Abortion is when you terminate a baby from the woman's uterus, and it usually takes place before 28 weeks of the pregnancy. However, in Iowa, abortion is only legal to take place before 6 weeks. There are many ways to get an abortion. For example, you can take abortion pills named Mifepristone that blocks a hormone called progesterone. Then, you would take a pill called Misoprostol that causes the uterus, that holds the baby, to empty as the fetus passes. It usually causes really bad bleeding and cramping, just like a heavier period.
During the late 1700s and the early 1800s, abortion was legal. Herbs and other medication were known as abortion inducing before the procedure of removing the fetus was common. Abortion was legal in mid the 1800s, but only till the "quickening" stage. The "quickening" stage is between 4-5 months and it's the point in the pregnacy when the mother can start to feel the baby move around. If any enslaved women were to get impregnated, the slave owners would forbid the women to get an abortion.
Jane Roe (Norma McCorvy) was denied an abortion while pregnant with her third child, because there were no medical issue that could harm Roe. At the time, she lived in Texas that had a law that you couldn't get an abortion unless it was medically needed. She was not okay with that so she fought for women's rights to abortion. While, Henry Wade, on the other hand, wanted to completly ban abortion all around the nation. Roe is pro choice, so she believes that the woman has the choice to abort the baby. Where as Wade is pro life, so he believe that the baby should not be aborted under most circumstances.
I am pro life because I consider abortion murder. But even if getting impregnated was an acident, it is still your baby and you chose to spread you legs. The only reason I would be pro choice would be if the woman was rapped or for any medical reasons that would harm or kill the mother. Otherwise, the mother should have the baby because there are other ways to not kill the baby and not be the legal gardian of the baby.
Should abortion be the woman's choice and why?
If the mother of the baby wants an abortion but the father doesn't, should the father have a choice?
Are you pro life or pro choice?
I think abortion should be up to both of the parents that will be giving birth of the child because then if they want to get rid of the child and they both want that then there would be no problem. I think it should be up to the mother when it comes to the abortion because it is inside her and not the father. I would choose prolife because when it comes to abortion you are getting rid of a baby. Abortion tends to mean to throw away or get rid of and when it comes to human life this would be considered murder and it is the mothers fault for not wanting to use protection.
I think abortion should be the woman's choice because it is her body and nobody else should have a say with what she does with her body. I don't think the father should have a choice about the baby. I think they should be limited to the amount of abortions they get but if they get raped they should be able to choose what they want to do.
If someone were to get raped, then I understand if they want an abortion, but if the baby was an acident and they didn't take proper precautions, then they should have to keep the baby. But that doesn't mean that they have to be ther ones to raise it.
I think that abortion should not be a woman's choice because it is clearly murder. An unborn baby who is not aborted will have a life just like any other person, therefore, killing them is ending the life of an innocent person. Many abortions are also caused by irresponsibility from the mother, which is clearly not a reason to kill a baby.
Just because the mothing is having the baby doesn't mean it isn't the fathers. And if the father wants it then he should be able to have it, but he would have to provide for it.
Either way it would be their chose, even if the father wanted to keep it it would be the mothers choice because aparenltly "My body my choice". To be honest I think abortion shouldn't be a option. God chose to bring that baby at that time so you don't want to ruin that. Back in the old times there was no abortion so why should it be any diffrent now. Also it takes two to tango so it should be the fathers choice too. Also if you havn't noticed by now im pro life. Also if they didn't want the baby at least put it up for adoption don't kill the baby.
i agree with everything but the father should still have a choice because he's still the parent of the baby And just because the father wants it but the mother doesn't, that doesn't mesn the mother has to raise it because it would be the fathers.
I think it should be the woman's decision because it's her body. Many women are raped in this world and I can understand if they want to abort this child, because it connects the woman with a bad memory.
in my opinion an abortion should defenetly be a womens choice if they want to have an abortion or not, because its their body, their baby shes the one who would birth that child and i dont think other people have a say on weather she should have that baby or not its only her decittion.
I think that abortion should be legal under all cIrcumstances. I believe that in almost all cases where the woman is considering abortion, it is with the child in mind. The foster care system in the US is generally not a safe place for children (with 90% of kids being exposed to trauma and 15% having ptsd). So most women feel the foster care system is the wrong way to go. If they have the child and keep it, chances are that the child will grow up lacking a key area in healthy developement (emotional needs not being met from having parents that never wanted you, or physical needs not being met because the parents weren't financially prepared for you). I usually would say that abortion is morally wrong past the second trimester, but sometimes there are complications with the baby/mother where abortion is the only option (baby forming outside uterus) that doesn't kill both parties. I think that the only case where the father could override the mother's want of an abortion is when he is willing to take on sole custody of the child as well as pay for medical complications that come up as a result of the pregnancy.