Who IS Zodiac Killer?

The zodiac killer was someone who was unknown and  killed about five people, but the thing is that he was popular in the 1960s and he was still never found......but how? he was never founded, could he still be out there somewhere, did he kill more people that we don't know of. These are questions that people are still wondering till this day, to the people who saw and survived, to people in the law enforcement. People are still wondering where he is. 


First we need to look at who he killed, and who the people are. His first victim was a couple on December 20th, 1968 a 16 year girl named Betty Luo Jenson and a 17 year old boy named David Faraday, they were planning to head to a local restaurant on their first date, but on the way to the restaurant they stopped by a nearby gravel parking way. While they drove into the parking way there was another person driving right next to them, which was the Zodiac Killer. The zodiac killer told the couple to get out of their vehicle, but of course the couple refused to do so. So what  he did was he pulled out a gun, walked to their car and shot the tire and the back window of their car, he did this because he wanted to scare the couple. But then when both of the couple tried to run away the killer shot David which was the boy and killed him on the spot, while that was happening the girl who is Betty tried to run away from the shooter but the killer chased her down and shot her 5 times in the back. When the killer was done with everything he returned to his vehicle and left. 

Then his Second kill was on July 4th,1969, an 18 year old boy Darlene Ferrin and a 16 year old Micheal Mageau were going to get some fireworks for Independence Day celebrations. They were pulling out of the driveway, but then they noticed that they were being followed, so Darlene started to make twists and turns to try to see if they were being followed and tried to lose him. But they eventually pulled up in a parking lot, where the car that was also following them went into the parking lot as well. Parked right behind the people, as he got out he pulled a flashlight and Micheal thinking it was a cop, he pulled out his ID Card to show the cop telling Darlene to do the same, but we the killer went to there car he pulled a flashlight right into their faces making loose focus on what about to happen. THe killer decided to shoot 7 times right at Darlene and Micheal, killing Darlene first but Micheal surviving, the killer thinking he killed both of them walked back to his car but then Micheal left on a big moan. The killer notices that and went back to their car to shoot Micheal 2 more times, this the the first person to ever seen the killer face. Now luckily three teenagers saw this and called the police. But when this was happening there was an anonymous person calling their local police station, it was the killer who called saying that there's been a double murder and that he did it.

Now this was his 4th killed, what he decided to do now was to have fun and play games with the cops. So what he did was on August 1st he wrote a letter about 3, to San Francisco Chronicle, talking about his first two murders and how he did proving that he did it saying like the gun he used to kill them where he killed the people at, just saying that he did it. Then he wrote something extraordinary, a code that has characters including Greek Symbols,morse code, weather symbols, alphabet letters, and astrological symbols. Now what people did was a newspaper was sent out with the exact code onto it seeing if the local people could solve it. People like Naval Intelligence and the CIA was sent this code to see if they could decipher it. But a couple in San Francisco Donald and Betty Harden decide to try and solve it. In their past they liked solving puzzles and wanted to try it out. Eventually the couple got it saying that he liked killing people instead of animals, he also says that when he dies that the people he killed would be their slaves in paradise. 

Then in a couple weeks he sent out another code called "Z340 CODE" making it much more difficult so hard that the code has not been deciphered 50 years later by a group of people that made a computer to solve it in 2020 of december. The code still contained the writing in his old code, but this one needed the letter to be substituted, read diagonally, rearranged, and flipped,while also skipping certain words. 

Now what do you think about this? still he hasn't been found. People assumed that he was a different person but no one knows. Me personally I think that he was never founded and to be honest he was smart with his killing spree. But obviously this was a horrible event in the 1960s for people, from people knowing who he looked like and knew his voice but the police could never find him. 

What do you think he is?

Where do you think he could be now?

What are your thoughts about this?



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  • Interesting topic choice and good summary Edgardo! I do think you couild have replied back more times. This was also posted a bit late.

  • What do you think he is? I think he is a serial killer. He is a sick guy, and scary. He went on a killing spree and murdered 5 people.

    Where do you think he could be now? I believe that he is likely still out there somewhere. I think he is hiding somewhere.]

    What are your thoughts about this? I think the guy is dangerous and people should be aware of him.

  • I think that this is a very interesting topic to read about. The part about the killer's code was most intriguing. I find it interesting that it was public knowledge, and that a random californian couple managed to solve it. It could be possible that the killer is already dead, or fled the country after commiting his crimes.

  • I think he is nowhere and dead. The cases were a long time ago and is still unsolved as if right now. But who knows maybe he could still be alive just not in touch with humanity as a whole. Overall, I think he is or was a really dangerous criminal. Having 5 confirmed dead and claiming you killed as much as 37 people is wild in my opinion. The case is probably going to stay and remain unsolved for a long time.

  • Where could her be now? i belive that hes most likely dead because since it happend in the 60s and he was in hisn twentys that it wouldent really make sence if he were still alive right now.



  • He could be anywhere right now. One theory is that after all the letters and codes, he fled the country. I think that he has yet to be caught and wont be caught, but the code might be diciphered by the time this generation has passed on.

  • i think that the zodiac killer was one person not a group or multipul people using or leaving the same sign. I dont think that they cought him i think that he is still out there probably out of the country or in a very remote part of it. I think that it sad he killed all those people and they didn't deserve it 

  • Where do you think he could be now? I feel like he would be dead. not only would have he had to have been mid twenteys when it happened and it happened in the sixtys the other way he could be dead is if someone saw somthing and shoot him and buried him so he didnt get cought 

    • I do agree with him being dead almost everyone does, but it still scary that no one could've find him. I personally think if he still is alive which is almost impossible he would be finding where no one would around to see him, and probably stays inside of like a house or in apartment all day. 

  • I think that the Zodiac killer is a very messed up person. He is very cruel and twisted. I think that he is most likely dead because it happened in the sixties and the killer would have had to be at least 25. I think the if the Zodiac killer is still alive that he needs to go to church.

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