1Frannie replied to 1Anna's discussion Climate Change and Its Effects on Severe Weather Patterns.
"I agree with you. We have started to see the horrible affects of climate change, a big recent event being Hurricane Helene. Do you have any ideas of what we could do as a society to help prevent this problem from spreading or increasing. "
1Frannie replied to 1Anna's discussion Climate Change and Its Effects on Severe Weather Patterns.
"I think climate change is a very important topic aqs it can and will affect the future of the world. If the tempatures keep rising at this rate, maybe even increase it could cause many more natural disasters, and irreversible damage. I do think it…"
1Frannie replied to 6Bella's discussion Are Energy Drinks Good or Bad for Your Health?
"I do not know if I would put an age restriction on energy drinks, but maybe a limit, as if you consume to much they can cause damage to your body. In some brands I do see little details that push their marketing audience toward teens. I think these…"
1Frannie replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"I believe that religion should be taught at home, and offered at school. Maybe as a course or class, but I do not think everyone should be required to take or enroll in these classes. I believe that just as other optional classes, such as Ag, Foods,…"
1Frannie replied to 1Grant's discussion Vice Presidents
"I personally think that JD Vance is the better choice, although he is much younger, he is very well spoken. For the little experiance he has, he seems to already be ahead of his opponent, Tim Walz. Overall, I think that JD Vance won the debate. "
1Frannie replied to 1Mason's discussion What really happened to Jeffery Epstein?
"No one will ever really know what would have happened if Jeffery Epstein didn't "kill himself", but personally I think he would have ratted many known people who were involved in the same things as he was, which would have led a many more people…"
Oct 2
1Frannie replied to 1Mason's discussion What really happened to Jeffery Epstein?
"No, I do not think Jeffert Epstein killed himself, I think he was killed by people who didn't want him to reveal the dirt he had on them. Especially considering he was on suicide watch, which would make it almost impossible for him to really kill…"
Oct 1
1Frannie replied to 6Vailen's discussion Was Helen Keller Real?
"I do think Helen Keller was real, but I have questions and am sceptic of all the things people believe she did are really true. I just can't imagine how someone who has to communicate through someone touching her palms could be able to control and…"
Oct 1
1Frannie replied to 6jacob's discussion Should Baseball Players be Steroid Tested?
"Yes, I think baseball players should be tested for steroids. I think this because most of all the other sports are required too, steroids maybe seem to benefit your body but in reality are bad for you, and they make the game unfair. I think most…"
Oct 1
1Frannie replied to 1-2Charlotte's discussion Is Homework Beneficial?
"In most cases I believe homework is benefical. I believe this as it gives students a chance to put what they learned in class to real situations and problems. Although, sometimes I do think teachers make homework nonbenefical by assigning too much,…"
Oct 1
1Frannie replied to 6th Abram's discussion How corvids took the world by storm
"I think these birds have a bad reputation because they have always been used in movies or shows in a negative way. I believe they have smart skills as they have had to adapt and survive over the years. "
Sep 25
1Frannie replied to 1Ashlyn's discussion Do we need Border Security in the US?
"Yes, I think the United States should continue to have a border. I also think the border is beneficial because it protects us from people who have wrong intentions, and if they had right intentions they would come into the country legally. I think…"
Sep 25
1Frannie replied to 6Dalton's discussion Should all schools have uniforms?
"No, I would not want to wear a school uniform. I do not think uniforms would improve attentiveness nor test scores, as I think what people wear has nothing to do with either of those subjects. If anything, I think having to wear uniforms would…"
Sep 25
1Frannie replied to 6Charlie's discussion Should Animal Testing be Banned.
"I see the benefits of animal testing, like making sure the dosage is correct or if the drug is safe at all for humans to take. I can also see the side of being against animal testing, as they don't have a voice to speak and protect themselves. "
Sep 25
1Frannie replied to 1Kenli's discussion Diana - Princess of Wales Conspiracy Theory
"I could see why Charles would want her dead, as they had just gotten a divorce and she had already moved on to have a new boyfriend. I would also see him being mad over all the little things she had done while they were married, because all of the…"
Sep 25
1Frannie replied to 1 Abbie's discussion What Really Happened to Amelia Earhart?
"Going with the first theory, her plane running out of fuel and crashing to the Pacific Ocean, I can imagine it took them some time to find her and declare her dead. I would think without the resources we have today, it would take a while to find…"
Sep 17
1Frannie replied to 1 Abbie's discussion What Really Happened to Amelia Earhart?
"The theory I believe most is the theory of her plane running out of fuel. I believe this theory the most as it is the most logical, knowing that is wasn't uncommon for pilots to disappear this way. This makes sense as they did not have the technolgy…"
Sep 17
1Frannie replied to 6Zane Cox's discussion Should Russia and Ukraine sign a treaty?
"Yes, I agree with you, Russia and Ukraine need to come up with a treaty to end the war. I do not think attacks on residential areas is okay, even during war. I believe this because they are harming, even killing some citizens who have done nothing…"
Sep 17
1Frannie replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"No, I do not think that vaccines should be mandatory, because we shouldn't be forced to put chemical into our bodies. Looking at the big picture, I do think some vaccines are important as they have prevented a lot of nation wide sickness. "
Sep 17
1Frannie replied to 4Wyatt's discussion Do Teachers and Firearms Mix?
"I am for armed teachers. I view it as extra protection and security for the students and staff, especially considering the raising number of school shootings. I understand your thought of how it could put the students at risk as they would have…"
Sep 17
1Frannie replied to 1Frannie's discussion What really happened to JFK?
"I agree with you, It would be very hard for someone to pull this off by themselves. When you say government do you mean the US Government or the Cuban Government? I would also agree who ever was behind this assassination went to far.  "
Sep 13
1Frannie replied to 1Frannie's discussion What really happened to JFK?
"I agree with your statement aboout communistoverthorwing the country. I had never thought of what JFK was still planning on doing for our country before his death. What else do you think he could have never had the time to do for our country that he…"
Sep 13
1Frannie replied to 6nicolae's discussion income inequality
"I agree that there is job loss, lack of education, and limited resources, but I am unsure of income equality. I think this because some people do jobs that put their lives at risk, work much longer hours then others, and spent lots of time working…"
Sep 12
1Frannie replied to 1Frannie's discussion What really happened to JFK?
"I agree with your statement and opinon. Do you think there could be more behind the Cuban Governments reasoning? If you do think so, what do you think that reasoning could be? "
Sep 12
1Frannie replied to 1Frannie's discussion What really happened to JFK?
"Yes, I wonder if they considered any other options and resulted to shooting him, or if that was always the Cuban Governments plan. There are more theories that Oswald did it purely out of hate, so I also wonder what he's main intensions were aswell. "
Sep 12
1Frannie replied to 1Frannie's discussion What really happened to JFK?
"Yes, I can see how you would need more evidence to believe this theory. I agree that there are many possiblies to what actually happened that day, and we might never figure out what really happened. What theory did you agree with the most?"
Sep 12
1Frannie replied to 1Frannie's discussion What really happened to JFK?
"I am open to hearing other theories, and I like this one. It is good to see many different possiblies, and this one would make sense. We know that people in the past of done crazy attempts to get rid of people that had tried or done things in…"
Sep 12
1Frannie replied to 1Frannie's discussion What really happened to JFK?
"That is a very good point that I had not thought about. I did some more research and found out that the secret service had a follow up car, as they were riding in a motorcade. Clint Hill, a secret service agent, jumped onto the back of the…"
Sep 12
1Frannie replied to 1Frannie's discussion What really happened to JFK?
"I like your thinking of the fact we will never truly know what his motive was, do you think they will ever find out? Also, how do you think they would be able to find out, what would they use, and how would they do it?"
Sep 12
1Frannie replied to 1Jacob's discussion Minimum Wage
"I agree with you that the current minimum wage should be raised, because prices having been increasing and I feel that $7.25 can't cover necessities. I think that the current minimum wage shoulde be raised to at least $12 an hour. I think $12…"
Sep 12
1Frannie replied to 6Sergio's discussion Should Cell Phones Be Banned?
"I do not think schools should ban cell phones, because school shooting numbers are rising and if that were to ever happen I think students should be able to contact their loved ones. I believe if the students fails to listen or respect their…"
Sep 12
1Frannie replied to 6Kirk Hol's discussion Rising Food and Energy Prices
"One question I have is how do you see this continuing in the future, and what do you think will happen to the prices? I think that these prices need to be decreased somehow, as the price for living in America is inclining very fast. I cannot imagine…"
Sep 12
1Frannie replied to 1Chrissy's discussion Artificial Intelligence
"I do not trust AI, this is because it is making many things easier to cheat on, and there has been cases where AI has been negative towards people and their work. I do not think that AI will ever completely take over, but I do think in some ways it…"
Sep 12
1Frannie replied to 1Frannie's discussion What really happened to JFK?
"I could also see the theory of our own Government being behind the assassination of JFK being true aswell. I like your reasoning to the theory of JFK trying to get certain people out of power, it ties the theory together and makes it make sense.  "
Sep 11
1Frannie replied to 1Frannie's discussion What really happened to JFK?
"Yes I agree, there could be many different possibilities on what actually happened to John. F Kennedy. Especially as there is a number of different theories, and many believe different theories are true. "
Sep 11
1Frannie posted a discussion
The death of John F. Kennedy is a known conspiracy theory, some think that the government was behind his assassination. So what really happened? The Kennedy’s and his team were in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963 riding in a motorcade when the…
Sep 8
1Frannie replied to 6Cole's discussion The Death Penalty in America
"I would agree with your thoughts on the death penalty, that is not an easy yes or no answer. I believe some crimes are enough to deserve the death penalty, while I also see what you are agruing about remorse and forgiveness. I think that the death…"
Sep 5
1Frannie replied to 1Eric's discussion The Death Penalty
"I can definitely can see both sides of this agrument, but I believe that the death penalty should be legal in some cases. Again I believe that in some cases not all, the death penalty should be legal in every state. I think people should recieve the…"
Sep 4
1Frannie replied to 6elana's discussion trump VS kamala 2024
"If I were able to vote in the upcoming election, I would vote for Donald Trump. I would vote for him because I agree with his policies more, like the immigration, strengthing the economy, and many more. We have already seen the good that he can do…"
Sep 4
1Frannie replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"You say that you are pro-choice because you believe that everybody should have a right to their own body, but what about the body of the unborn baby? Are they getting the choice as to what happens to their body? No, because they don't have a voice…"
Sep 3
1Frannie replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"Some people with kids might still choose to have an abortion, but most would decide not to. This is because they already have a child, and have experianced the emotional bond of family. People have abortions because they either do not want the…"
Sep 3
1Frannie is now a member of History 360
Aug 29
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