Community service is unpaid work that is meant to help people in a community. Examples of community service are tutoring younger students, volunteering at a community center, and helping elderly or disabled people with yard work or chores around their homes. Some states require that students complete a certain amount of hours in order to graduate and others do not. Certain groups in high school such as Student Council and National Honor Society require their members to help in their community, but it is not required of all the students.
Volunteering to help people in a community makes students good citizens and can make them feel better about themselves. It teaches them social and leadership skills. Students learn how to do new tasks and they may even become interested in a career working with the community. Also, it can help students stay physicaly healthy and increases self-esteem. Community service helps better the community and the people in it.
However, some students see it as a punishment since they do not have the option. They want to do other things with their free time and it can take away from sports or extracurricular activities. Some people do not find community service meaningful and do not get satisfaction from helping others. It can also add to their stress and be harmful to their mental health and cause poor grades.
I believe high school students should be required to complete community service hours in order to graduate, but I think the amount of hours should be low. It will give students the experience of helping others in their community and it will not take away a lot of time from other activities. If they decide they like it, they can do more.
Do you think students should be required to do community service?
Do you think community service makes you a better person?
Do you do any kind of community service?
Good topic choice and well done overall Henry!
i think community service should be required because it helps the community and other people. It does make people a better person because it makes them feel good because they did something good. I have helped remove old tree limbs and plant new trees.
I agree with your comment and I do agree that commuity service can help high schoolers be good to the community and others.
I don't think that students should be required to do community service hours, but it should be highly encouraged. I think that community service can help students become better people by making them realize that they can do things to help the community and others that aren't able to do things anymore. I do not do any kind of community service yet but I would like to on my own time.
I think students should be required to help the community in some way. It can give them a different point of view that they don't know about. It helps bring awareness to what some people are going through. After helping the community it can make someone a better person.
I do agree that community service can help students learn a different view about themselves that they didn't know
I think students should be required to do a certain amount of community service hours. Community service could help you become a better person since it is all about helping the community and people. I think students should be able to choose what type of community service they do.
I think highschoolers should have to do community service hours, but they should allow students to choose when they do it (like what days in the school year). This way the student can do whatever activities they signed up for, as well as the community service. I think they should also have a choice of what type of service they have to do.
I agree with your comment and I do see your point about how high school students should be able to choose when they want to do their community service
I think highschool students should do community service, but most wont unless its a punishment. Community service is really great and helps out the community more than people think. Community service could make you a better person and with a differnt mindset. I do not do any comminty service but i defiently would.