As you know covid-19 was a worldwide disease that affected millions of people in different ways. According to the New York Times, hospitalizations increased 24 percent on August 12. All year covid spikes have been on and off, although we are in the best place we've been since the pandemic began back in 2019. There are still lots of signs that covid could come back. But we are coming up with more and more solutions to prevent the spread of covid not only in our local cities, but all around the world.
There has been talk of covid part II as we get the northern hemisphere moves towards winter. But Epidemiologists have quickly come up with a vaccine before it ever evolves. But apparently it is spawning different versions of itself, the latest sub-variants being called EG.5, nicknamed "Eris" after the Greek goddess of strife and discord. This one is supposed to be more infectious, and has accounted for over a quarter of cases. but there has been a stop to reporting cases and deaths.
Some of the more recent protocols if you test positive for covid is you have to stay isolated for at least five days, do not travel, don't share personal items, open windows gets some air flow. During covid it changed many people I think in a way it was an awakening for the world, it was mother nature telling us that we need to be thankful for what we have. We all remember covid and how it affected us, so imagine if we had to do that again.
I personally think covid is coming back, or just a new version because more and more people are getting sick everyday in our school.
Do you think the vaccine works?
Do you think covid is coming back?
What was the worst thing that you remember about quarantine?
Good topic choice and super job replying to students Jasond!!
The vaccine works, but i think that the whole world was rushing to get a vaccine that worked to stop it from spreading, and they just took the first one that worked, i think that they could've made it stonger, and they should've taken less in distributing it to the whole world to stop the other cases.
I agree that they could have made it stronger if they had more time
I do think that the vaccine works but it's not perfect so it's not 100% sure that you would get covid-19. I honestly think that covid never really ended and there has only been a little flare of it lately, but I think thats because of people not staying home when they don't feel well.
I agree with you about people not staying home when they get sick.
I think that the vaccine does work, but there are some cases where your body has a reaction and ends up worse off. Covid never really left. Covid-19 will always be around, kinda like the common cold, but I don't think it will ever hit as hard as it did in 2020.
You make a good point about how covid never left and how it will always be around.
I think that COVID will be very simular to the flu in most ways, people will get the vaccine and move on with their day. But I don't believe that it will ever come back with the force it hit us with. As long as people remember that quarentining is for others more than them.
I agree that it wont come back the way it used to
I think the vaccine works, but with people not getting it and the fact that virus's can get stronger, its not working as well. I think its starting to come back, but not near as bad as it was when it started. The worst thing I remember was my parents getting Covid and I had to lock myself in my room