1Edgardo replied to 1Josie's discussion Was the Moon Lading fake?
"No I do not have any evidence about it, but I do think the people who went and Nasa do have evidence. You also said the video that they made was using cgi. But Cgi back then wasn't good and you could easily see if there were using it, and I bet you…"
31 minutes ago
1Edgardo replied to 6-8Traevyn's discussion Hurricane Milton was devastating but was it really that big of a storm?
"I agree with this because even if 16 people died doesn't mean it wasn't big. Becuase people knew that the storm would be deadly so people obviously evacuated to be safe. For the 16 people that did die probaly dind't evacuated, but it still sad that…"
53 minutes ago
1Edgardo replied to 6AJ's discussion Should teachers be allowed to have a gun during school hours?
"I think that state should have teachers having guns making the school shooting safer. If a teacher has a gun in there room, they could defend the people in the class room. But the teacher should also have experinace with guns so stundents can trust…"
6 hours ago
1Edgardo replied to 6barrett's discussion Donald Trumps 1st Assination Attempt
"I think that the assination wasn't planned because when trump got shot on the ear. He moved almost at the perfect time which was probly luck, if he didn't move he would of been dead on the spot. When the security wasn't shooting at Thomas Crook I…"
7 hours ago
1Edgardo replied to 1Josie's discussion Was the Moon Lading fake?
"I personally think that the moon landing was real because there were some evidance that proves it. Like the video showing two people walking on the moon, it looks pertty real to me. Then the photos they took on the moon, they even collected rock…"
8 hours ago
1Edgardo replied to 1Anna's discussion Climate Change and Its Effects on Severe Weather Patterns.
"I agree with this because poeple have used a lot of buring fossil fuels and thats hurting the climate change the most. I tink we should try harder to stop throwing trash outside and into the ocean. I feel like we also have to fix the transportation…"
1Edgardo replied to 6Bella's discussion Are Energy Drinks Good or Bad for Your Health?
"Well if the parents agree with the kids that they can drink engery drinks, they should say a limit on how many they can drink. Because if they just say you can have as many as you want kids might start drinking to much of it and they don't even…"
1Edgardo replied to 6Bella's discussion Are Energy Drinks Good or Bad for Your Health?
"I think that some people would think that Energy drinks need age restriction because kids ages between 11 and 14 shouldn't be drinking it. It's becuase kids don't need it they already have a lot of energy and having and energy drink will make them…"
1Edgardo replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"I also think thats why parents want schools to teach about religion, so they don't have to at home and they don't have much work to do aat home. I do belive that more schools should do this because some people don't have time and want to learn about…"
1Edgardo replied to 6Sophia's discussion Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?
"I agree with you, kids might get bullied at school because of what they belive in. it also putting a lot of work into kids that mabye dones't want to learn about any religion, and schools are just giving more work to people. I think it should be…"
1Edgardo replied to 1Mason's discussion What really happened to Jeffery Epstein?
"I agree with this because theres not really a lot of evdiance that proves he killed himself, and people still dont know what he did. I dont know how people think he killed himself because wheres the proof on how he did it. I also dont know what to…"
Oct 2
1Edgardo replied to 2zach's discussion gun control
" I agree with this becuase I think if we people are selling guns to people that are in the younger side, they should at least ask some question before selling to them. Making people more safe and reponsible, and not giving a person a gun to play…"
Oct 2
1Edgardo replied to 6jacob's discussion Should Baseball Players be Steroid Tested?
"I think that no steroids should be used in any sports. It is just unfair and unprofessional. I don't know why  people would even think about using them because they're eventually going to get caught soon. Obviously steroids are bad for you, you can…"
Oct 1
1Edgardo replied to 1-2Charlotte's discussion Is Homework Beneficial?
"Well Teachers also have to do alot more than students making the teachers time even harder. Because teacher could have test that they have to grade, and they also need to know if there students are acutly paying attention in there class room. "
Oct 1
1Edgardo replied to 1-2Charlotte's discussion Is Homework Beneficial?
"I think that Homework is beneficial because it makes students study more for test. By making people not do homework there it's not really making kids learning as much because writing out problems and solving them makes you get better in school.…"
Oct 1
1Edgardo replied to 6Charlie's discussion Should Animal Testing be Banned.
"Your not wrong about its not good for the animals but what else are they supossed to test it on. Because if they test it on humans it could really injurded the person by hurting their skin or other things that can harm the body."
Sep 26
1Edgardo replied to 6Dalton's discussion Should all schools have uniforms?
"I agree with your staetement about the dress code. The dress code is already effects most people in schools from wearing skulls, guns, and bad word ect, so I think that is already enough of a code. Then for uniforms improving our test scores how…"
Sep 26
1Edgardo replied to 6Charlie's discussion Should Animal Testing be Banned.
"I don't think that people could die from testing but they could defintely get really injured. But I do agree with if its not hurtting the food chain and killing a bunch of animals then mabye we could do test on animals as long as its not killing a…"
Sep 25
1Edgardo replied to 6Dalton's discussion Should all schools have uniforms?
"I don't think we should have school uniforms because making sure you have your uniform and wearing them every day just feel boring. I have gone to a school where we had to wear uniforms, and I dindn't like it at all. Because making sure that my…"
Sep 25
1Edgardo replied to 1Ashlyn's discussion Do we need Border Security in the US?
"I think the border wall is getting stronger by the years. Because Presidents want to keep the wall stronger and better, to keep out illgeal imagrates that try to cross it. But how long will we have this border wall for? But I also think that its not…"
Sep 24
1Edgardo replied to 6Zane Cox's discussion Should Russia and Ukraine sign a treaty?
"I also agree with your answer because seeing on social media that peoples' lives are dying and so many people have lost family from the war. I agree that they should just try to reason with each other and sign a treaty to put an end to this."
Sep 17
1Edgardo replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"I completely agree with your answer because states having a large amount of diseases could cause a pandemic and could spread all throughout, so I think vaccines should be mandatory to everyone to reduce spreading of disease. I also agree with that…"
Sep 17
1Edgardo replied to 4Wyatt's discussion Do Teachers and Firearms Mix?
"I think that not all teachers should own a gun, but a teacher who has experienced with guns. Because i dont think school would give a gun to someone with a mentaly dissorder. But I do agree with your other anwsers with the if there was a shooting…"
Sep 17
1Edgardo replied to 4Wyatt's discussion Do Teachers and Firearms Mix?
"I think that teachers but not all of them should have a firarm. I think teachers that should have guns are perfeshionls user or a least trianed to hold one. I also think that not every teacher should one in each class room because mabye some…"
Sep 17
1Edgardo replied to 6Julia's discussion Should vaccines be mandatory?
"I think we should have mandatory vaccines because people could have serious illnesses that could spread to other people. Like the Flu shot, people should always take the Flu shot because it would help stop it from spreading to others. I also think…"
Sep 17
1Edgardo replied to 6Kirk Hol's discussion Rising Food and Energy Prices
"Another question is that should be answer is what happens if family's don't like these changes and will the people do about it. If we do get comfortable with these changes how much of a change is it going to be. "
Sep 12
1Edgardo replied to 1Chrissy's discussion Artificial Intelligence
"I also agree with not trusting AI because it could take people's jobs away from them hurting people's lives. I also think AI does make it easier to cheat on homework making school easier to people but they wouldn't learn anything from cheating. I…"
Sep 12
1Edgardo replied to 1Chrissy's discussion Artificial Intelligence
"I think AI would take over some things in our life, like having digital screens glasses that are in front of you that you can see but others can't. Or maybe even robots that can help you with life, like doing your chores around the house. But AI…"
Sep 12
1Edgardo replied to 1Jacob's discussion Minimum Wage
"I agree with rising the wages to about 10-15 $ because people need the money to survive. I don't think people can really live off of $7.75 its just not enough to eat, and to get clothes, or shelter. I also agree with about the struggles that people…"
Sep 12
1Edgardo replied to 1Jacob's discussion Minimum Wage
"I think thats the minimum wage should be at a higher payment because people won't work if the wage is low. People would not work for a job that is paying you such a low amount, and that hurts businesses. Another reason why the wage should be higher…"
Sep 12
1Edgardo replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"Murdering a child is kinda different because your killing a baby that could have full of potentials which is horrible and doesn't have a choice, but it still killing someone which I think all life matter. But people who murder other people do…"
Sep 3
1Edgardo replied to 1Eric's discussion The Death Penalty
"I also think that the death penlty should happend on people who kidnapped people and genocide. Becuase for the kindnapping should only happend if the person kindnapped them for about 6 months or more because famliys wan't to try everything to find…"
Sep 3
1Edgardo replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"I like how you chosse pro-life because even thinking about killing or hurting a baby should be illegal and down right bad to think about. People should think before even killing a child because they could have a great life with the baby, and killing…"
Sep 3
1Edgardo replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"I agree about the killing a child. Because why would any one think of that, it sad to even think about abandoning a child even when the child doesn't have a chocie to live.I think the parents should try to raise it and help the baby as much as…"
Sep 3
1Edgardo replied to 5chloe's discussion Abortion
"I think people have abortions because they can't aford for a child yet. Like if they don't have the money to buy the baby food, clothes, a crib for the baby. and some other things that babys need. Another reason is mabye they have job and can't be…"
Sep 3
1Edgardo is now a member of History 360
Aug 29
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