Should teachers do more group projects?

Me, personally I think that teachers should do more group projects because there's more advantages. Some pros are that it's easier to break tough/difficult tasks. Easier to improve knowledge by discussing the topic.  Also you can develop stronger social skills and social skills are needed in life.  Last but not least, you can learn how to plan and manage time. 

Here's some cons: there's more of a chance for there to be problems since you might be put with someone you don't like. Another con is distributing the work someone might get more than the other ones might get almost nothing to do. Last but not least it would be more time consuming because if you are in a group you need to make discussions and discussions usually take time.

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  • I think it would be fun if there would be more group projects but at the same time some people could take advantage of having a group and not do any work. It would help students though because there would be more discussion on the topic and they could feel safer to ask their peers questions.

  • Group projects are obviously more easier and get students better grades. Although, sometimes one perosn carries the whole group yet they all get the same grade, which is definetly not fair. I think that if teachers were to have more group test, then they should also grade students based on participation.

  • I think that group projects are good to be the majority of class time because it's a great way to have everyone moving at a similar pace. Talking with people about it is a great way to study as well. Individual work is important too to ensure every individual knows the content.

  • YES, i feel like i am better with a group because we can think of things together and people say things can remind you of things and then you are just better.

  • I do think that teachers should be doing more group projects because once you start working a lot you are gonna need to be able to work in teams. You won't always be by yourself so you will need the expirence of working together or talking together. If you work in groups during school you will build up that skill which will allow you to put that on resumes, college applications, and even trying to get jobs. 

  •  In my opinion, teachers should do more group projects, but they should let students pick their partners. I feel this way because group projects can be great when you have a team that works together. However, if you don't get to pick your partners, then some students may not do the work that they are supposed to do.

  • I believe teachers should do more group projects, they're easy and they promote teamwork. Group projects help us work with people, even though we don't know them. Group projects usually get good grades due to everyone pitching in and putting in what they know. Its everyone's thoughts and opinions that help pull the project together. 

  • yes it hink that they should do more group tests because lots of times they say 2-4 minds is better than one but there are times where they suck because you group members won't do anything so it's up to just a couple people rather than multiple.

  • I think they should do more group projects because it's a lot more fun and it's easier that working alone.

  • I think that there should be more group projects because it would be fun, and it would build teamwork. You might get to know someone better, or you might have to do all the work.

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