Should Animal Testing be Illegal

When people hear the words "Animal testing", they think of different animals  being used to test different products before tested on a human. That is correct but it's more than that. Different procedures are used to study how a product effects the health or enviroment. The animals that are being tested are mice, dogs, cats, rabbits, mini-pig, and a lot of other. 

Animal testing started in ancient greek. Physician- scientists proformed different surgeries on animals to learn about the different functions of living organisms. Before using animals, they would disent criminals. One of the Physicain-scientists believed that the animals didn't matter because they weren't as intellegant as humans. But his coworker believed differently and that the animals could feel pain, and that bringing pain to animals was an insult to the gods. A Roman philosopher and physician had theories of medicine. His theories were very influential that he began to preform public disections of animals, including an elephant. The people enjoyed it and became a form of entertainment. He used the animals to develop theories on human anatomy. 

Many people agree that animal testing is cruel and it needs to stop. It harms and kills many animals. There are many different procedure in animal testing. Such as forced chemical exposure, oral force-feeding, food and water deprivation, purposfull injurys to study the healing, and being killed many different ways. Animal tests take time, which causes the animals to suffer for very long periods of time. 

People argue that animal testing is good for medical reasons because of it being used for so long, many medical practices are now used. There's also scientific research saying that animal testing can help develop different medications, antibiotics and immunizations. But otherwise, people believe that animal testing is bad. 

My opinion is with everyone elses. Animal testing should be stopped because it's very harmful to the enviroment. They take the animals out of nature, so that reduces that animal's population, and put them under so much stress that they'd rather die. It's just cruel because nobody wants that to happen to them. 


Do you think animal testing should be stopped?

Do you think it will be stopped? 

Do you think animal testing goes against animal rights?


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  • Great topic choice and well done overall Jaeda! Be sure to check back Thursday night as it gets busy then. I do think you should have inlcuded how many animals die each year due to testing.

  • I personally do not think animal testing should be stopped because it is better then testing humans. Therefore I do not think it will stop because animals are the closest things to humans and it is not right ot test humans. I also do think that animal testing goes against animals rights. 

  • I think animal testing testing should be banned to a certain point. For instance, I think that animal testing should be continued for medical purposes or medicine. But I think animal testing should be banned for beauty products and stuff like that. I don't think animal testing will ever fully be put to a stop. 

  • I do think animal testing should be stopped because it is very harmful, but I don't think it will be stopped. Animal testing is the main reason we have improved our medicine so quickly. To be able to stop it we would need to find someway else to test. I do think animal testing does go against animal rights.

  • i think animal testing should be stoped it wrong on so many differnt levels. i dont think it will cause no matter what people try the government will allow it. i dont know anything about animal rights but it basicaly tourting them. 

  • I dont think animal testing shouldn't be stopped because it is important to learn about medicine and foods and I think the best way to do that is by testing animals cause it's safer than testing humans. I don't think animal testing will be stopped. I think animal testing goes a little bit against animal rights.

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    • I agree that it probably wont be stopped anytime soon and that it totally is torture to the animals. 

  • I think that animal testing is ok it's better than having random substances just entering our body. I think that it wont be stopped yet but it will most likely be stopped in the future. I don't think that it goes against animal rights because what if there is an overpopulation they could make other animals extinct.

    • Some of the animals they're testing could go extinct, and it would still be cruel to the animals because they're being tortured. 

  • I do think animal testing is bad, but if it is stopped how are they going to test products. I don't think it is good that they chose to test on animals but they can't test on humans without getting sued if something goes wrong.

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