8Ben updated their profile
Jan 8
8Ben updated their profile
Aug 28, 2024
8Ben updated their profile
Jan 3, 2024
8Ben replied to 4Tobina's discussion Should Parents track their kids?
"I believe that it is good for parents to track the location of their kids. This is because there are very few downsides, however, there are many benefits. Although you did mention possible glitches on tracking apps, I doubt that they are a common…"
Dec 14, 2023
8Ben replied to 7Clara's discussion Should the death penalty be abolished?
"I support the death penalty in our justice system. There are multiple reasons for this, one reason is that the death penalty does not close to the pain and harm that many criminals have caused. One problem I have is that many people sit on death row…"
Dec 14, 2023
8Ben replied to 5Ben's discussion Why Fanta is a Soda for Nazis
"I did not know that Fanta was made in Germany during WWII, however, even with this understanding, I believe it is fine to buy it today. Overall, I see no reason to not buy Fanta today. It is likely that anyone who contributed to creating Fanta is…"
Dec 14, 2023
8Ben replied to 6Hagen's discussion Should Steroids' be allowed in sports?
"I do not support the idea of allowing the use of steroids in sports. The main reason for this is health risks acossiated with steroids. Furthermore, if steroids are legalized in sports, young people will begin to use them. This is especially…"
Dec 14, 2023
8Ben replied to 7Kennedy's discussion What belongs at the top of the tree?
"I like the idea of both a star and an angel on top of a Christmas tree. My family uses a star and has for many years. I do not think it is very important whether you put a star or angel on your tree because they both are related to Christmas,…"
Dec 7, 2023
8Ben replied to 6Anastacia's discussion New Year’s Resolution: Problem or Solution?
"I will not have any New Year's Resolutions this year, and I have never had a New Year's Resolution previously. I think they are beneficial because they will not harm anyone, even if they do not significantly help many people. I have never heard of…"
Dec 7, 2023
8Ben replied to 2Brent's discussion What is your favorite dessert at Christmas?
"I will most definitely oeat dessert this Christmas, however, I am not sure which dessert I will eat. At Christmas I often eat pie, but some of my favorite desserts are ice cream and cinnamon rolls. I thought that some desserts you mentioned, such as…"
Dec 7, 2023
8Ben replied to 4Tobina's discussion Should smoking in public be illegal.
"I think it would be a great idea to ban smoking in public. The problem with this would be difficulty in passing and enforcing a law. If this was a law it would be very beneficial for those who smoke, as well as people who are affected by second hand…"
Dec 7, 2023
8Ben replied to 2/7Adam's discussion Should Students Participate in Standardized Tests?
"I believe that students should be required to take standardized tests. However, I do not think we should have to take them every year. I think we should have to take standardized tests about once every three years. This is because we already take…"
Dec 7, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"I understand the annoyance of changing the time, however, I do not think this is a good enough reason to remove daylight saving time. I believe this because the time only changes twice per year, and your life returns back to normal very fast."
Nov 30, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"My sleep schedule is also affected by daylight saving time, and that is one of the most obvious disadvantages of the practice. As you said, sleep schedules return to normal quite quickly, therefore, I do not believe this is a good reason to abolish…"
Nov 30, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"I understand the thought behind removing this practice, but it does still serve a purpose. Although modern innovation is decreasing the need for daylight saving time, it has many benefits. Considering that Arizona and Hawaii do not use this…"
Nov 30, 2023
8Ben replied to 3Kaden's discussion Youth safety Online
"For kids who are extremely young, I believe the internet can be quite harmful. One reason for this is that the internet can be quite addicting for little kids. If someone spends a large portion of their childhood on the internet, they might not have…"
Nov 30, 2023
8Ben replied to 7Manlluli's discussion Should the Adults in Your Life Be Worried by How Much You Use Your Phone?
"I believe that parents should be concerned about the amount of time kids spend on their phone. Although I believe this, this is really dependent on how much time kids spend on their phone each day. I think most kids should spend more time with…"
Nov 30, 2023
8Ben replied to 7Kennedy's discussion What do we tell kids about Santa Clause?
"I believe that parents should allow their kids to believe in Santa. A problem is created if they wait too long to inform children that Santa is not real. The reason for this is that kids will be more excited about a magical man with a flying sleigh…"
Nov 30, 2023
8Ben replied to 4Kelsie's discussion Are e- cigarettes less harmful than smoking?
"I believe that cigarettes are far more harmful than vapes and there is evidence to support this. One reason for this is the diseases and illnesses cause by smoking. The most obvious illness is lung cancer which is more commonly causes by cigarettes…"
Nov 30, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"Although I understand each reason that you have provided, I disagree with your opinion. This is because many of the evidence that supports the continuation of daylight saving time is more signicant than your reasons. For example, if daylight saving…"
Nov 29, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"I agree with your opinion, and I also think it is best to continue to use the system we already have. Although many people believe modern technology is a reason to remove daylight saving time, I also believe we should keep it because of the effect…"
Nov 29, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"I agree with you and also believe that having sunlight later in summer evenings is an important factor. I also agree that continuing to use a system which we have used for centuries is the simplest solution to this problem. Overall, my opinion is…"
Nov 29, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"I do like the thought of the relationship between sunlight and time. However, shortly after the time changes, it can be more confusing to guess the time based off of this. Another potential problem is the time of sunset changing throughout the year…"
Nov 29, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"I also dislike how early it becomes dark, and I agree that daylight saving time messes up schedules. I metioned traffic accidents during my writing, but I did not do extensive research, so I am curious about the change in rate of car accidents…"
Nov 29, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"I do agree that it causes many problems, and I think that it causes far more problems than the average person notices. The significance of the problems created does vary, but there are many reasons to stop the use of daylight saving time."
Nov 29, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"I completely agree with your opinion on early darkness affecting your life. This is because I also feel like it is far later than it is when it gets dark so early. I can see why you think daylight saving time is unnecessary, but it does come with…"
Nov 29, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"I do agree that the importance of daylight saving time decreases as modern technology developes. I also understand the thought that daylight saving time makes night driving more dangerous, however, no matter what system we use, problems will…"
Nov 29, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"I do agree that daylight saving time largly affects sleep schedules, but this change seems to go back to normal quite quickly for me. I believe that if the benefits of daylight saving time outweigh this effect, we should continue to use it despite…"
Nov 27, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"I agree with most of what you are saying, especially that I do not think much about daylight saving time until it takes place. After reading your reply I am interested in how my schedule and activities would change if the use of daylight saving time…"
Nov 27, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"I also feel that daylight saving time does not affect my life very seriously, and I also agree that it would be easy to continue using it because we have for so long. Although I believe this, I think we should not determine the usage of daylight…"
Nov 27, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"I do agree with the idea that modern technology is eliminating a need for this practice, however, there is data to support daylight saving time. I think the significance of this data determines if we should continue to use daylight saving time."
Nov 27, 2023
8Ben replied to 8Ben's discussion Daylight Saving Time: is it Necessary
"I understand the thought behind this suggestion, and I like the idea of continuing to use daylight saving time with an alteration. However, I believe that this would create many problems. One of which would be the difficulty of keeping track of time…"
Nov 27, 2023
8Ben posted a discussion
Daylight saving time is the process of moving the time forward one hour on the second Sunday of March. Then, nearly eight months later, on the first Sunday of November, the time is set back an hour. This process has always been used to get more use…
Nov 26, 2023
8Ben replied to 3Layton43's discussion Should America intervene in the war between Israel and Hamas?
"I do not think we should intervene because it is difficult to make a decision that does not harm others. Another reason that I believe we shouldn't intervene is that people in the US support both sides. If we could do something to end the war…"
Nov 20, 2023
8Ben replied to 7Chloe's discussion NASA's Europa Clipper
"I think that this project is completely unnecessary, and I also believe it is a waste of time. If we are uncapable of traveling even a fraction of this distance, we should not be looking for water there. Although I believe this, it is not a horrible…"
Nov 20, 2023
8Ben replied to 4Rebekah's discussion Should Schools Provide an American Sign Language Class?
"I think it is a good idea to offer a class for ASL, however, I do not think students should be required to take it. If there was a class for this in Harlan, I would probably not take it as it would not be worth the time. This is because I do not…"
Nov 20, 2023
8Ben replied to 5 Paige's discussion Why is Christmas the most celebrated holiday?
"I like Christmas because of the long break and celebrations. During Christmas I celebrate the birth of Jesus, however, it is also very popular because those who do not believe in God also celebrate because of traditions such as gifts. My family puts…"
Nov 20, 2023
8Ben replied to 6Dominic's discussion What are the pros and cons of stores having self check-out stations?
"It obviously would be easier for individuals to shoplift with self check-outs. Although this is the case, I am curious if the number of shoplifted items makes self check-outs not worth the advantages. I do not think self check-outs are significantly…"
Nov 17, 2023
8Ben replied to 5Annabelle's discussion Is Panera Bread Being Rightfully Sued?
"I think Panera Bread is being rightfully sued because no drink should have that much caffeine, especially not a lemonade. The only possible way they should not be sued is if the lemonade was clearly labeled as caffeinated and the menu had the exact…"
Nov 17, 2023
8Ben replied to 7Lejla's discussion Which is more popular, Turkey or Ham on Thanksgiving?
"I think that turkey is generally better than ham, although there is exceptions. I say this because turkey can often times be overcooked and dry. I do not have a favorite dish to eat on Thanksgiving, but I do like almost all Thanksgiving food. One…"
Nov 17, 2023
8Ben replied to 5Clara's discussion             iPhone vs Android 
"I have an iPhone, and have never used an android. This makes it difficult for me to say, but I think iPhones are better, Even though I think this, it is clear that iPhones have their own disadvantages. For example, once newer generations of iPhones…"
Nov 17, 2023
8Ben replied to 5Mikayla's discussion Omegle: Talk to Strangers
"Although I have never used Omegle, I do not think it is safe. There are many ways to talk to new people without the risks that are present on this site. I think the creator did the right thing by shutting down the site because the disadvantages…"
Nov 17, 2023
8Ben replied to 5Dallas McDowell's discussion Should Flag Football be in the Olympics?
"I do not think that flag football should become an olympic sport. One reason for this is that football, let alone flag football is not extremely popular in other countries around the world. I also belive that there are enough sports in the olympics…"
Nov 9, 2023
8Ben replied to 4Ashley's discussion Is 25 Minutes Enough to Eat?
"I think that 25 minutes is plenty of time for us to eat. My only complain is that we get such a small amount of food. For this reason I believe that 25 minutes is more than enough time to eat lunch. By the last 10 minutes of lunch, almost everyone…"
Nov 9, 2023
8Ben replied to 3/7 Lilly's discussion The Benefits of Eliminating Dress Codes in Schools
"I think that our dress code at Harlan should remain the same. If not exactly the same, it should have minimal changes. I think this because our dress code already allows students to express themselves and I cannot think of anything that should…"
Nov 9, 2023
8Ben replied to 4Jasond's discussion Should teens have a job during high school?
"I think that working as a teen is important, especially if an individual does not play sports or does not have many hobbies. A job is a great way to occupy your time, and you can also earn money. Having a job also teaches you many important things…"
Nov 9, 2023
8Ben replied to 6Carly's discussion Tattoos: Think Before You Ink
"I believe that tattoos should be allowed in professional settings because if they were not, many people would struggle to find jobs. People are often very different than they were in the past, and I believe that this should not be considered in a…"
Nov 9, 2023
8Ben replied to 3Dixi's discussion Should Smoking Cigarettes Be Banned?
"I think that smoking should be banned for people under a certain age. I understand that this is already the case, but I think that if you were born after a certain year, you should not be able to smoke at any point in your life. I think this would…"
Nov 1, 2023
8Ben replied to 5Aiden B's discussion Should athletes be required to play in college before going pro?
"I think that everyone should have to go to college before playing sports professionally. The reason for this is that not only would college help transition athletes to playing against more skilled opponents, but they would also learn and develop…"
Nov 1, 2023
8Ben replied to 1Eric's discussion Should Students be Required to Learn a Second Language?
"Although it would be extremely beneficial to become fluent in a second language, I do not think it should be required to learn one. One reason for this is because many people who take spanish for four years in highschool would struggle to…"
Nov 1, 2023
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