"I think we should have a wall so we don't have otheyr people just driving or ever walking across each other land. I think the wall should stay and we should finish the wall. I alos believe the wal need to be a little taller."
"I think that teens should take hunter safety course because then you learn more and make sure we are safe with a gun. We also will learn how to cross a fence safely. I think it we should take it."
"I think group projectrs are great for sudents becasue they get to learn hands on and how ot work with people in the real word and not just set and listen or set and do by yourself. I think group projects are a good thing."
"I think if teacherr were to play christams music I think they should wait till 2 weeks before christma. Christmas music should not be played on thankgiving. I don't listen to any christmas music becasue not my type of music."
"I don't think parents should track there kids. I think back when they were in highschool they didn't get track so we couldn't. I do not get track by my parnets. I just have to tell them where i'm going."
"We put a star on top of the christams tree. I think a star is best for the top of a christmas tree. I think it light the tree up good. Some people don't put anything on top of the tree witch I think doesn't look best."
"Normally at christmas we just have cookies or jello or sometime a pie. My favorite desserty would have to be apple pie right out of the oven. So then it's nice and warm while it cold outside. Apple pie would be mu favorite. "
"I think school lunchs should be bigegr and better. I think we should have more food. I just think what they give us is not enoiugh food. I feel we should be able to have more and it should be better then what it's."
" I feel homework should not be a thing as i think kids should go home and work or spend the night with there parnets. Instead of having ot come home and od a lot of homework when we just had a long week at school. I feel homework shouldn't be a…"
"I kinda wish I could do private school so then I can do it at home and do it however and whnever i want to. I would senbd my kids to public school till probally high school then let them go homeschool then they get friend and stuff."
"I think e-cigarettes are more harmful to thge human body. I think that because they user for people to use where ever and whenever. I also think all smoking or vaping bad for you. "
"I don't really think we need daylight saving I think it just messes with people sleeping and takes awhile to get use to. I think we should just stay at the normally time and not daylight saving time."
"I use to believe in sants. I was super mad when i found myh parnets are lying to me about it. I think it's best to tell yoiur kids he fake when they ask you. Santa is 100% fake he not real"
"I think parnets shouldn't worry about how much time us kids spend on our phones. I think kids should not spend so muchb time there phones are some kid all they do. But I do spend a lot of time on mine."
"I don't play fortnite but everyone is playing again becasue the OG map is back out, I walk people play and you can tell they went back to all th OG stuff thjat use to be in the game. A lot of people stop playing and went back to it."
"I use a iphone and anywasy have and i don't think i could ever go to a android. I think iphone are justr so much easy to use and android are not the easist. I think i will still with iphone all my life."
"I don't like self check out. Reason being is it make easy for people to walk out with stuff without buying it. Some people don't knoiw how to use them the best so then worker are up there helping so why no tmake them check stuff out. Also somethimes…"
"I like Ham more that because I think turkey get dryed out and ham doesn't. Turkey is alos good but need to not me dry. I like Ham the most at thankgiving because it warm and very good."
"I think autonmous tractor should be a thing becasuse if you have flat frield it is very nice to set it snd just set back and relax. But also if something wrong it could end up being very bad."
"I Don't think the gorvemnt should have to pay for kids college. I think iuf you what to go to college you should have to pay for it. If the USA goverment payhed fgor it that mean taxs would go up."
"I think baseball is harder the softball becasue they treat the girl easer then the boys so there more basses and there closer together. But they are almsot the same just a little bit harder. That what i trhink."
"I don't think caffeine shoul dbe banned because I think it hlep people in the morning wake up and fource in class. I don't drink caffeine though. But it hink we should be able to have caffeine in school."
When is a good time to put your Christmas tree up? Some people put their Christmas tree up right after Halloween. In my opinion I think that is kind of early for a Christmas tree to go up. I think a good time is right before thanksgiving or a few…
"I don't thuink flag football should go to the Olympics because then youger kids have to be apart of it and then it much just come to a mess. With all the little kids running around. I don't think nfl start will do it."
"I think i would let my kids get a tattoo but need to be about 18 or older and need to think before doing as it and if they like it. I don't know anyone with one that regreted it. Most people that have one likes them."
"I think we should have more lunch time during school days. I think we should have 45 mintures to 1 hour for lunch as that gives use time to have lunch time and be with friends. I think its not long enough."
"I do have a job. I help my uncle farm. I think it best for teens to have a job so it teaches them how to work for when there older in life and when they wanna build a hosue thehy will have money saved up."
"I think if your partenst leyt you have it then you should be able to have it. You just have to watch what sites you go on and watch what you do. I think you should be age 10 up before the big social media."
"I think it is good to know a few language only if you wanna learn them if not you should nkt have to. I think it would be nice tho to unstand what they were saying. But i would not take a class for it."
"I think smoking should be banned becasue if ypur in the car with your kid they get second hard smoking witch is just as bad for you. Smoking also can cause cancer witch is also very bad."
"I think movie are better because you cna relax and watch them and listen instead of reading the book and trying to make a picture in your head. Books are good if you cant watch the movie"
"I don't think plstic water bottles should be band becasue there easy to grab and go. I soemtimes use them but normally I carry my watter bottle. I think they are ok if they won't just though them away."
"I think holidays are good for familyt because it get familys together more. I enjoy the chirstmas time because it cold and you cfan set infront of the firer place with your family. "
"I am not the biggest country music guy so I havent heard mine his songs but the few i have he not to bad. I just not the biggest fan of country music, I do not think he should canceled. I wouldn't buy a ticket i would go to a rock band."
"I think extra crdit should be aloned in school for the kids that need it to help there grades out. I have nevered had extra crdit but I can see it helping other people with there grades if they need it,."
"I do not think as a high school student that we should not have signed sets at lunch we should set whereever so we getr treated like adult and not little kids, I aslo think it help kids get out and talk with other people."
"I think time teswt shouldn't be aloned becasue we should nlong as we need to take a test so kids can do there best and if we have timed test I think it a negtive becasue some kids need more time."
"I think athetes are getting overpaid becasue there just do it bvecasue there want to and there also do it for the money. I thin k there shouldn't get paid so muchg. But slow there are doing it for money."
"I don't think parents should havbe to take any classes before having a kid as it has been this way for a very long time. I aslo think taking classes would help because if there parents are not that good classes would help."
"I think summer is the best as we are out of school and jhavbe our own time to do stuff and go on vatcion and it nice and warm. I also like fall when it chilly outsdie. I think them are the best one."
"I don't think instagram is a negitive, but I feel some of the picture people post can be. I haven't had any trouble with instagram as i never use instagram that much. I do have it but never use it."
"I think homeschool is a good and bad thing because going to school help you have more friends and have more fun. I also think that homeschool would be fine for some kids who don't like lot of crowds."
"I think phones should be aloned becasue if something happens and they need to call there parents they will have there phones. I thin k phonme should be aloned because if there was a fire or something they can call parents."
"I don't think covid 19 is that big of a dea anymore. I Think it's just a normally think that went around, Yes it can be very bad but at the same timeif you justr saty home and relax you will be ok."
"I think anaimals testing shouldn't be done unless it has to be. I feel that is very mean and harsh to anaimals if they don't need the testing. I aslo think if there are looking sick or something then yes they should test them."
"I think dress code and sexist is not that big of a deal. IOf men or women wanna know something they should be able. Yes there should ber a limted on how far ypu can go with it but I think there shouldn't be mine rules."
"I think hat should be allowed in school bhecasue it trhere personal idea on what there want. If there feel there should wear a hat there should be able to. I also feel hat might be bad for kid becasue if you set behind them you might not able to see…"