1Grant replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"Do you think Religion should be taught at school and for everyone to forced to learn?  me personely yes i do most would say know since not everyone is the same religoun. another reason for the no is that most pepole wouldnt pay any atention in ther…"
1Grant replied to 6Bella's discussion Are Energy Drinks Good or Bad for Your Health?
"Do you think energy drinks are good or bad for you?  I feel they are good for me since they keep me more foucoused through the day "
1Grant replied to 1Anna's discussion Climate Change and Its Effects on Severe Weather Patterns.
"What do you think about climate change? I feel that yes it is real but I dont like how they say one of the main prouducers is cows and farm equtment. the reason I feel this way is that without those we would barley have any food "
1Grant replied to 6Bella's discussion Are Energy Drinks Good or Bad for Your Health?
"Do you think there should be an age restriction on energy drinks?  no the reason I think this is that they help me foucus. The caffine also dose not keep me up at night it insteed just keeps me foucosed "
1Grant replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"Do you believe Religion can be taught at home? I belive yes. I can watch mass at home and My mom has been my ccd teacher and i feel like that could teach me alot."
1Grant replied to 1Grant's discussion Vice Presidents
"I agree I fell like jd vance would be better speaker also but his job foucosed more on that also."
1Grant replied to 1Grant's discussion Vice Presidents
"I would agree with this although i Think that number could even be higher since he served in the army also so he saw how other pepole survieved there also "
1Grant replied to 1Grant's discussion Vice Presidents
"I agree although I feel like dosent know everything we are going theough."
1Grant replied to 1Grant's discussion Vice Presidents
"i would agree but actully tim wals did mention his life as a kid and he said similler things "
1Grant replied to 1Grant's discussion Vice Presidents
"I agree I feel like jd vance has done more then tim wals and kamala combined "
1Grant replied to 1Grant's discussion Vice Presidents
"I would aggree I feel even if they struggeled the same in previouse life i feel like jd vance tells us about and tim wals dosent so ifeel like tim wals wouldnt be abel to talk to kamala very good and tell her what to do if kamala is presedent "
Oct 8
1Grant replied to 1Grant's discussion Vice Presidents
"i aggree with this I forgot to mension the fact JD Vance served in the army and i feel like that would have been a good point to hit "
Oct 8
1Grant replied to 1Grant's discussion Vice Presidents
"This is a good point. Although I do feel That they both grew up on a middle class. although they may not be the vice presidents that grew up struggling the most i feel like they can relate to most americans "
Oct 8
1Grant replied to 1Grant's discussion Vice Presidents
"I agree with this. but one of the main reasons why jd vance is better at talking then tim walz is that jd vance's job focused more on public speaking while tim wals has not had as much experience with public speaking  "
Oct 8
1Grant posted a discussion
JD Vance and Tim Walz took the stage for the 2024 vice presidential debate, showcasing their unique journeys and perspectives.JD Vance, born in 1984 in Ohio, overcame a challenging upbringing to become a bestselling author and graduate from Yale Law…
Oct 7
1Grant replied to 6Dalton's discussion Should all schools have uniforms?
"I wouldn't wear a school uniform. I think that uniforms don't really make a big difference. I dont think it maks that big of a diffrence they wont make test scoress or any scores go up and then thats one more thing that pepole could get in troubel…"
Sep 26
1Grant replied to 6Charlie's discussion Should Animal Testing be Banned.
"I don't think that they should test things on animals. It might not be good for the animals and it can cause them to die, every time  they do the testing they have a chance of killing them there is also no reason to do it because it wont make a…"
Sep 26
1Grant replied to 1Kenli's discussion Diana - Princess of Wales Conspiracy Theory
"I believe that it was just an accident, I mean there are reasons to believe that Charles wanted her dead, but i do not think that t here is enough that it would be worth killing him. however i do belive that he could have killed her but there is a…"
Sep 26
1Grant replied to 1Ashlyn's discussion Do we need Border Security in the US?
"Yess we should get a better border system other wise or tax money and it is not safe to have them ove . they can also take desises over. its stops lots of crime and bad people from intering the united states it als ostops alot of murder "
Sep 26
1Grant replied to 6th Abram's discussion How corvids took the world by storm
"I think crows have a negative reputation because since there are so many of them and no sighns of the population going down. and they are actullay preaty intelegent and anoying they can also teach there herd what to do what to avoid and what to do."
Sep 26
1Grant replied to 6Zane Cox's discussion Should Russia and Ukraine sign a treaty?
"Do you believe Russia and Ukraine should come up with a treaty to end the war? yes but I feel that there is no way since im sure that rusia wants money and since ukraine is smaller it wouldnt have the money to do so I feel that insteed of the us…"
Sep 17
1Grant replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"Do you think vaccines are important? Yes and know. I have never had covid 19 and i have never had a vacine for it. My dad has never had a flu shot and he has never had the flu so i feel like it depends on the person wether they are importent or not."
Sep 17
1Grant replied to 1Chrissy's discussion Artificial Intelligence
"Do you think Ai will eventually take over? I do not think that it will anytime soon. I feek that it could however over time i think it is kind of how older pepole thought there would be flying cars in 2020 that obvisley did not happen and I feel…"
Sep 17
1Grant replied to 1 Abbie's discussion What Really Happened to Amelia Earhart?
"What theory do you believe in and why. I believe in the first theory. The reason I picked this one is that It would make the most sense. since back then the fuel  gages could have malfunctioned or it didnt have one wich could mean they didnt put…"
Sep 17
1Grant replied to 4Wyatt's discussion Do Teachers and Firearms Mix?
"I am for teachers having firearms. I feel if the teacher knows how to use them it would help with schol shootings. on the other side most teachers would get scared not pull the triger and at that point I would thinnk they are pointless. I feel some…"
Sep 17
1Grant replied to 6Sergio's discussion Should Cell Phones Be Banned?
"I belive it violates our rights when teachers takeaway our phones for more than one class periode. I do however feel like they should be abel to take it away for the period if you did not do what they asked you to do with it."
Sep 12
1Grant replied to 6Kirk Hol's discussion Rising Food and Energy Prices
"I feel thet since there are alot more pepole eating more food that prices should go up. I do not feel like they should go up as much as they have with biden in ofice. I feel like the pricesare high at the moment but they should go uo a littel from…"
Sep 12
1Grant replied to 6nicolae's discussion income inequality
"I do not think jobs pay shold be equal. lets say someone working at burger king is making $13 dollers an hour. then there is a welder making $30 an hour. I belive that is right since being a welder would be harder then putting fries in the fryer and…"
Sep 12
1Grant replied to 1Jacob's discussion Minimum Wage
"I agrre minumum wage should be raised. the main reason I think this is that prices have been rising and if the prices are rising i feel minumum wage should also so that pepole can live comftorbley. "
Sep 12
1Grant replied to 1Frannie's discussion What really happened to JFK?
"I feel like the assassination was caused by the Cuban government. the Cuban government did not like Kennedy then it would  make sense they wouldk want to kill him. I personally think Lee killed him since he was found guilty."
Sep 12
1Grant replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"Why do people have abortions? I belive That if a person is raped that they should beabel to have an abrotion. But if they had the babbie as there chocie they should not be abel to have one since it was there option."
Sep 5
1Grant replied to Jackston6fall's discussion The government is forcing us to eat cheese, and ice cream is to blame
"I wasn't aware of any of this information, It is very  intresting. I think that this is a very cool conspiracy and that if it is true then it is wild that the government is able to do this with such little attention on it. And I belive the limstone…"
Sep 5
1Grant replied to 6elana's discussion trump VS kamala 2024
"Me personaly Want Trump for presedent. The reason I think this is Kamala says she is going to do she has caused. although she wasnt presedent she had a say in what biden did and i belive that She will not fiX what she caused "
Sep 5
1Grant replied to 6Cole's discussion The Death Penalty in America
"I belive that the death penelty is good for the united states mainly because if they have already done it once there is a higher probabilty of them to do it agian.  And I feel life sentence is almost worse then death penealty "
Sep 5
1Grant replied to 1Eric's discussion The Death Penalty
"Should all states include the death penalty or none at all? I belive that they should. I do not feel like they should use it all the time but in some casses it is nessery. I feel if they mass murder shotting places up or efecting pepoles life. As…"
Sep 4
1Grant is now a member of History 360
Aug 29
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