6Julia replied to 6barrett's discussion Donald Trumps 1st Assination Attempt
"I do not think that Trump's assasination attempt was planned by the Democrats because if it had it would have been known by now but I do think that there was a lot of security lacking and that if there had been more the disaster could have been…"
8 hours ago
6Julia replied to 6Maddie's discussion Sean 'Diddy' Combs lawsuits
"I do think that Combs is guilty because there is proof, you can see it in the videos and a lot of people have said things about him. I think he should definetely go to prison and pay time in prison because he has to pay for what he did and so he…"
8 hours ago
6Julia replied to 6AJ's discussion Should teachers be allowed to have a gun during school hours?
"I don't think that it is a good idea to have teachers carry guns because it only adds more risk. There could be a crazy teacher that becomes the shooter or there could be a kid that steals the gun and shoots people. It could help but it just adds…"
8 hours ago
6Julia replied to 1Matthew's discussion Mask Mandates in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic
"I think masks were very important to wear and that Dr. Fauci was right to set the mask mandate because if he hadn't done that maybe those deaths would have been doubled. Masks helped a lot of people not get contaminated by the virus and it helped…"
8 hours ago
6Julia replied to 6-8Traevyn's discussion Hurricane Milton was devastating but was it really that big of a storm?
"I am glad that Milton hasn't been that damaging because everyone was expecting it to be very harmful and to cause a lot of deaths. It was still very sad and there has been some deaths and hurted people and a lot of damage to the houses."
8 hours ago
6Julia replied to 1Josie's discussion Was the Moon Lading fake?
"I think that the moon landing is real. If it was fake I don't think they could have kept it covered for so long and a lot of evidence shows that they in fact landed in the moon."
6Julia replied to 1Grant's discussion Vice Presidents
"I think that JD Vance won the vicepresidential debate because he spoke better and made better arguments than Tim Walz. He did a great job and was a very good public speaker which is why I think that he won the debate."
Oct 8
6Julia replied to 6Bella's discussion Are Energy Drinks Good or Bad for Your Health?
"I think that energy drinks can be bad if drank in excess but if you only have one once in a while they're not that bad. I do think that the marketing of energy drinks is more targeted towards teens and young adults because they know that they will…"
Oct 8
6Julia replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"I think that schools should teach more about every religion's history and explain on what they consist and then maybe make an optional religion class where they go more in dept about a religion."
Oct 8
6Julia replied to 1Anna's discussion Climate Change and Its Effects on Severe Weather Patterns.
"I think climate change is a very serious issue and we should be worried about it and try to find solutions as soon as possible because it is causing disasters like hurricane Helene because I do think that it has a connection with climate change."
Oct 8
6Julia replied to 6Vailen's discussion Was Helen Keller Real?
"I don't think that a blind and deaf person could have flown a plane specially back then when not even woman would fly planes. It would be very hard for her to fly the plane even if someone was giving her directions. "
Oct 1
6Julia replied to 6jacob's discussion Should Baseball Players be Steroid Tested?
"I think that players should be tested for steroids because if they use steroids it is not fair for the other players. The tests should be done to make sure that they are not using because no player should use them as they can also be bad for your…"
Oct 1
6Julia replied to 1-2Charlotte's discussion Is Homework Beneficial?
"I think that homework can be benefitial because it can help to remember things or practice things that you don't understand that well. But if there is too much homework is does the opposite because the students get very stressed and don't do well so…"
Oct 1
6Julia replied to 1Mason's discussion What really happened to Jeffery Epstein?
"I think that the cameras not working that morning is very suspicious and I do agree that a lot of people could have wanted to kill him because they did not want their secrets to get out. So I do believe that maybe it wasn't a suicide."
Oct 1
6Julia replied to 1Ashlyn's discussion Do we need Border Security in the US?
"The border is beneficial. We need to know who gets into the country and for what reasons to prevent terrorists from entering so it is important to have security so the border is controled and we know who gets in and who gets out."
Sep 26
6Julia replied to 6th Abram's discussion How corvids took the world by storm
"I think that crows have a poor reputation because there are a lot of them and they can be annoying. They can also sometimes cause trouble in crops or to landscapes which is why some people hate them."
Sep 26
6Julia replied to 1Kenli's discussion Diana - Princess of Wales Conspiracy Theory
"I think that both theories could be possible. A car accident is not that unusual but it is true that the royal family had problems with her and could have wanted her dead. She broke a lot of the royal families which made Charles look bad and so he…"
Sep 26
6Julia replied to 6Dalton's discussion Should all schools have uniforms?
"I think school uniforms are fine but they don't really make a big difference. I don't think the way you dress is not going to improve attentiveness or test scores. If schools want to use them then that is fine but I don't think that they're…"
Sep 26
6Julia replied to 6Charlie's discussion Should Animal Testing be Banned.
" I think that animal testing can be very benefitial for humans because it has helped a lot but I think that it can also be unfair for animals. I think animal testing could be used but only when it is absolutely necessary and it is done with…"
Sep 25
6Julia replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"I agree with you that people should get vaccinated because it avoids disasters. Because if the covid vaccine was invented before there would have been less deaths and cases than they were. Now as you said there are more cases so the people that are…"
Sep 18
6Julia replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"I think that schools are a place where diseases could spread easily because there are a lot of people and they share a lot of things. The virus could also be more dangerous for a child because sometimes they have weaker immune systems so I do think…"
Sep 18
6Julia replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"I agree with you that if everyone got vaccinated the overall health would improve so much because it would prevent some pandemies from happening and also the deaths because of diseases would decrease by a lot."
Sep 18
6Julia replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"Yes I also think that children should only get vaccines before school when it is necessary because you do not need to get vaccinated every year sometimes you only need it every five years. "
Sep 18
6Julia replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"I completely agree with you. As I said vaccines are very important but after all it is a free country so people should be able to choose what they want. But I do think that it is important that they are informed before making a choice."
Sep 18
6Julia replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"I think they are always important because for example with covid 19, the situation got better after the vaccine was created and people getting vaccinated made the virus spread less which stopped the pandemy. Even if you don't get the virus it could…"
Sep 18
6Julia replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"I agree with you, I think vaccines are very important because they help people fight diseases but it is true that some people don't react well to them and can become sick because of the vaccines."
Sep 18
6Julia replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"I agree with you that it is a free country and that people should have a choice but I do not think that vaccines are a waste. It is true that they can make some people sick because their body doesn't react well to the vaccine but in most cases that…"
Sep 18
6Julia replied to 1Chrissy's discussion Artificial Intelligence
"I do think that AI is a very big advancement but in the next few years it will probably take over more and more jobs. But it could potentially create new jobs so I think AI has good sides and bad sides"
Sep 17
6Julia replied to 4Wyatt's discussion Do Teachers and Firearms Mix?
"I think that school shootings are a very important problem but I do not think that teachers should be armed. We never know if they could flip the switch and become the school shooter or if a kid could take the gun from the teacher. "
Sep 17
6Julia replied to 1 Abbie's discussion What Really Happened to Amelia Earhart?
"I think her death was just as they said. Her plane ran out of fuel and they crashed which ended up with her and her partner dying. I do not think it is weird because as you said it was very common back then."
Sep 17
6Julia replied to 6Zane Cox's discussion Should Russia and Ukraine sign a treaty?
"I agree with you and I think that they should sign a treaty because as you said 35.000 lives have been taken and it is useless to loose more people when the war is not getting anywhere. But I think that if NATO was to intervene the conflict would…"
Sep 17
6Julia replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"In my opinion, vaccines are definetely important because they help you when you get the virus and they also stop the virus from spreading. An example of that is Covid, once the vaccine was invented the pandemy slowly stopped. The people that think…"
Sep 17
6Julia replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"It can be true that some are not essential to survive but they still help with the spreading of the virus and even if it isn't a very dangerous virus if someone with a weak immune system gets it they could end up dying. So I think that children…"
Sep 17
6Julia replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"I agree with you, I think that vaccines are crucial because as you said they make your immune system learn how to fight the virus. Which is why it is very important because then when you get the virus you're prepared."
Sep 17
6Julia replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"I agree that everyone should have a choice but if they don't get vaccinated that could affect you because it could mean that the virus would spread. If their reason for not getting vaccinated is not knowing about it then I think they should get more…"
Sep 17
6Julia posted a discussion
Vaccines have been around for a long time. The first vaccine was invented in 1796 to combat smallpox. Since then, many other vaccines have been developed. In 1855, Massachusetts became the first state to require vaccination before enrolling in…
Sep 16
6Julia replied to 6Kirk Hol's discussion Rising Food and Energy Prices
"These prices are getting higher and higher everyday and there will be one day where no one will be able to afford it. I understand the reason why these prices are rising because there is more demand than offer but we should find a way to fix it.…"
Sep 11
6Julia replied to 1Jacob's discussion Minimum Wage
"It is true that there are more important battles to fight but this one is still worth fighting for. Even if only 1.3 percent of the population get minimum waste it still is unfair for them because $7,25 is probably not going to get them anywhere and…"
Sep 10
6Julia replied to 1Frannie's discussion What really happened to JFK?
" I hadn't really thought before about what had really happened to JFK but the Cuban theory makes sense. I am not sure it is what really happened but it could be possible since they definetely had a motive and the death of the president would clearly…"
Sep 10
6Julia replied to 1Jacob's discussion Minimum Wage
"In my opinion minimal wage is very important but I do think that 7.25 is really low. I understand that it would be hard to raise but as you said 7.25 isn't goign to buy you anything. Therefore I agree with you and I think it should also be raised to…"
Sep 10
6Julia replied to 6Sergio's discussion Should Cell Phones Be Banned?
"I agree with you, I think cell phones should not be banned. The reason why I believe this is because if an emergency happens students should be able to warn their parents or whoever they need to warn. I understand teachers taking away students…"
Sep 10
6Julia replied to Jackston6fall's discussion The government is forcing us to eat cheese, and ice cream is to blame
"This was very interesting to read, I had never heard of this information before but it is definetely something to think about. Who though that banning alcohol would lead to the government giving away 1.4 billion pounds of cheese."
Sep 5
6Julia replied to 6elana's discussion trump VS kamala 2024
"I feel like having a women as a president would be good since there has never been a female president but I don't know if Kamala Harris is the best candidate for president. Both sides have good points but I personally don't know which one I would…"
Sep 5
6Julia replied to 6Cole's discussion The Death Penalty in America
"In my opinion, death penalty should only be used in extreme cases but I still am not convinced that it is the better option. Killing someone does not mean you have to get killed and going to prison for life could be even worse than getting the death…"
Sep 5
6Julia replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"Some people do have abortions after already having children but I think it is more common to have an abortion before having any other babies. The reason why this is more common is because the mother may not feel prepared mentally or financially."
Sep 4
6Julia replied to 1Eric's discussion The Death Penalty
"I think that the death penalty should not be legal, even though the person has commited a big crime like murder killing him wouldn't make it any better. He would probably have a harder time spending the rest of his life in prison feeling guilty…"
Sep 4
6Julia is now a member of History 360
Aug 29
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