Tattoos: Think Before You Ink

A tattoo is a mark, design, or word intentionally placed on the body using an electric machine that penetrates the skin. Tattoos, originally used to identify slaves and criminals, have evolved from previous stigmas surrounding them and have become very common among the general population. Many people choose to wear tattoos to express their feelings, artistic nature, beliefs, or as a way to remember and honor someone or something. However, tattoos are often still frowned upon among certain age groups, social settings, and those who are prone to certain health risks. 

A large number of teens and young adults have shown an increase of interest in tattoos over the last decade. In most states, the legal age to receive a tattoo without permission from a parent or guardian is 18. This ordinance is in place to regulate teen’s spontaneous ideas and to keep them from inking something they may regret in the future. The desire of most teens to get a tattoo is temporary, but tattoos are forever. 

Stereotypes about tattoos have shifted, but they often still carry a burden in certain social settings and places. For instance, the workplace is a common area where tattoos are treated condescendingly and deemed unprofessional. When going through the hiring process, working with co-workers, or dealing with customers, it is more than likely that assumptions will be made about your character based on your tattoo, good or bad. Views and opinions on tattoos can create a negative stigma and a divide in the workplace. 

Many who suffer from health risks like heart disease, eczema, allergies, etc., are most susceptible to battling side effects from a tattoo. The health risks of tattoos can be limited by choosing a registered, experienced tattooist. However, you are still prone to struggling with infection, allergic reactions, and thick scarring. These side effects may only worsen over time given that the skin that contains the tattoo changes drastically throughout your life. It is important to research all of the health risks and to consult your doctor before getting a tattoo. 

Personally, I would like to get a tattoo someday. When I first proposed the idea to my parents, I was repeatedly told that I must wait until I am 18 when I can make the decision for myself. After doing research on this topic, I now understand their reasoning and the importance of thinking through my decision. I have a good idea of what I want my first tattoo to be, but thanks to my parents, I have plenty of time to fully consider my design before making it permanent.

The choice to get a tattoo is a very personal decision and requires many factors to be taken into consideration. Tattoos act as a form of self expression and can communicate different signals to the public. While they are often degraded by society for influencing younger age groups, creating division and a sense of unprofessionalism in the workplace, and propose a number of health risks, there is no doubt that tattoos carry artistic value that is personalized to each individual. 


Would you let your child get a tattoo? If so, what age?


Should tattoos be allowed in professional settings?


Do you know anyone who has a tattoo they regret?



The Nation's - Play It Smart With Body Art - Tattoos & Piercings


University Of - Tattoos In The Workplace


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  • Great topic choice and super job Carly! Your summary is written very well. It is my perosnal favoite topic of the week and most well done as well!

  • I do not see a reason for me to get a tattoo as of now and it is unlikely that I will ever get one. I do not know many people with tattoos. Let alone people who regret them. I just think as a lot of tattoos as things that you think are cool in the moment and you will regret later.

  • Personally I love tattoos that have meanings and if my kid wanted a tattoo I would let them get one at 16 if it had a good meaning. I don't know of anybody who has a tattoo they regret but I know it is common for people to regret them.

  • I would personally let my future child a tattoo at the age of sixteen. I would allow them to do this, only if their tattoo had a meaning behind it.  I think tattoos should be allowed in professional settings in my opinion. I plan on getting a tattoo at some point in my life, I just don't know what I want yet. 

  • I think I might get a tattoo when I'm older but I don't think I will let my kids get tattoos until they're about like 18 because what their ideas are when they're younger they might think it's done when they're older but if my kids come to me with a good idea of a tattoo I think I would let them 

  • I don't know if I'd ever get a tattoo, though I'm not aginst them. Personally if you want one, go for it. I just think you should think about the it before you get one and I mean for a long time. I've heard that people a few years after they get one they hate it or want it off their body and you can get them removed it's just a hard process.

    • I completely agree. Like I mentioned, the desire for a tattoo by a teen or young adult can be temporary or at times impulsive. It is important to fully consider your decision and what design you want because of how difficult it is to remove and how easy it is to regret. 

  • I would only let my child get a tattoo if they had really been thinking about this decision for a long time and I had preapproved what they were planning on getting inked onto their body for the rest of their lives. I do know some people with tattoos that they have regretted and it is because they weren't talked out of it before.

  • If you want to get a tattoo, it's up to you, but I would never get a tattoo because once you get it, you could like it now but you might hate it later. I think tattoos should be allowed in a professional setting just as long as they aren't offensive. I personally don't know anybody who doesn't like their tattoo. 

    • I agree, I don't think tattoos are unprofessional but they can send the wrong message by being offensive or suggestive. Situations like that should be handled differently in the workplace.

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