Me, personally I think that teachers should do more group projects because there's more advantages. Some pros are that it's easier to break tough/difficult tasks. Easier to improve knowledge by discussing the topic. Also you can develop stronger social skills and social skills are needed in life. Last but not least, you can learn how to plan and manage time.
Here's some cons: there's more of a chance for there to be problems since you might be put with someone you don't like. Another con is distributing the work someone might get more than the other ones might get almost nothing to do. Last but not least it would be more time consuming because if you are in a group you need to make discussions and discussions usually take time.
Glad you got this posted Hayden! It is quite late and you didn't reply to any student comments which is worth 30 points.
I think group projects are a gopod thing because it allows everyone to have a say so in what they want to do. i also think this is a good idea because it lets each person work on the same amount of research. Some people prefer working alone but I like working with groups.
I have never worked well with people and I do agree it is a good skill to have, but in the context of school I don't think it works well because it wouldn't be a measure of your academic abilities.
I think we should have more group projects becuase it takes a little bit of work off your shoulders and you can work with friends and discuss about it.If its a good idea if they should put that into the project.
I think that teachers should do more group projects because it helps individuals grow certain life skills that they need for when they are older. Like you said it helps develop stronger social skills that will be needed in most work fields.
I feel that teachers should have more group projects because it helps get more ideas generating in there heads and can keep your grade up if you are absent
I think group projects are good because everyone can work together and combine their ideas. Overall, I think they help improve everyones grades as long as everyone does equal work.
I personally don't like group projects because you and the other person have to agree on something. If you can't agree then you might not get anywhere, also if you don't like someone and you're put in a group with them then it may not turn out the best.
Yes they should do more group because i dont know jack nothing. Its easier for me if i have a peer teaching me and if we in groups then thye can explain it to me better then the teacher.
I think group projects are a good idea because it helps people bounce ideas off of each other and get better information for their project. It could overall help everybody with their grade by all working together.