Cell Phone Ban in Iowa Schools.

Governor Kim Reynolds plans to ban cell phones in school from grades K-12. A bill to this end has already been introduced and will be voted on soon. It is highly likely to pass because many Republicans and Democrats agree on it, which is hard to come by now. I will discuss the pros and cons of having a cell phone in school and then give my opinion.

 First is the pros of having a cell phone in school. They are a great source of communication whether it is between parents or between groups of people for a project. Many students use them not just for bad but to help them with researching and talking with a teacher through e-mail and sites like Google Classroom. If there is a fire drill or anything like that they can alert their parents and if needed they can call 911 for help in case of an emergency. Also, many students feel safer when there is a reliable way to talk to parents if there is an emergency. Personally, I feel more safe at school if I can have my phone on my person. 

Next are the cons. Many students get distracted in class because they are addicted to their phones. Also, there can be more cyberbullying because people will record if you do something dumb or weird, so a lot of people would probably be happy if they didn’t have to worry about being made fun of. Next, Boston College did a study and found out that once a student answers a short text in only 10 seconds it takes their brain 20 minutes to refocus and that is half of a class period so the student could be unfocused and lose out on half of the material.  

Third is my opinion. I feel that from grades K-7 you don’t deserve to have your phone available to you similar to what it is now in Harlan. But once you are in 8-12 there should be pockets for your phone to be put in before class or if the teacher is comfortable it should go in their bags. I think that it should be left up to the distracts or even down to the classroom and what the teacher believes. I believe that because as a high school student, it is our responsibility to learn what we are taught and not distract ourselves and others. I think that phones shouldn’t be used unless for educational purposes.

That concludes my post on cell phones in school. Again there are pros and cons to any topic but I believe that cell phones should be decided by the teacher or the district. That is all. Thank you for reading. 

Iowa Legislature 

Boston College



What do you think about cell phone use in school?


Should the decision be left up to the state? If not then who? 


Why do you think this?

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  • Great topic choice and well done Cole! Be sure to check back later Thursday to keep replying to comments.

  • i don't think that they should be banned. A lot of kids would hate going to school and not beinging able to use there cell phone at all. It also can be used as a emergency case. So to me it's not a good idea to do that at all. Plus the parents wouldn't be able to get a hold of there kid when they are in school.

  • phones in school is always a good thing they have their cons but the pros out weigh them like safety being able to call or text loved one in an emergency or school use like QR code and apps the some classes require and keeping up with emails from teacher and grades and keeping up with how your friends are doing in other classes as well.


  • What do you think about cell phone use in school? I believe that in the real world, the students will have to learn not to be on it. I believe we should have them but if they are out, they get punished in some way so I belive there shouldn't be pouches just know if you have it out you might get in trouble 

  • I believe that we should have phones in school but there can be restictions. I believe we should because in case of emergancys and simpily contacting family memebers etc. I feel like it should be left up to the state, its simplily better for the state to deal with it instead of citizens. I think this because it could get out of hand and it better to be discussed on the state level.

  • I think that our cell phone are allowed to be out but i also think its okay if we put them up in classes. I think the states should decide what to do now, but I also think it should be left up to the school boards so they know what is going on in that school specifily.

  • Yes, I think it should be left up to the state. I think that cell phones are not a big problem and can pretty easily be controlled. If you do not like cell phones on students in class, make a spot for all phone to go. If caught having it multiple times, take to office for the day. I beileve that this rule should be left up to the state or the school district. 

  • Should the descision be left up to ther state? If not then who? I don't think that this decision should be left up to the state. I believe that each school district should be allowed their own rules and regulations regarding cell phones. Some schools might have bigger problems with cell phones, while others may not. The state banning cell phones for all districs would not be fair towards the schools and students who have mainted good habits with their phones in class. 

  • What do you think about cell phone use in school? I think it is fine the way it is and that they should keep it this way. Should the decision be left up to the state? If not then who? I think it should be left up to the school based on how the students are doing in class which is what we are doing here.

  • I think cell phone use can be good in school if it isn't a huge distraction it allows you to keep communication with friends and family. I think the decision should be left up to schools and teachers schools should decide rules on phone use according to grades and if people are acting out with phones and teachers should be able to make the rules of phone use in their classroom. I think this because it would be very controlling for the government to decide if you can use your own phone at school or not it should be an issue that schools should decide on phone use since they know the situation.

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