Jaeda1 updated their profile
Jan 9
Jaeda1 updated their profile
Aug 28, 2024
Jaeda1 replied to 6Hope's discussion Should you drink pre-workout?
"I think pre-workout is safe but only if the right amount is taken. I have taken it before and I don't remeber the name, but I used ut because my sister uses it."
Dec 12, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 4Tobina's discussion Should Parents track their kids?
"They should be able to track they but should only look for them when needed. If the parents keep checking and asking where you are, the kid might think it's an invasion of privacy. I don't have a tracking app. "
Dec 12, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 2 Hayden's discussion Should teachers do more group projects?
"I think they should do more group projects because it's a lot more fun and it's easier that working alone."
Dec 12, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 6Brody's discussion Are iPhone and Android different part wise
"I think they are the same with what you can have on it, but the set up is different. But I personally have always had an iphone so I don't know what an android is like."
Dec 12, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 3Talia's discussion Should we listen to Christmas music before or after Thanksgiving?
"I usually listen to chistmas music at the start of December. I think that it's better to listen to it after thanksgiving. I think christmas music is overrated, but my favorite is the Hippopotamus christmas song."
Dec 12, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 4Kelsie's discussion Are e- cigarettes less harmful than smoking?
"I think that they have the same health risks, but are more harmfull because they can be more addicting that cigarettets. All the different flavors are what really effects people because they want to try all the ones that sound good, but there are so…"
Nov 30, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 7Manlluli's discussion Should the Adults in Your Life Be Worried by How Much You Use Your Phone?
"They have the right to be worried, but my parents are on their phones more than my siblings and I are. It's mostly due to work, but still. Even if we plan on doing something as a family, my mother has to ruin it by texting and calling people at…"
Nov 30, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 7Kennedy's discussion What do we tell kids about Santa Clause?
"I did grow up believe in Santa until I was around 10-11 when I just stop believing. I think once kids get to a certain age, then the parents should tell them that Santa isn't real. It might be hard on them are first but in the end, its what's best."
Nov 30, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 2henry's discussion November sales
"I don't think the days should be longer because some people get aggressive and it could lead to more accidents. But I do get why people want it longer."
Nov 30, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to Jaeda1's discussion Should Animal Testing be Illegal
"I agree that it probably wont be stopped anytime soon and that it totally is torture to the animals. "
Oct 25, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to Jaeda1's discussion Should Animal Testing be Illegal
"Some of the animals they're testing could go extinct, and it would still be cruel to the animals because they're being tortured. "
Oct 25, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to Jaeda1's discussion Should Animal Testing be Illegal
"I agree that it's cruel and it needs to be stopped."
Oct 25, 2023
Jaeda1 posted a discussion
When people hear the words "Animal testing", they think of different animals  being used to test different products before tested on a human. That is correct but it's more than that. Different procedures are used to study how a product effects the…
Oct 21, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 3Talia's discussion Why is Instagram such a negative app?
"I think it;s both because it all depends on who you follow and what shows up on your feed. I haven't had problems with Instagram and I use it just to see what my friends post."
Oct 17, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 2Addi Wicks's discussion Does Homeschooling Benefit Students?
"I think it is worth it only if it helps the living situation or schedule. I wouldn't wanty to be homeschooled because I feel it is harder because if you were to ask questions, then you can't ask a teacher who would know the answer. "
Oct 17, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 4Erik's discussion What season is the best? (Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer)
"My favorate season is fall because it's not to hot or to cold, also because of Halloween. My least favorate season is winter because it's cold and wet."
Oct 17, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 7Manlluli's discussion Should people take parenting classes before having a child?
"Yes, because it can help inform the parent of the right things to do and the wrong things to do. But also show them how much work a child is. "
Oct 17, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 7LaurenS's discussion Benefits and disadvantages of raising a bilingual child
"I wouldn't want to be raise bilingually because it could be easy to mix multiple languages together when talking. If I needed to raise a bilingual child then I would, b ut I personally don't want kids. "
Oct 17, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 4westin's discussion is nuclear power good for the environment
"I don't think we should continue using nuclear power because of how harmful it is to the planet and to the people. "
Oct 5, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 6 hugo dominguez's discussion Should the voting age be lowered?
"I think the voting age shouldn't be lowered because there are a lot of people who don't know a lot about voting. And once you become 18, you officially become an adult, so voting should be something an adult should do. If I had to choose between  16…"
Oct 5, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 5Mariajose's discussion Should kids own electronic devices?
"I think electronics should be allowed at a certain age. I think kids would do better without electronics because then they aren't influenced by stuff they see. So controlling what they can and can't see would be helpful."
Oct 5, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 5Clara's discussion Is binge-watching good for you?
"When I'm bored, I do binge-watch a show. I don't think it's good for you because there is other stuff that you should be doing, but once you start something, it's hard to finish because it is fun."
Oct 5, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 5Lydia's discussion Should you trust Wikipedia?
"I don't use wikipedia because I don't think it is a reliable source because I'm always told by teachers not to use it. It might be a trustworthy source but I just prefer to use another source."
Oct 5, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 5Henry's discussion Should High School Students be Required to Complete Community Service Hours?
"i think community service should be required because it helps the community and other people. It does make people a better person because it makes them feel good because they did something good. I have helped remove old tree limbs and plant new…"
Sep 28, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 6Micheal's discussion Should school work be completely switched to online?
"I think we should switch everything to online because then we are "saving the trees" but also it keeps everything more organized. It helps me know where everything is and then I wouldn't  have to look through all the papers in my bag."
Sep 28, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 5Trey's discussion Is Space a Waste of Time?
"I think we shouldn't lower their buget because they do good research about finding somewhere that's compatable for humans incase it's needs. And if the population increases and our planet gets worse, then we might have to colonize a new planet. "
Sep 28, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 4Tobina's discussion Girls More Pressured than boys?
"I think girls are pressured. They do make high and impossible beauty standards, but girls are also pressured in doing things to their body. People make comments about the girl's body and when they change it, the people still aren't hjappy. It's just…"
Sep 28, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 6Dominic's discussion Do you believe in Global Warming???
"In my opinion, I think we are suffering from global warming. Andf to help stop it people could produce less trash, stop littering, and use less cars."
Sep 28, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 4Tiffany's discussion Does music help you do your homework better or not?
"Music does help me because it keeps me less distracted. I agree why people might not think it helps, but some people prefer to listen to music rather than other conversations or working in silence. But I think if music does help someone, then they…"
Sep 24, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 4Jasond's discussion Is the Corona Flu Coming Back?
"I believe that the vaccine just lessens the serverity of covid and doesn't stop people from getting covid like some people think. I think covid is coming back because many people are getting it now after it slowed down for a while. The worst part…"
Sep 24, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 4Kelsie's discussion legal case between E. Jean Carroll and Donald Trump?
"I think Trump isn't guilty. She is just trying to get him into trouble and she wants to bring it up because she might be mad at him for something else or she did something she wasn't supposed to and doesn't want to get caught."
Sep 21, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to Jaeda1's discussion Should Abortion be the Woman's Choice?
"I agree and the baby is still a human and deserves a chance to live. And right after the baby it is concevied, I consider it alive."
Sep 15, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to Jaeda1's discussion Should Abortion be the Woman's Choice?
"If someone were to get raped, then I understand if they want an abortion, but if the baby was an acident and they didn't take proper precautions, then they should have to keep the baby. But that doesn't mean that they have to be ther ones to raise…"
Sep 15, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to Jaeda1's discussion Should Abortion be the Woman's Choice?
"I agree that it is her body, but that still doesn't give her the right to end a baby's life just because it wasn't the right time. And it should be the fathers choice because it's his baby. "
Sep 15, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to Jaeda1's discussion Should Abortion be the Woman's Choice?
"I agree that adoption is murder, and if the parents don't want it, then there is another family that would. "
Sep 15, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to Jaeda1's discussion Should Abortion be the Woman's Choice?
"i agree with everything but the father should still have a choice because he's still the parent of the baby And just because the father wants it but the mother doesn't, that doesn't mesn the mother has to raise it because it would be the fathers. "
Sep 15, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to Jaeda1's discussion Should Abortion be the Woman's Choice?
"Just because the mothing is having the baby doesn't mean it isn't the fathers. And if the father wants it then he should be able to have it, but he would have to provide for it. "
Sep 15, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to Jaeda1's discussion Should Abortion be the Woman's Choice?
"I agree that it is wrong, but I see abortion as murder. And just because the mother isn't in a good place doesn't mean she has to take care of it, she could give it to the father or have somebody adopt it. 
Sep 15, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to Jaeda1's discussion Should Abortion be the Woman's Choice?
"I agree because it is still that fathers baby, and every baby deserves that chance to live even if it isn't raised by its biolodgecal parents. "
Sep 14, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to Jaeda1's discussion Should Abortion be the Woman's Choice?
"I agree that the women should have the baby, but the father should still have the say because it is his baby. He helped produce the baby and if he wants the baby but the mother doesn't then he should be able to keep that baby. "
Sep 14, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 7juan!'s discussion Final exams should be abolished?
"I think final exams shouldn't be forced but taked if grades are bad or if you would like. They just cause teens to stress out and become anxious because it decides your overall grade for the semester and the year. And also if a students has really…"
Sep 12, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 5Joseph's discussion Interracial Adoption
"I personally don't know anyone who has adopted anyone of a different color, but race should not matter when adopting because they are really are just kids who want a home with a loving family. I think it is good for families to be diverse because it…"
Sep 12, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 6catherine's discussion Should We Be Required to Take PE in Highschool?
"I think that PE should be required if you aren't in any sports that year because it still gives you the exercise. But, students should still get the choice to be in it even if they do play a sport.  It think the games and activites we play should be…"
Sep 12, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to Jaeda1's discussion Should Abortion be the Woman's Choice?
"I agree that if the mother was raped then she should have the choice, but I don't agree that the mother shouldn't be forced to keep the baby because in the end it was her choice to get pregnant or risk getting pregnant when it's not rape. "
Sep 12, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to Jaeda1's discussion Should Abortion be the Woman's Choice?
"I agree with you that it is also the father's baby. And if the father wants to baby then he should have the baby if the mother doesn't. "
Sep 12, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to Jaeda1's discussion Should Abortion be the Woman's Choice?
"There definitly are better ways to deal with haveing a baby that you don't want.  There are even open adoptions for people who can't afford to take care of the baby. "
Sep 12, 2023
Jaeda1 posted a discussion
Abortion is when you terminate a baby from the woman's uterus, and it usually takes place before 28 weeks of the pregnancy. However, in Iowa, abortion is only legal to take place before 6 weeks. There are many ways to get an abortion. For example,…
Sep 9, 2023
Jaeda1 replied to 4Tiffany's discussion Mental Health
"Mental health is important becuase people don't know what others are gowing through and people should know that everything effects everything differently. Mental health should be talked about more offten because a lot more people have issues with it…"
Aug 31, 2023
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