Should Animal Testing be Banned.

Traditionally, when people start testing on animals the reason is to make sure it won't hurt or even kill people. 45 countries out of the 195 have outlawed animal testing including some big countries like Australia, Brazil, and Mexico. The first country to use animal testing was Greece in 500 B.C. for experiments, For centuries after that experiments were a standard practice for learning about medicine and biology. Animal testing in the United States Increased by 6% in the last couple of years moving up to 712,00 animals used in testing this spiked because of covid and the government trying to find the cure for covid 19.


Many people think that we shouldn't have animal testing in the United States. Animal testing has been a heated debate topic for many years. Sixty percent of animal testing goes to product safety. Although it has made a lot of other people's lives safer we shouldn't use them as test subjects. Their right is violated when we use them as test subjects because they don't know what is going on and even if they can't feel pain it could still mess them up. Tom Regan, a philosophy professor at North Carolina State University, states: "Animals have a basic moral right to respectful treatment." Animals are a lot like humans and probably more than a lot of people know, humans and animals both feel, think, and think. Then animals should be treated with the same respect as humans and not be taken advantage of because they can't speak. However, there are some pros of animal testing. Like how mice and humans share a lot of genes so when we test on mice they can predict how they will affect humans. Using animals will help humans get the correct dose so we know when we are taking these drugs that help us get better than they were probably tested on animals. animals have helped us develop many drugs that have saved many people.


In my opinion, I think that we should have animal testing but it should have to get approved by the state so people can't just be testing random drugs on animals.


What do you think? Is it ok for people to test animals?,they%20are%20used%20in%20research.,muscular%20dystrophy%2C%20and%20Parkinson's%20disease.,71%2C921%20monkeys%2C%20and%2044%2C847%20dogs.

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  • Good topic choice and summary Charles! I would like to see your opinions a bit longer. The big issue is you didn't reply to any student comments which is worth 30 points.

  • It is ok to test animals because if there is a deadly disease for humans it is ok to test. For example, covid 19 was a hazardous virus so we had to test vaccines and other medicines on various animals. I don't think that we should just go around and kill half of all the animals on the planet just because we were trying to test a vaccine 

  • I beleive the right to decide the rules and regulations when it comes to animal testing should fall to the state, seeing as there is nothing about it in the Constitution. While some may deem it cruel, I think that with some basic boudries and limitations, the testing should continue. Though only until we find a better alternative.

  • I belive that animal testing should be bannded because why should all these poor animals suffer to get answers plus they arnt even nice to them most of they dont get feed good or even have beds to sleep in 

  • I dont think we should have animal testing, because it is animal cruelty and killing around 97% of the animals at the end of the experiment. There is around 115 million animals that are tested each year, if they don't think it is safe for humans they should just not move forward with the item/product. Animals shouldn't need to be caged up then killed after imense testing it is inhumane and animal cruelty.

  • Is it ok for people to test animals? I beleive that it is ok im some instances, such as when human life is at risk. For example during covid, millions of lives were at risk so we had no choice but to test vaccines on animals. In the long run this did save lives because it helped develop a vaccne. 

  • I think that animal testing should be used for approved medical testing. I would rather have half a million animals pass away then a single human pass away; human life is the most valuable thing there is.

  • I don't think that they should test things on animals. It might not be good for the animals and it can cause them to die, every time  they do the testing they have a chance of killing them there is also no reason to do it because it wont make a diffrence anmals are anamails 

    • Your not wrong about its not good for the animals but what else are they supossed to test it on. Because if they test it on humans it could really injurded the person by hurting their skin or other things that can harm the body.

  • I dont think that animal testing should be a thing. I think that its cruel and harmful to animals. I dont think that they should have to go through that pain of getting rashes, burns, diseases, and many other things. They also dont have a choice sometimes and cant say no or realy fight back about it. 

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