What is global warming? Global warming is a slow increase of overall temperature of the earths atmosphere caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide. I believe there is global warming because the ocean temps are steadlily raising. It is also causing EL Nino to become stronger. Scientists are working hard to find causes for global warming. They ared also looking at ways to reduces global warming. The ways they trying to stop global warming are reducing the gases in the atosphere. Such as the burning of fossil fuels for electricity, transport, and heat.
Are we suffering from glabal warming?
What can we do as people to stop global warming?
https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/our-planet-is-warming-here-s-what-s-at-stake-if-we-don-t-act- now#:~:text=Our%20climate%20is%20changing%20around,have%20time%20to%20change%20course
Good topic choice Dominic! Your summary is brief but fine. You didn't reply to any student comments which is worth 30 points. You also posted this a day late.
In my opinion, I think we are suffering from global warming. Andf to help stop it people could produce less trash, stop littering, and use less cars.
I think we are suffering global warming in some parts of the world because in antartica many icebergs are melting and the ice is becoming less and less, animals are forced to leave their habitat and same with other ecosystems because ot the climate change.
I think its not glabal warming its more of climent. some places are getting hotter some places are getting colder. As people we should see into diffrent ways to not have a big carbon footprint but adpating to new habbits can have an impact
I think we are suffering from global warming, but it isn't really noticeable because global warming is happening slowly and there isn't drastic changes every day. I think that we can try to not use cars daily. For example instead you can carpool with other people.
I believe that we are suffering from global warming and the climate change. However, it hasn't been affecting humans as much as animals. We as a society can help put a stop to global warming by the way we travel and can use renewable energy in our homes for power.
I do not think we are suffering from global warming. I have not noticed the oceans being warmer because we live in Iowa. I have never walked outside and noticed that it is .6 degrees warmer than usual. Personally, I think people should buy more diesel and roll coal on people.
In my opinion I dont think we are suffering from global warming but it is definetly a proble we need to fix soon or we could start suffering from it. there isnt big constaint reminder that oure planet is peing afected by global warming but there are some thisnges being afected. A few wayes we could lower green house gas emitions is We could youse solar panles to cover parking lotes so oure cares could stay cool and get energy from the sun. People could also get more electric powerd thing insted of gas powerd things.
I don't think we are suffering from global warming but it definitely is affecting us quite a bit. Because there is no big change day to day, there is no constant reminder that its happening. That is why I said we aren't suffering from it. I do think that global warming is a huge problem and we should do everything we can to help stop it.
I think that global warming is an issue that we need to try and solve. If the oceans get too hot, then everything living in them will die. We're already seeing examples of this in The Florida Coral Reefs. There are always things that we can do to try and stop it, but I don't think there's any un-doing what has already happened.