6th Abram replied to 1Anna's discussion Climate Change and Its Effects on Severe Weather Patterns.
"i believe climate change is real and happening however we are technically in a ice age and like you said nays sayers would say creatures either adapt or dont and its one of the sad rules of life. 2 / 30  isn the best as  rising issue one fifteenth…"
Oct 6
6th Abram replied to 1-2Charlotte's discussion Is Homework Beneficial?
"i believe it could be used benneficially if students were not completely bombarded with classes and extra curricular activities while maintaining a part time job."
Oct 4
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion How corvids took the world by storm
"a lot of animals are "common" but that dosent make them annoying. stinking squirrels get run over and have corpses lying on the road for  5 ever. not to mention they are stuipid rodents... i got off topic. just because the are common or more present…"
Sep 27
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion How corvids took the world by storm
"pop culture can make or break a species people or even a specidfic way of life, mark twain kind of turned coyotes into annoying pests when again its just an animal. so pop culture definitly plays a role in the awareness of incredibility."
Sep 27
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion How corvids took the world by storm
"i like how you brought up the greif/ bad omen aspect of crows. the original veiw of corvids were in viking era where they believed Quote
Ravens appear in various contexts within Norse sagas, often as symbols of war, wisdom, and prophecy. Apart from…"
Sep 27
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion How corvids took the world by storm
"its weird that you mentioned crop production because crows and corvids are mostly just carnivorus. they eat carrion aka corpses and when the cant get that they make do with bugs and garbage.the only example of crop mis haps were pre industrial when…"
Sep 27
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion How corvids took the world by storm
"parents dont teach thier children any thing its mostly just adult corvids that go "hey jimmy i learned somthing new if you..." im personifying the corvids because hey why not. the adults get to gether and do mass examples of skills that work well."
Sep 27
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion How corvids took the world by storm
"while i agree that having resourceful ness is a big part of any species' survival i think that you are undermining the corvids success. they are one of few speceis of bird populated globally.i dont think that a large population in the millions can…"
Sep 27
6th Abram updated their profile photo
Sep 22
6th Abram posted a discussion
Corvids in general are a very intelligent species of bird. No wonder they’ve populated all continents other than antarctica.The list of birds in the family Corvidae are a long list of crows, ravens, jays and magpies.Today i'll only be talking about…
Sep 22
6th Abram replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"yes yes for the love of all things good on the earth. vaccines and immunizations are the key to a safe world and importantly our society. during the anti vaxx period many posters said that they "wished there was a less extreme virus that could build…"
Sep 18
6th Abram replied to 4Wyatt's discussion Do Teachers and Firearms Mix?
"i believe that a standard should be held for every one not just people who "protect". Murphys law states that if something can go wrong it will, add humans desire to be predjudice and greed and all other terrible deeds and you get people doing…"
Sep 18
6th Abram replied to 1Chrissy's discussion Artificial Intelligence
"i believe that the ai was meant to take the physical jobs that matter not the fun jobs like art and music and poetry. Personally the thought of the better mor humanitarian jobs that bring joy to many people are taken by robots that cant even…"
Sep 18
6th Abram replied to Jackston6fall's discussion The government is forcing us to eat cheese, and ice cream is to blame
"i think that your hook paragraph and title were phenominal.the concept is while entertaining is only semi belevable. id like to put on my flashy tin hat just like everybody else but the conspiracy wasnt even that; its a decent ly known factoid and…"
Sep 4
6th Abram updated their profile
Aug 29
6th Abram replied to 5/8Logan's discussion Are Semester Tests Necessary?
"i think that a normal assinment or small project would be best possibly more on the creative side because the days are ticking down and school will soon be out id also much rather that it isnt a group project. i really dont think that they are gonna…"
May 12, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Project Colossal; Animal Redemption
"What would this hybrid be?  Would it be like smart hybrids that already exist like a Liger or a Tigon--animals that are already hybrid, or would it be a weird combination like a octolopotomus an octipus bred with a hippo.  I kind of think that the…"
Apr 28, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Project Colossal; Animal Redemption
"I think that we could not spend all of our resources on one thing.  Some of us could donate money to places that bring back extinct animals or increase endangered species and then other people can send money to places to make cures, and then even…"
Apr 28, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Project Colossal; Animal Redemption
"What if we take a step back from doing extinct animals.  Would it be ok if we used this for endangered and threatened species? Take elephants, what if we made more then possilby make it so that they don't grow tusks so poachers would not be…"
Apr 28, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Project Colossal; Animal Redemption
"Why the T-Rex?  I mean I get that they are cool, but that would be catostrophic.  They are giant and eat things.  It would be difficult for us to continue as a species. "
Apr 28, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Project Colossal; Animal Redemption
"Why on earth would you want a Moasaur but bigger and smarter? The basliosaurus is an Apex preditor. It would be an orca on steriods. No more ocean cruises, for me anyway!"
Apr 26, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Project Colossal; Animal Redemption
"I do agree there should be limits put on what species we revive and how things should play out. I don't know who should decide what or when.  Maybe we could have it be a minecraft mob vote and everyone decides.  There has to be a decent amount of…"
Apr 26, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Project Colossal; Animal Redemption
"I guess that makes sense.  At first I thought it was completely for the climate change thing, but I guess I can see some symbolism in it. "
Apr 26, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Project Colossal; Animal Redemption
"We don't really know if it will work for climate change.  It is a hypothosis.  Solutions can come from absurd measures, kind of like metal being able to fly--a very heavy object soaring across the sky.  It might have seemed crazy at first but now…"
Apr 26, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Project Colossal; Animal Redemption
"I like your optimstic approach.  "
Apr 26, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Project Colossal; Animal Redemption
"Maybe we could do both.  While viruses and bacteria and all that stuff is dangerous and worrisome, so are other threats, such as climate change and species extinction.  I think this could be a divide and conquer dealio. Some people and their crowd…"
Apr 26, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Project Colossal; Animal Redemption
"I don't think T-Rex's would bring anything to the table conservation wise, just havic and mahem to an otherwise civilized world. I get your idea that this is a slippery slope of what to bring back and what not to bring back, but some animals just…"
Apr 26, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Project Colossal; Animal Redemption
"The Dodo Bird is on the list of creatures to bring back, but I don't think it should be brought back.  It's not because I think the animal is stupid but just because there are no benefits to bringing it back. It would just be a flightless bird.…"
Apr 24, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Project Colossal; Animal Redemption
"Most people are scared enough as is with a Garter Snake.  I think a 40 foot long snake would be over the top.  How would we contain this monstrosity?  It would be cool to look at from a distance, in my opinion. Is this the Apex predator we want on…"
Apr 24, 2023
6th Abram posted a discussion
Maybe you’ve seen an ad here or there, heard a rumor or something of that sort about Project Colossal. Project Colossal is a bioengineering company that is using CRISPR technology to revive prehistoric animals for the benefit of today’s world. They…
Apr 23, 2023
6th Abram replied to 2Jacob's discussion should trans people able to compete in powerlifting competitions?
"as that is with any competing men and women are different i dont really know about powerlifting or any weight copetitions but i'll put tennis stats in.        Serena Williams the  No. 1 female champion in america  has a whopping 39 major titles …"
Apr 20, 2023
6th Abram replied to 3Dixi's discussion Should Homeless People Have Pets?
"most times the dogs are also dumped with homeless people like the "s/o or the dog " scenario. i think just like those ascpa commercials us as humans feel more sympathy toward animals than people so if you combine them with a homeless person and pet…"
Mar 23, 2023
6th Abram replied to 7Katie's discussion Wind Energy: Does it Really Benefit Us?
"no it makes way to much noise and is very spacios and honestly is the last legs for green energy enthusiasts to not go nuclear  i think compared to other options its just a mild sugesstion but thats my opinion i also think pandas shouldnt be saved…"
Mar 23, 2023
6th Abram replied to 3Austin's discussion The Darker Side of Science
"i dont like the tone here its all blah blah blah TERRIBLE MAN any and every discovery has been made on trial and error, and though it seems crazy even cutting toenails was horendoes to do in egypt the only way to further mankind is by that prossess"
Mar 23, 2023
6th Abram replied to 2Corbyn's discussion Should kids be able to pick classes?
"i think that an educated society would be better if it means going to collage or not.there are nessecary scooling like english and grammar math and some science. i think that unless you argoing into book writing you should only get / be enforced to…"
Feb 26, 2023
6th Abram replied to 3Tyler's discussion Should Schools Have Charging Stations in the Classroom?
"i think that the point of having / loaning computers is to teach responsability as well as get the electricity bill lowered but the scene of a charged classroom is apealing i think that triping on cords is not goingb to be a problem because of…"
Feb 26, 2023
6th Abram replied to 5henry's discussion Is allowing student to play games at school a good idea
"i think that the games should be encouraged      reason one) steriotypes like lack of exersice obesety and violent tendancies are un acurate. many people correlate violent video games with mass shooting or other things but in theory we should ban…"
Feb 26, 2023
6th Abram updated their profile photo
Feb 24, 2023
6th Abram replied to 5Matthew's discussion Dallas Zoo Incidents
"1)yes if they were in an endangering/exploitive situation,for the animal and people.i think that the purpose he did it would have been forein trade or trafficing with the vulture i think that maybe a different critter got to it but what he did…"
Feb 15, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Giant Pandas: Are They Worth Keeping?
"i agree that these conservation projects give lots of people jobs, i venture to say that the could do the same job for like a black footed ferret.they are- nearer to extinction than the panda, and are cute and roughly cat sized. they are not…"
Feb 3, 2023
6th Abram posted a discussion
We all know and love the cute and cuddly, black and white panda bear. We also know that it is at the "vulnerable" status of the animal endangered list according to the World Wildlife Foundation.  Pandas, although being in the bear family, are…
Jan 31, 2023
6th Abram replied to 5Erin's discussion Dissection
"all of the rat disections for harlan have been ethically produced if they werent sent to us they would be delivered to  other schools they were put down just like a beloved family pet with a shot of sleepy juice.these rats are born and raised for…"
Jan 19, 2023
6th Abram replied to 5 Paige's discussion School Dress Codes
"well as things have ... changed in the 21st century all should be judged as a person not a "familliar gender" so every one should be held to the same amount of decency even if you are female male whatever the others are you should still respect…"
Jan 17, 2023
6th Abram replied to 3Emma's discussion Is this boy the real Ryker Webb?
"dude walked to far and would have died with the weather conditions i think it is a dopplganger and officials should still be looking. with ot confermation of any genetics or past health issues there should still be a search party.the whole…"
Jan 17, 2023
6th Abram replied to 5abby's discussion Should test retakes be allowed?
"i think that by allowing students to retake tests makes them responsible for their own grade. When students are given the option of re-taking tests, then feel much more responsibility for their final grade. with others its set in stone and students…"
Jan 11, 2023
6th Abram replied to 5Maria's discussion Are eBooks better than printed books?
"yes i think that books will be relics of the past.damage cant be done to ones and zeros unless it gets deleted.Although young people may read more quickly on an eReader, the speed and potential distractions of links, scrolling, and advertisements…"
Jan 11, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6LaurenLemrick's discussion Is Donald Studey a serial killer from Iowa?
"i think that it is interesting...a 40 minute drive to find a victim, kill them, transport them to a vehicle, 40 minutes back to his house, find an adequite "hiding spot",put them in said spot, and then ..........move on !!!?? like how do you "make…"
Jan 9, 2023
6th Abram updated their profile
Jan 4, 2023
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Christmas Trees, Artifical or Real?
"i would to say that an artificial tree would be better finantialy i dont know if it saves as much time as one would think.christmas tree buisnesses (like tree farms) make the transport and safty of the tree in mind like almost all real trees are…"
Dec 15, 2022
6th Abram replied to 6th Abram's discussion Christmas Trees, Artifical or Real?
"Interesting I always liked putting up the tree matching the different branches so it looks like a tree instead of a tornado and then you get to decorated with tons of ornaments I would think that a normal tree one that's pre-built by  nature boring…"
Dec 14, 2022
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