Should school work be completely switched to online?

There are many that might think that online school is one of the best ways for learning. Some may not think that it's an efficient way of learning certain subjects. But it is a good way to get work turned in on time possibly (If its an online assignment.) But anyway, most would say that being taught first-hand instead of online is the best way for learning.

Pros: Like I said for example you can get work turned in on time and could work on it whenever you'd like. You can access your assignments from where ever and whenever as long as you have wifi. Online work could also help you many other things.

Cons: Online work could take a toll on your mental health. It could take up personal time that you could use to get chores and other things done. Online work could also cause you to be less social due with others. You could get distracted by something else while your trying to work. 

Now personally I believe that face-to-face learning is one of the best ways for learning since it works best for me. But that is my opinion and many may disagree with it.


Do you think our work should be fully switched to online?

How do you feel about online work?




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  • I'm glad you go this posted! However, it is four days late and you didn't reply to any student comments which is worth 30 points.

  • I think we should switch everything to online because then we are "saving the trees" but also it keeps everything more organized. It helps me know where everything is and then I wouldn't  have to look through all the papers in my bag.

  • I think that school work should not be fully switched to online. This is because when students learn online they might not get their work done becuase they are at home where they can get distracted. I think that for some people, online would be beneficial but not for everyone.

  • Personally I don't think our work should be fully switched to online. I think that digital work helps us. However, many people simply hide from their face-to-face everyday life

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