numerous areas that are scarce for water, including Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, ect. This list is expected to massively increase by just next year. So, let's look at some of the leading contributors to our current water crisis.
- Population Growth - by 2050 we are expected to surpass 9-10 billion people globally. Obviously with more people, means more need for freshwater. Therefore with the population rapidly increasing, so is the demand for water.
- Climate Change - Some studies and scientists believe that climate change is causing more droughts and making them longer. The IPCC says that “without significant climate action, water scarcity will worsen globally by the mid 21st century.
- Pollution - This one is pretty obvious, the earth is being polluted 24/7 by numerous factors including motor vehicles, factories, people breathing and existing, ect. Pollution is contaminating our water supplies which makes it unsafe to consume and use. The World Health Organization, states that “around 2 billion people are consuming contaminated water, and this is expected to rise if pollution continues at its current rate.”
With that being said, we continue everyday to contaminate and destroy our most valuable resource. The thing that keeps everyone and everything alive. Our water supply. I hope that as a generation we can fight to clean our contaminated water, and work toward keeping our clean water clean.
How can we fight against our water supplies being ruined and contaminated?
What do you think will happen when we run out of fresh water?
What factor do you think contributes the most towards water pollution and the destruction of our water supply?
Great topic choice and well done overall Matthew! I do think your summary could have been a tad longer.
2.) Many things will happen. Plants, at least most plants, and animals will die due to a lack of water. Many storms, dust storms, tornadoes, etc, will occur due to the dryness of the climate, and land.
I agree that plants and animals will die from not having water. When this happens we will eventually die aswell.
I think that this could prove to be very dangerus, It varies between contaminating the water supply and not having water at all. I think we should proitize getting clean water and maintaining it.
I think that climate change plays a humongous part in this issue, and while the damage done only seems moderate right now, it will only get worse in the future. We need to direct funds to research affordable ways to combat the tainting and depletion of a water supply is we want future generations to survive.
I agree that it will only get worse over time and that we should start putting more money into finding ways to solve this problem.
We can have people stop polluting our clean waters, drinking this contaminated water could kill many civilians from diseases and lack of clean water. If we run out of fresh water, then most of the world's population would end up dying. Some water would still come from rain though. Water grows our plants, and lets us humans and animals drink, we need this to survive so without water we are dead.
I think that climate change and pollution are really contributing to this problem. The droughts weren't as long and intense before as they are now which is very problematic and the pollution is contaminating the water making it undrinkable.
We can fight against water supplies being ruined and contaminated by placing laws and restrictions on the companies in control of the water. If we ran out of fresh water we would see a resource war the likes we've never seen, when people get thirsty they resort to desperate measures. The factor that most contributes towards water pollution is big companies over-using their supplies and mixing it with harmful chemicals.
Yes, we can do these and I believe that they will work in solving our water crisis issue.