Do we need Border Security in the US?

Every country around the world has a border. The US decided to get a border so it can help protect us and prevent other people from coming into our country. Our Border Patrol was confirmed on May 28, 1924. Our border is located 6,000 miles from Canada and Mexico and 2,000 miles from coastal water surroundings. This makes it harder for people to get into our country since the border is so long.


There are many people around the border making sure there aren't any intruders coming in. The main introducers we want to keep out are terrorists and other people from other countries. Ever since 1924 our borders have changed so much. One of the times it changed was after 9/11. Now people are very strict and there is a lot of security so they can look for weapons or any gadgets that they might have on them.  


In my opinion I think we should have Border Security because I feel like it will help people in our country to feel safe. We won’t have to worry about as many terrorists or other people from other countries crossing our border. By keeping people out of our country illegally, it will help decrease costs of healthcare and education systems.


Do you think we should keep continuing to have our border?


Do you think the border is beneficial?


Do you think our border is getting stronger or weaker as the years go by? 



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  • Great topic choice and well done overall Ashlyn! I do think your summary could have educated us a bit more about the past with reagrds to border security, specifically how Democrats and Republicans diffe. What is Trump's plan? Harris's plan?  This is a huge topic righ now in our country so I think your summary could have been a bit longer.

    Good job replying but please write more than "I agree with what you said."

  • I think we should have our border just like it is or even better because it is a right to be a US citizen and we don't people just to come in for free. I think the border is beneficial because of how many people who would be coming in if there wasn't one. I think the border is getting weaker because of how many people want to come over to America

  • Having a border is imperative to keeping regulations and limiting misunderstandings. Think of it like having a fued over a tree with your neighbor. You want to cut down a tree near the property line, but on the other hand, your neighbor wants to keep it. By having a border to distinguish who's tree it actually is, it resolves the issue and leads to a satisfying end to the argument. 

  • I think that keeping the border is a much better idea then taken it away for both you and I's saftey. I think for not only for our saftey but for others aswell with the border up if it will lower the population. 

  • I belive that we should get more borared securety because why should all these illeagal imigrans come over with out the proper paper work, because most of them just cause havec and they also bring some deseases that we dont curentaly have 

  • I feel like keeping the border is a better option for our safety. People that cross can be dangerous or a threat to our country, I feel better knowing that there is a border then not having one. Therefore we should keep the border for safety reasons. 

    • I agree with everything you said.


    I believe that we should keep our border for our safety. Also, when our former president Donald trump, he dealt with all of this better than anyone could ever do. Lastly, the border keeps us safe and it helps our security in our country. And this situation is not very undercontrol and when I need to get it in control.

    • I agree with what you said about the border is benifical. I think the border is more stronger now but I can see why you said the border was a lot stronger 4 years ago then now.

  • I think that we should continue having a border. It is good for security and saftey reasons. It also helps with our population in the US. It was way more safe and secure when it was in Trumps hands. I feel that now more people have entered and the border isnt being undercontrol. 

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