Is binge-watching good for you?



The term binge-watching dates back to 2003, but the concept really gained popularity around 2012. What is binge-watching? Binge-watching is watching multiple episodes of the same show in one sitting. In 2015 binge-watch was declared the word of the year by Collins English Dictionary. Collins English dictionary stated that the use of the term increased significantly in the year prior. 


Almost 75% of Americans have admitted they’ve binge-watched. The average binge lasted a total of three hours and eight minutes. 87% of Gen Z, 90% of millennials, and 40% of those age groups binge-watch an average of 6 episodes in a sitting. During the coronavirus pandemic, binge-watching increased, because people were forced to stay indoors. People were spending more and more hours binging during the pandemic than at any other time. 


Binge-watching can establish common ground between people, it can give people something to relate to. Romantic relationships can also be strengthened by binge-watching TV shows, it serves as quality time together. It helps partners bond, be together, laugh, and have a good time while watching a show they both enjoy. On the other hand, though, binge-watching can lead to mental health issues. The University Of Texas study found that binge-watchers are more likely to feel lonely, depressed, and have less self-control. When viewers watch too much TV, they become rampant. Watching TV can become an addiction, and it can cause viewers to ignore others, and become introverted. 


In my opinion, I don’t think it’s wise to binge-watch TV every single day. I think everyone has lazy days, and it’s okay to watch one or two episodes of something you enjoy, but after that, I would take a break from watching anything. Give your eyes a break, and do something productive, something that can benefit you in a positive way. 

Do you binge-watch TV? If so, what do you binge-watch? 

Do you think binge-watching TV is good for you? 

Is binge-watching fun?


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  • Great topic choice and well done overall Clara! You could have commented back a few more times.

  • I do not remember the last time that I have sat down and watched TV on my own. A lot of times I am working or have school or I am just way too tired. I am sure binge watching is not the best for you. However, most things are okay to do in moderation.

  • I think it really depends. If you have nothing to do and you need to rest I think that it is good for you. On the other hand, if you have things to do then I don't think its very healthy because then you are kinda being lazy. But sometimes all I do is binge watch. 

  • I do not personally binge watch tv shows, but I do watch a lot of movies. I do not think that binge watching tv is good for you, because you can spend that time doing other stuff instead. Although everything is good in moderation, but binge watching is excessive. 

  • When I'm bored, I do binge-watch a show. I don't think it's good for you because there is other stuff that you should be doing, but once you start something, it's hard to finish because it is fun.

  • I do been watch some TV shows but not so much anymore because there's nothing really good going on for TV shows anymore because of the writer strike. But when I find a good TV show I do binge watch it. 

  • I have binged watched tv multiple time. I usually binge watch shows I have seen before and really liked. I do not think binge watching is good for you just because you spend so much time sitting and staring at a screen. Although I think its bad for you, I would say it is fun and something I will probably do again in the future.

  •  I do binge watch shows on the television. I do binge watch shows on the television, shows like one pice, avatar the last air bender, pokemon indago leage, ect. Do i think that it is good for you? No. No i do not, but people do it to pass the time instead of being on there phones.

    • I think the last air bender is good, and I agree binging probably isn't the best for you. 

  • I haven't ever binge watched anything, and I'm not really into binge watching something. But, I do see that binge may be fun for some and may help time pass away if their bored. Although, I personally don't really think that its good for anyone, it may lead them to be lazy, inactive, or unhealthy. 

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