Should Healthcare Be Free Everywhere?

The debate over whether or not healthcare should be free raises a critical question: Should access to medical services be considered a human right, available to all regardless of their financial status? The pros and cons of free healthcare give an idea of whether or not it should. 

Advantages of free healthcare include- Financial security, families protected from the cost of medical bills, reduced debt, and the stability and improvement of the economy. 

Disadvantages of free healthcare- According to some people, universal health care for everyone in the United States promises only government inefficiency and health care that ignores the realities of the country and the free market. It also can cause increased tax rates.

While free healthcare can prevent financial ruin and increase access, it comes with challenges like higher taxes, longer wait times, and potential quality issues, making it a complicated balance. 


1.) What are your opinions on universal healthcare?

2.) Should healthcare be made free everywhere?


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  • Great topic choice Hailey! Your sumamry for such a big topic could have been longer. Be sure to include your thoughts and opinions within your summary as well. The big issue is you didn't reply to any student comments which is worth 30 points. Posted a bit late as well.

  • I believe that universal health care is very beneficial and can allow more people to get the help they need faster. I think healthcare should be free everywhere. Health is one of the most important things, and to make people pay for healthcare, is almost crazy to me. Are people who can't afford healthcare just supposed to continue living terribly?

  • Also If they don't get there sickness treated or anything they could die from whatever they are sick with. 


  • I think that healthcare should be free everywhere, because a lot of people need healthcare and they need help.

  • Should healthcare be made free everywhere? in my personal opinion i dont think that all heathcare should be free because if all heath care was free than lots of lower class people that dont really contrubute to the work force so why sould we have to hlep pay for theirs. 

  • I don't think that healthcare should be free. The government would be spending a ridiculous amount of money, which leads to higher taxes and that is not wanted. There is limited resource in the world. Having to share all of it with everyone because it's free would have people prioritizing some over others. But I could see maybe lowering the prices, but again there would still be challenges with it.  

  •  What are your opinions on universal healthcare? i don't think that the gov should cover all health care because the plan would be as good as private could provide also would cost thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in the economy. No i dont think it should be free everywhere

  • I think that UHC could be good but also have its downsides. I think healthcare should not be free but necissary surgerys should be reduced to match the patients affordability.

  • Should healthcare be made free everywhere? It depeneds. I feel like if it is a check up or somthing like cance yes but if you breack your arm i feel like you should pay depending on what happened it kind of a hard topic because i feel like pepole would go in and try to be proscribed drugs and then would get drugs for free

  • I think that health care should not be free because where are the workers providing help to those who are in need going to get money? I think that it would be nice for those who cant aford health care but what about the workers?

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