Does homeschooling benefit kids more than public or private school? Research shows that homeschooling is actually a very helpful way for kids to succeed in the future. It can help kids with certain skills that others aren’t able to develop in a public school. But, homeschooling also takes away the social and active aspect of public or private schools.
Homeschooling is an easier way for kids to learn. When at home, you are in a more comfortable environment than at a school. They have no distractions from other kids and it ends up being a better workplace. Homeschooling ensures that you get all the education attention you need personally. Kids in public or private schools are often overlooked academically, and homeschooling prevents that. Homeschooling students often are more skilled and intelligent. Being homeschooled is based on your academic skills, so you can take advantage of it at your own pace.
However, homeschooled kids don’t have the same amount of social interaction as every other student would. They often miss out on the opportunities to see other kids their age, and interact like people do in the real world. It can then make it more difficult for the kids to make friends. As they grow up, homeschooled kids often have raised stress and anxiety levels. They aren’t used to working with people their age and it frequently takes a long time for them to get used to.
Do you think homeschooling is worth it?
Would you like to be homeschooled?
Good topic choice and wqell done overall Addi! I do think you could have replied a bit more and on three different days instrad of one. Also be sure to include more of your thoughts within your summary.
I believe that homeschooling is not worth it, even if there are many benefits. Even though homeschooling can create a better learning experience, and it can often take less time than public school, I do not believe it is worth it because of the lack of social interaction.
I personally do not think that homeschooling is worth it, because they are missing out on the social interaction that they would recieve at a public school. They would miss out on the social skills that they would develop throughout the years. I would not like to be homeschooled in my opinion.
I think that homeschooling is not worth it because they don't get that social interaction you would at a public school. They miss out on social skills they should have and they can be more stressed. I would not like to be homeschooled because of all the disadvantages.
I don't think that homeschooling is worth it. They don't get enough social interactions which they will will have if they go to college or get a job. Homeschooling just does not set them up for life in the right way.
Personally I dont think homeschooling your child is worth it because your kid will have no socal life and will have anxiety around other people. I would not like to be homeshcooled because I like to go to school to see firends and if I was homeschooled I would have the firends I have now.
In my opinion, homeschooling can be beneficial for some students, but not for most. It can be good for students because it is much more personalized and the curriculum can be tailored to their strengths and weaknesses. A problem with homeschooling is that it may not be as structured as normal schooling, and not being in a classroom could decrease motivation to do work.
I agree, homeschooling would be good because it focusses on your personal needs when it comes to school work.
I think that homeschooling is worth it and not at the same time because if you are being homeschooled you have more intelligence and are more advanced in some topics, but the bad thing is that you miss the basic school experience of meeting new people and having friends, that's why I think that is a mixed opinion depending on what you would like.
I don't think homeschooling is as beneficial as public schools. When youre being homeschooled you don't get to see people and talk to people all day. On the other hand, if you find it difficult to learn things or are just not a very social person then homeschooling could be better.