Should Abortion be the Woman's Choice?

Abortion is when you terminate a baby from the woman's uterus, and it usually takes place before 28 weeks of the pregnancy. However, in Iowa, abortion is only legal to take place before 6 weeks. There are many ways to get an abortion. For example, you can take abortion pills named Mifepristone that blocks a hormone called progesterone. Then, you would take a pill called Misoprostol that causes the uterus, that holds the baby, to empty as the fetus passes. It usually causes really bad bleeding and cramping, just like a heavier period. 

During the late 1700s and the early 1800s, abortion was legal. Herbs and other medication were known as abortion inducing before the procedure of removing the fetus was common. Abortion was legal in mid the 1800s, but only till the "quickening" stage. The "quickening" stage is between 4-5 months and it's the point in the pregnacy when the mother can start to feel the baby move around. If any enslaved women were to get impregnated, the slave owners would forbid the women to get an abortion. 

Jane Roe (Norma McCorvy) was denied an abortion while pregnant with her third child, because there were no medical issue that could harm Roe. At the time, she lived in Texas that had a law that you couldn't get an abortion unless it was medically needed. She was not okay with that so she fought for women's rights to abortion. While, Henry Wade, on the other hand, wanted to completly ban abortion all around the nation. Roe is pro choice, so she believes that the woman has the choice to abort the baby. Where as Wade is pro life, so he believe that the baby should not be aborted under most circumstances.  

I am pro life because I consider abortion murder. But even if getting impregnated was an acident, it is still your baby and you chose to spread you legs. The only reason I would be pro choice would be if the woman was rapped or for any medical reasons that would harm or kill the mother. Otherwise, the mother should have the baby because there are other ways to not kill the baby and not be the legal gardian of the baby. 

Should abortion be the woman's choice and why?

If the mother of the baby wants an abortion but the father doesn't, should the father have a choice?

Are you pro life or pro choice?




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  • Excellent job Jaeda!!

  • I believe abortion should be a woman's right under certain circumstances.  for instance a woman might want to abortion because a woman got raped therefore a woman has a right to not accept to bring the child into the world. 

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    • I agree that it is her body, but that still doesn't give her the right to end a baby's life just because it wasn't the right time. And it should be the fathers choice because it's his baby. 

  • I am pro choice mostly, now I do believe that if you had the child in an accident, that’s on you, but you should still have the option to abort. Then for people who are r*ped or need it for medical reasons I can understand. It can also be people who might have to give up the child from home issues like financial problems, care when the parent is at work, etc. Though my thing with adoption or foster care is that a lot of kids end up without a “real family”. What I mean is parents who will care for you forever, while in an orphanage and with foster care you're only with these people for this long then you might never see them again. Plus, many kids don't get adopted and it’s sad.

  • I think it should be the mothers choice. the mother sits there for 9 months going through pain and then having to give birth what if shes terrified, you would be tramatizing a girl for the rest of her life and that also puts the baby at risck. no the father should not have a choice if the mother doesnt want the kid the she should not have it. and im neither i could care less about weather or not someone has a kid or doesnt.

  • I've never really cared about this topic but if I had to pick a side I would go with the pro life choice. Like the argument for vaccines it's not just about the women, it's also about a potential life. Pro choicers arguments usually stem form the idea that the baby is not alive yet, but the definition for something to be alive is it is order, sensitivity or response to the environment, reproduction, adaptation, growth and development, homeostasis, energy processing. A unborn child follows all of these.

    • I agree and the baby is still a human and deserves a chance to live. And right after the baby it is concevied, I consider it alive.

  • I think that it should be up to the woman to choose whether the baby should live or not. We never know what a person is going through, what if that women got raped, or what if that women could die?  I think that if the mother wants an abortion, but the father doesn't, she should still be able to get an abortion. The father isn't the one carrying around a baby for 9 months and the father doesn't really deal with any of the consequences that come along with being pregnant.

  • I believe that life begins at conception. If I have a cake in the oven and it has only been cooking for a minute, and you grab that cake and throw it on the ground, I would say that you ruined my cake. You could say that it was not a cake, however, I would respond with the fact that it was about to be a real cake. I am basically saying that once a baby is concieved, it is a living organism. Adoption would be murder at that point.

    • I agree that adoption is murder, and if the parents don't want it, then there is another family that would. 

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