6Vailen replied to 1Anna's discussion Climate Change and Its Effects on Severe Weather Patterns.
"I believe climate change is real. I think that there are more things we could take action on to prevent it from happening aswell. For example polluting the air is a major contributer to climate change and there is some things being done about it but…"
Oct 7
6Vailen replied to 6Vailen's discussion Was Helen Keller Real?
"Yes, there is a lot of buttons and complicating things when it comes to planes expecially back then. Some of the stories told about her could potensially be fake also. "
Oct 3
6Vailen replied to 6Vailen's discussion Was Helen Keller Real?
"It is very unrealistic and people could have just made stories up about her and some of her accomplishments. I agree that it seems nearly impossible to write a book let alone be considered an author when you are deaf-blind."
Oct 3
6Vailen replied to 6Vailen's discussion Was Helen Keller Real?
"Yes, i agree. If she was all of those things then how could she communicate and understand something as complicated as an aircraft?"
Oct 3
6Vailen replied to 6Vailen's discussion Was Helen Keller Real?
"It would be hard to fly a plane with help because it would be loud and noisy and since she is deaf-blind how would she ever understand what to do? It would be dangerous to be in that plane."
Oct 3
6Vailen replied to 6Vailen's discussion Was Helen Keller Real?
"I also am curious how she was able to figure out letters, words, and sound vibrasions. The ways she was "taught to communicate" are confusing because of her condition."
Oct 3
6Vailen replied to 6Vailen's discussion Was Helen Keller Real?
"I think the way she learned to communicate was scetical also because she became deaf-blind at such a young age that shes barley even spoken or understood words."
Oct 3
6Vailen replied to 6Vailen's discussion Was Helen Keller Real?
"I do not think she flew a plane either. People could have potensially made storys up aswell. Yes, the things she supposedly did would be almost impossible."
Oct 3
6Vailen replied to 6Vailen's discussion Was Helen Keller Real?
"I agree flying a plane by herself under her conditions would be quite hard. I think listening to a pilot would be hard however because she is deaf."
Oct 3
6Vailen replied to 6Vailen's discussion Was Helen Keller Real?
"I agree with you becasue I believe she was a real person but some of her "acheviments" such as flying a plane while being deaf-blind seems pretty impossible. Other than that I think most of her accomplishments were real."
Oct 3
6Vailen replied to 1-2Charlotte's discussion Is Homework Beneficial?
"I agree with you because it can give students opportunities to show what they have learned. I also agree that teachers do give out to much homework that could make it stressful and hard to complete."
Oct 3
6Vailen replied to 1Mason's discussion What really happened to Jeffery Epstein?
"I dont think that Jeffery Epstien killed himself. I think he may have been forced to kill himself potensially. He had evidence that would ruin lives and it would make sense for someone or the government to be after him for that. So I think someone…"
Oct 3
6Vailen replied to 1-2Charlotte's discussion Is Homework Beneficial?
"I think that homework is benefical. Its extra practice and focus for students on certain learning topics. Its how you know they are really learning something rather than just not paying attention and failing tests. It could put stress if teachers…"
Oct 3
6Vailen replied to 6jacob's discussion Should Baseball Players be Steroid Tested?
"I think they should be tested if they have a reason to. It could be unfair to other players and teams if someone or multiple players are on steroids. If you want the affect they give then you should have to work for that. Yes, I think that baseball…"
Oct 3
6Vailen replied to 2zach's discussion gun control
"I believe that the current gun laws are okay how they are. The illegal gun trading however should try and be prevented more and maybe stronger forced laws against. I think people should have gun control for saftey reasonsand that the laws right now…"
Oct 3
6Vailen posted a discussion
 Helen Keller was known for many things as being a blind and deaf woman. Helen found many ways to work around her disabilities and accomplish things that seem imposible for someone under her circumstances. Over her lifetime she wrote 14 books,…
Sep 29
6Vailen replied to 1Kenli's discussion Diana - Princess of Wales Conspiracy Theory
"I think that Princess Dianas death was an accident. I get why it couldve been potencially been planned but as of now I think that it really was just a fatal car accident that lead to her death. I dont think the royal family killed her but someone…"
Sep 26
6Vailen replied to 1Ashlyn's discussion Do we need Border Security in the US?
"I think that we should continue having a border. It is good for security and saftey reasons. It also helps with our population in the US. It was way more safe and secure when it was in Trumps hands. I feel that now more people have entered and the…"
Sep 26
6Vailen replied to 6th Abram's discussion How corvids took the world by storm
"I think that crows have a bad reputation because people see them as annoying and weird. There is so many of them and it seems like they are only increasing. There is videos of crows taking things from people like food and items and just overall…"
Sep 26
6Vailen replied to 6Dalton's discussion Should all schools have uniforms?
"I dont think we should have school uniforms. I think that kids should get to pick what they would like to wear. That way kids have more options and a wider range to pick what they feel most comfortable and best in. You would have to cycle through…"
Sep 26
6Vailen replied to 6Charlie's discussion Should Animal Testing be Banned.
"I dont think that animal testing should be a thing. I think that its cruel and harmful to animals. I dont think that they should have to go through that pain of getting rashes, burns, diseases, and many other things. They also dont have a choice…"
Sep 26
6Vailen replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"Yes, I agree with you that vaccines should not be mandatory. I agree that some vaccinations are important and worth getting the shot. However, it should be your own choice if you want to put those chemicals into your body."
Sep 18
6Vailen replied to 6Zane Cox's discussion Should Russia and Ukraine sign a treaty?
"Yes, I believe that there should be a treaty signed. Lots of people are losing their lives frequently and many families and homes have been broken up. Each day land is being destroyed. I think their war needs to stop and they need to finally come…"
Sep 18
6Vailen replied to 1 Abbie's discussion What Really Happened to Amelia Earhart?
"I believe that Amelia Earhart's plane ran out of fuel and crashed in the Pacific ocean. Because of where the location was they were not able to track her or find her plane. I think that there would need to be more proof on the other conspiracies for…"
Sep 18
6Vailen replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"I do not think that vaccines should be mandatory and it should be optional. I do think that if eveyone got vaccinated it would stop spread of diseases and pandemics. However, I still think that getting certain vaccinations should be a choice and not…"
Sep 18
6Vailen replied to 4Wyatt's discussion Do Teachers and Firearms Mix?
"I think that fire arms should not be aloud in schools. I think this because it would potentially be an easy way for students to get a weapon. Possibly, even the teacher could use the weapon wrongfully at and against kids. School shootings are…"
Sep 18
6Vailen replied to 6nicolae's discussion income inequality
"I think that income inequallity should be a thing because depending on the job, some should pay more than others. I think how it is now is okay and that their shouldnt be a solusion. Their is free educasion and many organizasions that help out with…"
Sep 12
6Vailen replied to 1Jacob's discussion Minimum Wage
"I think the current wage isnt too bad but it would help a lot if it went up around $7-$10 dollars. If it were raised it would help people better support themselves. Also, with prices going up so vastly its harder for people with minimum wage to…"
Sep 12
6Vailen replied to 1Frannie's discussion What really happened to JFK?
"I agree that he couldve been killed by by the cuban government. I think that because with all the evidence and back ground it makes sense if they did it out of anger and decided getting rid of him would be the best option. I think Lee thought that…"
Sep 12
6Vailen replied to 6Sergio's discussion Should Cell Phones Be Banned?
"I think that call phones shouldnt be banned, instead having steady rules to follow. Simply as being asked to put them away or to not be on them during class. If an emergency were to happen and no one had their phones to contact a loved ones or…"
Sep 12
6Vailen replied to 6Kirk Hol's discussion Rising Food and Energy Prices
"I think that there is a way to fix the problem with these prices. In future years they will continue to rise so I think that something should happen sometime soon. Right now I think many familys can handle the prices but not if they keep rising.…"
Sep 12
6Vailen replied to 1Eric's discussion The Death Penalty
"I think the death penalty should be legal in some cases. I think the family of the victom should get a say and also what the case was and if they were most definetly proven guilty. I think it should not be used in as many sentences though because it…"
Sep 5
6Vailen replied to Jackston6fall's discussion The government is forcing us to eat cheese, and ice cream is to blame
"This is an interesting topic. I liked seeing your views on this however I dont think the government is forcing us to eat cheese. I think its interesting how you think people use ice cream as a substatutie for alchohal. "
Sep 5
6Vailen replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"I think that aborsion should be illegal. It is like killing someone and taking their life away. The most causes of aborsions are teenagers who are unprepared and say they arnt ready. I think that if you do accidently turn up pregnant you should have…"
Sep 5
6Vailen replied to 6elana's discussion trump VS kamala 2024
"Personally, I think Trump would be a better president. Trump has already been our president once and has experinece. I like Trumps plans and adjustments he would make if he was relected. I think that gender shouldnt matter towards who our president…"
Sep 5
6Vailen replied to 1Eric's discussion The Death Penalty
"I think that the death penalty should be legal. In the cases that which involve one or multiple peoples lives were taken by them and the evidence shows it was clearly them. Taking someones life is a major thing so I think that they should be…"
Sep 4
6Vailen is now a member of History 360
Aug 29
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