6Sophia replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"I agree 100%. I think that if they want to study religion then they are able to take the class and not have to be "forced." I also agree it would be an obstacle with how many religions there are to cover. "
6Sophia replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"I believe that this class should not be about opinion based, I think that if we do have an religion class it should be about learning about God and other religions history. "
6Sophia replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"I have to disagree. I think that religion is a great class that students should be able to learn. I believe that with this class we are able to spred God's word further, and what I belive could lead them to eternal life. "
6Sophia replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"I definitely think that some are able to learn about religion at home but, that is because I have be fortunate to have parents that help me enhance my faith and educate me, when thinking about those who are not able to learn at home, I think that…"
6Sophia replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"Yes! I agree! Religion is a very important aspect of life, and I think that adding this additional class it could potentially deepen our faith. I agree, I think that we should potentially ad this as an optional class."
6Sophia replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"Me personally, I think that if there were to be a class with the option of religion, it should not just be about one religion because there are so many, so if there were to be a class I think they should teach and get into the history…"
6Sophia replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"I slightly disagree on "religion can be taught at home." I think that religion can not always be taught at home, I think this because some kids are not able to talk to someone about religion because of there familys situations, so I think with this…"
Oct 9
6Sophia replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"I totally agree with you! I think that if we were offered a class to be able to deepin our faith and learn more about our religion would make an huge impact in not only our lives now but later. "
Oct 9
6Sophia replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"I agree! I think an religion class should not only teach you about you religion but, also others. I do think that it should not be forced on to kids as well, because like you said we would be violating the first amendment."
Oct 9
6Sophia replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"I would have to disagree on your first point. I think that if the students know what the class is about and what they will teach they will join or not, just like how if I like history I will sign up for an history class but, in this case a religion…"
Oct 9
6Sophia replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"I agree! I think that if it becomes an optional class than more people could potentially learn more because they are able to make it to an class because it is an option every day to attend. "
Oct 9
6Sophia replied to 1Anna's discussion Climate Change and Its Effects on Severe Weather Patterns.
"I think that climate change can cause many bad things to happen, so I think we should work on climate change. I think it could potentially help the hurricanes and the horrible weather going on. "
Oct 8
6Sophia replied to 1Grant's discussion Vice Presidents
"What vice president do you think is better? In my opinion, I would lean more towards with JD Vance. I think this because of what he has done with his life and how he has a strong drive through life, I think he is a strong man because he fought in…"
Oct 8
6Sophia replied to 6Bella's discussion Are Energy Drinks Good or Bad for Your Health?
"I think that all lot of energy drinks can be bad for you but there also some better for your health energry drinks, I definitely think that if you drink energy drinks to much it can cause helth promblems later in life or potentially now. "
Oct 8
6Sophia replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"I totally agree! I definitely agree with you that religion can be hard to teach if you don't have a good person to talk to. I also agree that it should not be mandatory, but still an option. "
Oct 8
6Sophia posted a discussion
The word religion is explained as "The belief in and worship of superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods." There are currently over 4,000 religions, including faith groups, or different brances of church. Hinduism is the world's oldest…
Oct 7
6Sophia replied to 1-2Charlotte's discussion Is Homework Beneficial?
"I think homwork is beneficail, only if it doesnt take a lot of out of class time, because if there is no time to do it in class and ask questions then we arent able to understand what we are concerned about, causing us to potentially learn the wrong…"
Oct 1
6Sophia replied to 6Vailen's discussion Was Helen Keller Real?
"I belive that Helen is real and that she did do all of the events that she is known of doing, but I think it was with the help of others because I think it is quite impossible to especially fly a plane, but most of all I do think she did occur in…"
Oct 1
6Sophia replied to 6Dalton's discussion Should all schools have uniforms?
"I dont think we should have uniforms because I would like everyone to feel confident and confortable it what they are wearing, I think uniforms should be the last option if the dress code somehow is not working out for some. "
Sep 26
6Sophia replied to 1Ashlyn's discussion Do we need Border Security in the US?
"I think that keeping the border is a much better idea then taken it away for both you and I's saftey. I think for not only for our saftey but for others aswell with the border up if it will lower the population. "
Sep 26
6Sophia replied to 6Charlie's discussion Should Animal Testing be Banned.
"I see both ways on animal testing, as they have no voice or way to protect themselves, but also if animal testing was not a thing then I belive it would become dangerous for us as humans and our saftey, So I see both ways. "
Sep 25
6Sophia replied to 6th Abram's discussion How corvids took the world by storm
"I think poor reputation, I think this because after seeing mivies that they were seen as annoying, unintelligent, and wild birds. I think all birds have there own personalities just like us humans and they just need time to adjust to…"
Sep 25
6Sophia replied to 1Kenli's discussion Diana - Princess of Wales Conspiracy Theory
"I belive that Charles wanted her dead, because of the divorcement, rule breaking and the jealousy of Diana's new boyfriend. I think our best guess is Charles planned her killing, there could be many ways he could have planned this but I think he was…"
Sep 25
6Sophia replied to 1Chrissy's discussion Artificial Intelligence
"I personally think that the AI can have its pros in cons because it is constantly tracking you, but I think it can be good for questions that humans are not sure or can not answser, giving you a clear and fast response."
Sep 18
6Sophia replied to 6nicolae's discussion income inequality
"My opinion is that some people need to either get better paying jobs if able too or move they way up to be able to get more money than what the minimum wage is too get payed better money than expected."
Sep 18
6Sophia replied to 6Zane Cox's discussion Should Russia and Ukraine sign a treaty?
"I think that they should sign a treaty because as you said multiply lives has been taken away from this war and has left everyone traumatized because what the war has been doing where they live, and with this treaty it could potentially save many…"
Sep 18
6Sophia replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"I personally think that vaccines are important, but I think it should be your own decision because we have the freedom and If you decide not to get it and somthing unfortunate occurs then that is your own fault for not getting it when you had the…"
Sep 18
6Sophia replied to 1 Abbie's discussion What Really Happened to Amelia Earhart?
"I belive that Amelia plan ran out of fuel, which caused her to end up  in the Pacific Ocean to unfortunately pass away. I predict that they were not able to reach anyone because of where they landed."
Sep 18
6Sophia replied to 1Jacob's discussion Minimum Wage
"I also agree with you, I think that if the current mimimum wage is $7.25, then you won't be able to get all the necessites that you need in your every day bases, I think they should raise it to atleast $10 or $12, to use for health care, food, and …"
Sep 13
6Sophia replied to 1Chrissy's discussion Artificial Intelligence
"I belive that the AI is good for multiple things, but I also do beilve that the AI at some point can and will take over, It also can cause kids to cheat on homwork or test because all you have to do it take a picture or ask a question, so no I do…"
Sep 13
6Sophia replied to 1Frannie's discussion What really happened to JFK?
"I also agree that he could have been assinated by the cuban goverment, because it all adds up that there anger got the best of them and decided to potentally end his life because of the withholding of military equipment."
Sep 12
6Sophia replied to 6Sergio's discussion Should Cell Phones Be Banned?
"Me personally I think that cell phones should not banned inless everyonen is stuggling with staying off them when needed, I think If a person has been asked to stay off there phone mulitple times and still does not, then I think they should get…"
Sep 12
6Sophia replied to 6Kirk Hol's discussion Rising Food and Energy Prices
"I think there is a solution with these prices but right now we dont know how or when we will ever know, right now I think we can handle these prices but looking in the future years this could ponentailly cause some financal problems for us. "
Sep 12
6Sophia replied to 1Eric's discussion The Death Penalty
"I think the death penalty should only be an option for intentional muder because I belive that if they took away someomes life on purpose they should not get to live when whoever they killed life was taken away because of them. I belive everyone…"
Sep 5
6Sophia replied to 6elana's discussion trump VS kamala 2024
"I would lead more on Trump because he already has done one term and now knows what has worked the best and was hasnt, I would not mind a girl president as long as she gets the job done and the right way, but at this moment I am for Trump because of…"
Sep 5
6Sophia replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"Many Women chose to do abortion because the are not mentally or financially stable. I belive that people who already have children should not be able to chose a abortion because they already chose to give life to there other kids, so I belive if you…"
Sep 4
6Sophia is now a member of History 360
Aug 29
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