Covid clearly didn’t just go away. Now, most of the hospitalized patients with covid are elderly people. Elderly have accounted for almost ⅔ of the hospitalized covid patients in the United States this year. The article gives some statistics about icu admissions, hospitalizations, and deaths relating to elderly and covid. They say the elderly are 63% of hospitalizations, 61% of icu admissions, and 88% of deaths relating to covid.


The article tells us that these people who have died from covid have also had health issues. This was a very talked about topic throughout quarantine when death was involved. The people who had weakened immune system were clearly more susceptible to getting covid. As it was going around, people just assumed these deaths were caused by covid alone. We have seen since that the people has health conditions they were unaware of that made them more likely to have a worse case of covid resulting in death.


There will be a new vaccine out in the fall. Health official recommend it for anyone ages 6 months and older. After releasing this, they still had the rising concern that not only some or most elders won’t get this new vaccine but also younger people will turn away from this vaccine. They think covid has been put on the back burner and they are worried people will not take getting vaccinated seriously.


Do you think covid should still be a rising concern?

Have you have covid, if so, how many times?

Have you been vaccinated or will you get the new vaccine?

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  • I personally don't think that COVID-19 should be a big concern anymore, because not as many people are getting sick and dying from it anymore. Plus, there is a vaccine for it now as well. Doctors also know a lot more about this sickness compared to what they knew when we had the first outbreak. 

  • I don't think COVID should be a concern anymore because it's just any other sickness these days. It's like havijng the flu if you get it go to the doctors or just stay at home and rest a couple days.

  • I think covid is still a big threat for everyone and will more than likely be a concern to people, like the flu. I have gotten vaccinated a few years ago, with a booster shot and another shot, but besides that, I haven't gotten a vaccine since. I had covid only once back in begining of August, and it didn't last that long luckily.

  • I think people should still worry about getting covid because the virus is getting more advanced. I've had covid but I got it after the pandemic. I got vaccinated during the pandemic but I don't know if I will get the new vaccine.

  • I think covid should still be a concern to everyone, but definetely not as big as it was during 2020-2021. It is still a disease that makes people sick, like the flu, so people should still be cautious about it. I may have had covid once or twice, but I've never tested for it so it may just be a different sickness.

  • I dont think it should be a concern because it will just make everything go crazy and make the jobs go out of hand. It will also shut down the ecomonmy becuase everyone will stay home and not go out and buy anything. Also the buinesses will not be able to make any money which will shut them down cause they cant stay in running condition. 

  • I think that the concern of COVID-19 is coming back up. People started to "forget" about it or stop talking about it for a little while, but it is starting to get more people sick than it has been. I have not had covid yet and I am hoping I do not get it. I also have not got the vaccine and I am not planning on getting it. 

  • I don't think covid 19  is that big of a dea anymore. I Think it's just a normally think that went around, Yes it can be very bad but at the same timeif you justr saty home and relax you will be ok.

  • I dont think covid should be a concern anymore because there is not much covid cases these days and even if there were more covid cases the vactionations worked well to get Covid cases down. I didnt get vaccinated and i dont plan on getting it any time soon.

  • Covid is the same with the flu and cold because it is another one of them viruses that can heat up in the winter and fall. I never really had covid, I might of carried it just because of a stuffed up nose. I have been vaccinated once, but I will probably not get another vaccine.

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