Covid clearly didn’t just go away. Now, most of the hospitalized patients with covid are elderly people. Elderly have accounted for almost ⅔ of the hospitalized covid patients in the United States this year. The article gives some statistics about icu admissions, hospitalizations, and deaths relating to elderly and covid. They say the elderly are 63% of hospitalizations, 61% of icu admissions, and 88% of deaths relating to covid.


The article tells us that these people who have died from covid have also had health issues. This was a very talked about topic throughout quarantine when death was involved. The people who had weakened immune system were clearly more susceptible to getting covid. As it was going around, people just assumed these deaths were caused by covid alone. We have seen since that the people has health conditions they were unaware of that made them more likely to have a worse case of covid resulting in death.


There will be a new vaccine out in the fall. Health official recommend it for anyone ages 6 months and older. After releasing this, they still had the rising concern that not only some or most elders won’t get this new vaccine but also younger people will turn away from this vaccine. They think covid has been put on the back burner and they are worried people will not take getting vaccinated seriously.


Do you think covid should still be a rising concern?

Have you have covid, if so, how many times?

Have you been vaccinated or will you get the new vaccine?

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  • Good topic choice and your summary is pretty good Cayden. The issue is you didn't reply to any students which is worth 30 points. It was also posted a day late.

  • I do not think that it should be as big of a concern as of now, I think that we have bigger and more important things to be concerned about such as world hunger, extreme poverty and violence/crime. Covid is the least of our worries right now.

  • I don't think that COVID should be such a huge problem as we do have so many vaccines for it today. But now is it still a disease that can mutate and spread yes but we don't know if it's affects will be worse than before. 

  • I think that covid should still be a concern when it comes to elderly people because they are more sensitive to it. I have had covid once. I am vaccinated and I will probally get the new vaccine when it comes out.

  • Diseases like COVID remain dangerous because of how much they can evolve. COVID-19 will become less affected by the original vaccine and more of a real threat again unless a new vaccine is created and used. I have never had covid and I have gotten vaccinated.

  • I think that it should not be a concern in our world. I have never had covid. I have not been vaccinated because I am young and their is no proof it has worked.

  • I don't think that covid should be as much of a concern as it used to be, yes, it is still around and affecting people, but it will never really go away. Covid will most likely become like one of the viruses that goes around every year and gets worse in certain times of the year like the flu, RSV, and mono. 

  • I think covid is not as big of a concern as it once was, covid has never left it just it died down a little, but its still here

  • I don't think COVID it as much of a concern as it was but it definitely wont go away its like the flu it was a big problem when it came out but not as big anymore and there are solutions to it. Compared to COVID we don't really have a 100% safe way to avoid it. 

  • Obvioulsy COVID won't just go away, and it will probably just be like every other sickness now. It was such a big concern in 2020 when it first came around because we weren't used to it, and we didn't have many resources to deal with it. We have since made a lot of progress, and it shouldn't be a big concern.

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