6nicolae replied to 1Anna's discussion Climate Change and Its Effects on Severe Weather Patterns.
"i think climate change can be very manageable, but lets keep everyone up in the economey, and let everyone have control of their own proptery. to cobat it, to stop the production of eletric vhecals."
6nicolae replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"yes i fermly beleve relidgion should be tought at home, never in school or anywhere else. I certainly thin relidgion should never be forced upon anyone. i firmly beleve religion shold be slef tought."
6nicolae replied to 1Grant's discussion Vice Presidents
"to be honest, i never really thought strongly of vice presadents. but i think tim did a pretty good job. vance, it looks like he had a lot to struggle about. to be honest i think tim might win."
6nicolae replied to 6Bella's discussion Are Energy Drinks Good or Bad for Your Health?
"no there shouldnt be an age limit. there is no chemicals that could impact your life. to be honest, I dont see any brands marketed twards adults or teens. yes and no, eneergy drinks do keep you up, but kidney stones."
6nicolae replied to 1Kenli's discussion Diana - Princess of Wales Conspiracy Theory
"i have never even heard of this "princess of the whales" and I dont think that it exist. I know that Princess Diana died in a car accent involveing a bunch of her fans fallowing her."
Sep 24
6nicolae replied to 1Ashlyn's discussion Do we need Border Security in the US?
"yes i think our border should keep meing mantained. people breaking into our contry could reek havoic everywhere. yes, our border defines freedom, and the wasteland. "
Sep 24
6nicolae replied to 6th Abram's discussion How corvids took the world by storm
"some birds are smarter then others. birds can scan their area and find all sorts of things such as food, preadetors, preay, and their chicks. birds are very good multiplyers. they can grow twice their population within half of a year."
Sep 24
6nicolae replied to 6Dalton's discussion Should all schools have uniforms?
"i think some schools, like ones in bad cities and such. having uniforms show good public display for others witch helps boost confadance. it will also prepair them for the real world."
Sep 24
6nicolae replied to 6Charlie's discussion Should Animal Testing be Banned.
"i think so. animal testing is cruel and unusual. not to metion, illeagal in some states. it puts the animal through bad stress and even death. animals have feelings just like us."
Sep 24
6nicolae liked 6nicolae's discussion income inequality
Sep 12
6nicolae replied to 6nicolae's discussion income inequality
"that is a good way to combat the problem, and yes I do agree that anyone can do anything, regardles of gender, race, and ethnicy. I see what you mean by "income equality should be based by the job" but then again, think of people who phycally or…"
Sep 12
6nicolae replied to 6nicolae's discussion income inequality
"well think of the gap as the rich and the poor. there does not exist a middle class anymore. that is half of the reason why slums exist. for the measures, i think some of them could be raising the minamum wadge so people can make a living salary…"
Sep 12
6nicolae posted a discussion
income Equality is a major problem today, with millions of people in poverty and unable to break out of the cycle it is cuased by vcarius factors, such as job loss, lack of education, limited access to markets and reasources, economic…
Sep 11
6nicolae replied to 1Jacob's discussion Minimum Wage
"Me personly i think it should be raised. the only way you could make a living salary is spending 80 percent of your time working. humans as is dont have a lot of time if any at all."
Sep 9
6nicolae replied to 1Eric's discussion The Death Penalty
"Me personly, I think the death penalty was efective back then, but now seince we have new better ways of disicpline, the fear of losing your life just isnt there anymore. The only people who should get the death penalty are people who are crimaly…"
Sep 4
6nicolae is now a member of History 360
Aug 29
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