Have you ever been taking a timed test and you realize that you're almost out of time? Well, I'm sure most students have been in that situation. The College Board has decided to redesign the SAT so that they're a lot shorter, this will give the students more time to take the test. The majority of students around the world believe that timed tests don't show what we know. Most students feel pressured because of the time so they don't perform their best. If they aren't doing their best on the timed test then that means that the scores are inaccurate. That's not fair to the students. Their intelligence should not be determined by inaccurate test scores.
These timed tests are holding students back from performing as well as they can. A student at Heritage Academy High School said “ I have always hated timed tests because they do make my performance worse purely because of the time constraint.” I agree with this. Whenever I take a timed test I notice i'm focusing more on the fact that I'm running out of time than on the test itself. Timed tests aren't fair to anyone even if they do well on them. I need time to be able to go over what I just did. I shouldn't have to rush myself on a test just so I can get done in time.
I think it's time we get rid of timed tests or maybe give a little more time on the test depending on what we’re testing on. Some students believe that we shouldn't get rid of timed tests at all and that we should keep them the same. They believe that if you can't finish the test in the given time then you should study harder. While that could be true for some people not everyone performs the same while taking a test. Another student mentioned that as we’re growing up we will be put into stressful situations. This is true but I don't think we should deal with that while taking a test. We should have the opportunity to do our best on the test.
Do you think we should still be taking timed tests?
Do you think timed tests are fair to everyone?
Do you find it hard to focus when taking a timed test?
I agree. Everyone thinks at a different pace so not everyone will get done in time. It's not fair if students don't have time to finish the test because then they'll get those questions wrong.
I think that timed test are good and bad but I am not 100% sure what I think of it. I think everyone should atleast get the same test so either timed or not. During a timed test I feel more pressured and kind of rush.
I don't think we should still be taking timed tests anymore because when you are being timed you are put under pressure because if you don't answer all the questions in time then you fail all the questions you didn't answer. Timed tests aren't fair because you do worse on test when you are put under pressure. I find it easier to focus on a timed test because it makes you not hesitate on a question and it doesn't make you look around everywhere except for your paper.
Exactly, students shouldn't be focusing on how much time they have left they should focus on the test itself. Everyone should be given the same opportunity when taking a test.
In my opinion, I think that we should not be taking timed tests anymore. I feel this way because putting a clock over someone's head will pressure them into going faster and making many more mistakes than they would have without being timed. Also, these tests are unfair to people with slower writing speeds, and making these tests timed will make it a lot worse for them.
Personally, I don't think we should still be taking timed tests. These tests make you stressed and worked up. Besides, taking a timed test means that if oyu don't finish, those unasnwered questions are usually wrong. I don't like this because just because you don't answer questions in time doesn't mean you don't know them, you just didn't have time to answer them.
Timed tests are unnecessary, they stress people out and cause inaccurate test scores. Hopefully, there won't be as many timed tests in the future.
I think timed test aren't good because it doesn't allow kids to show their full understanding of topics. This is because kids may feel rushed or even get nervous and forget because it's timed.
I think time teswt shouldn't be aloned becasue we should nlong as we need to take a test so kids can do there best and if we have timed test I think it a negtive becasue some kids need more time.
I think that timed tests aren't good for testing on things like what you learned that year because it doesn't give you the time to try to go through your knowledge to find what you're looking for. However, I think that when testing things like general knowledge, I think it can be beneficial to have a timed test because in real life sometimes you have to know how to make a smart and quick decision and these help prepare for that.