5chloe replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"I belive that religon should be taught at home because people at school have very diffrent opinions and diffrent belieffs so i think if you dont want conflic and fights about what religon you are apart of than you should more an less just teach it…"
5chloe replied to 1Grant's discussion Vice Presidents
"I belive that JD Vance would be a much better canidate because he went through his time in poverty where nothing was easy on him and he is also relating to people and how they aer doing, and living so i truly belive that he will be the better…"
5chloe replied to 6Bella's discussion Are Energy Drinks Good or Bad for Your Health?
"do you think that their should be an age restriction on enery drinks? i dont belive that their should be because i know that they are really bad for you but its acctualy the kids fult because they know whats in it and they can choose if they want to…"
5chloe replied to 1Anna's discussion Climate Change and Its Effects on Severe Weather Patterns.
"What are the solutions on helping climate change i think some solutions are that we start walking places like so people live a block from the store and yet they still drive, so i think more people should walk or even bike places that are close…"
5chloe replied to 1-2Charlotte's discussion Is Homework Beneficial?
"I belive that homework is beneficial because it helps students practus and learn the subject but i do belive that some teachers asign busy work for students because they dont want to teach and that can be really stressful because students already…"
Oct 3
5chloe replied to 1Mason's discussion What really happened to Jeffery Epstein?
"in my opinion I truly dont think jeffery epstein killed himself because its funny how olny the camras facing his cell were malfuncturing and all the rest were fine, and how none of the gards that were supose to be garding the cell were no where to…"
Oct 3
5chloe replied to 6jacob's discussion Should Baseball Players be Steroid Tested?
"In my personal opinion I think that they should be tested for steroids because they can inprovie your game play sush as making you faster and stronger and that baseically cheating and plus staroids are not good for you at all and no one should take…"
Oct 3
5chloe replied to 6Vailen's discussion Was Helen Keller Real?
"I dont belive that hellen keller was real because their were so many books about her just for being blind and def, plus their is aboslutly no way she could have flown a air plain because if your blind and def how can you see all the controls in the…"
Oct 3
5chloe replied to 2zach's discussion gun control
"I do not think teachers should have guns because, you really dont know whats really going on in someones mine because say what if the teacher is going through things they have easy accsess to a wepon so I dont think teacher should have guns in their…"
Oct 3
5chloe replied to 6Dalton's discussion Should all schools have uniforms?
"I dont think that we should have school uniforms because why should the school pick what you wear, and if your wearing a school uniform you will still get bulied and still be absent at school it wouldent chang a thing more an less it would cause the…"
Sep 26
5chloe replied to 6Charlie's discussion Should Animal Testing be Banned.
"I belive that animal testing should be bannded because why should all these poor animals suffer to get answers plus they arnt even nice to them most of they dont get feed good or even have beds to sleep in "
Sep 26
5chloe replied to 1Ashlyn's discussion Do we need Border Security in the US?
"I belive that we should get more borared securety because why should all these illeagal imigrans come over with out the proper paper work, because most of them just cause havec and they also bring some deseases that we dont curentaly have "
Sep 26
5chloe replied to 6th Abram's discussion How corvids took the world by storm
"i really think that the birds just had a really bad reputation because they were protrayed in movies as really annoying and bad but i truly think that the birds were smart and had good atitudes they were just hated on because of so many movies."
Sep 25
5chloe replied to 1Kenli's discussion Diana - Princess of Wales Conspiracy Theory
"i belive that charials wanted her dead because they got a devorce and soon after that she got herself a new boyfriend, and i compleataly beleave he had the right to get mad because she kindov treated him like dirt so he had the right to get mad at…"
Sep 25
5chloe replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"I dont think vaccines should be mandetory because their are lots of alergiees and lots of side effects in them, also even though people want to protect their familys it dosent give them the right to mandate vaccines for other because it their choice…"
Sep 17
5chloe replied to 1Chrissy's discussion Artificial Intelligence
"In my personal opinion I do not trust AI because over the years its goten a lot more addvanced and with all these new tracking apps, everyone kown where everyone is and it also can be dangerous because its takeing peoples jobs and leaving them to…"
Sep 17
5chloe replied to 6Zane Cox's discussion Should Russia and Ukraine sign a treaty?
"I think that they should go and sign a treaty because their is a lot of fights between them and lots of inicent lives are being taken for exsampel lots of women and children are being killed that dont deserve to die, so I think they should end their…"
Sep 17
5chloe replied to 1 Abbie's discussion What Really Happened to Amelia Earhart?
"In my opinion I think they were just waiting to see if she was acctually dead or if she just happened to get lost, because some travelers just get lost are are later found with just some minor injeries. but she could have been in troble and thats…"
Sep 17
5chloe replied to 6nicolae's discussion income inequality
"in my personal opinion, I think that the income economy is efecting the ecomy because as the prices go up its harder for people to get jobs and lost more people are in poverty and have bad education so their arn't really that meany people that…"
Sep 17
5chloe replied to 1Frannie's discussion What really happened to JFK?
"In my oppinion I belive that he could have been assinated by the cuban government, because they were allready mad that he was stoping their funding to their country so it kinda adds up that they acctualy wanted him dead."
Sep 12
5chloe replied to 6nicolae's discussion income inequality
"I dont  think the income should be equal because when people work rally hard they should gert paid a really good amount of monety, and the people who work easy jobs should'ent get paid the same amout because they are barely working so they should…"
Sep 12
5chloe replied to 6Sergio's discussion Should Cell Phones Be Banned?
"In my personal oppinion I think cell phones should not be banned becasue if you get a personal call from your parents that is really inportant than you should be able to have your phone. Also If some people cant not be on their phone than you should…"
Sep 12
5chloe replied to 6Kirk Hol's discussion Rising Food and Energy Prices
"I dont think people should be rasing food and energy because their are lots of low income familys, and they wouldent be able to get the necesities they need to survive. and most people are going to have to work more hours because they will need a…"
Sep 12
5chloe replied to 1Jacob's discussion Minimum Wage
"I dont think minimal wage has been raised as much as inflation has. But I think it should be raised at least a couple of dallors because lots of people live in povirty and need more money in this economy. also if they raised miminal wage their would…"
Sep 12
5chloe replied to 1Eric's discussion The Death Penalty
"I see where your coming from but I dont belive that anyone diservs to die, and most people even If they had the chance to put someone on death row would most likely feel bad because everyone has that good natuer in them."
Sep 5
5chloe replied to 6elana's discussion trump VS kamala 2024
"In my opinion I think trump would be the better persedent because he has experinece. Also trump just talks really smooth and has lots of fans, plus the gender should not affect who deservs to be the presidant of the united states."
Sep 5
5chloe replied to Jackston6fall's discussion The government is forcing us to eat cheese, and ice cream is to blame
"I love the topic choice, I had no clue what this was going to be about, but I did learn a lot. plus how the government hid it in limestone caves was very intresting and really cool to think about, especially how the US was hiding it."
Sep 5
5chloe replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"i totally agree with you because why should that baby suffer because of your mistakes."
Sep 5
5chloe replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"I agree with you because why should people become parents when they clearly are not ready."
Sep 5
5chloe replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"i agree with you but just because you dident consent, dosent mean that you can kill that baby."
Sep 5
5chloe replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"just because people arn't ready, than should they really become parents."
Sep 5
5chloe replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"just because your not financally or mentally prepared, does not mean you can kill that baby."
Sep 5
5chloe replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"I understand that parents won't always be ready to be a parent but I still agree with you because killing a life should not be aloud."
Sep 5
5chloe replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"I agree with you because that baby won't even get to live their full life, just because their parents are being selfish and taking thier right to live away."
Sep 5
5chloe replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"I understand where your coming from, but dosn't that baby have its own right's to live. plus if you really don't want that baby, their are other opptions like adoption."
Sep 5
5chloe replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"I agree with you, because if you dont feel like being a parent than that should not give you a choice on murdering that child. "
Sep 5
5chloe replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"I totally agree with you because why should people murdering other's, be diffrent than killing a baby. I do belive if you kill your baby you should be put in jail."
Sep 5
5chloe replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"I agree with you because why should people become parents if their not ready. plus you shouldent even get pregnat if you dont want kids. "
Sep 5
5chloe replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"I agree with you because why should you take away that babys life,  just because you cant afford food, cribs, ect."
Sep 5
5chloe replied to 6Cole's discussion The Death Penalty in America
"I think the death pentaly is not a good idea, because when someone hurts you or your family. why should you have the right to dicided if a living breathing human being should die. I personaly think that evryone has a right to live no matter the…"
Sep 4
5chloe updated their profile photo
Sep 4
5chloe replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"I agree with that because, why should people choose to kill another human being just because they aren't ready to be a parent."
Sep 4
5chloe replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"I do understand that people have rights to their own body's, and that their are diffrent type's of abortions out their. but i do belive that the baby should also have a right to live."
Sep 4
5chloe replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"I agree with you because, no one sould kill their child just because they feel like thier not ready. plus why should you even have the choice to murder a living being. "
Sep 4
5chloe replied to 1Eric's discussion The Death Penalty
"I think the death pentaly isn't a really good idea, cause why should you have the right to kill someone that hurt you. And say you wanted to send someone on death row, you would more enless feel guily about killing someone because eveyone has a good…"
Sep 4
5chloe posted a discussion
        What is abortion. Abortion is when you have a surprise pregnancy, or you're trying to limit the size of your family but there are two different types of abortions you can have. The first one you can have is a medical one, that is when your…
Aug 31
5chloe is now a member of History 360
Aug 28
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