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April 8th-12th

Monday:Start going over Japan and America in WW2

Goals of Japan in WW2-

Be the dominant power in Asia

Revive the Japanese economy from depression

Create the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

It would protect asian countries from western powers. 


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4/8 - 4/12


What were the goals of Japam in WWII?- To be the dominant power of Asia. To revive the Japenese economy from the depression. Take over areas of Asia to get resources. They called it the Create the Greater East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere- this promo

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April 8th-April 12th

Monday- Today we went over the Japan Powerpoint.

Japan was part of the axis powers

Japan was the Germany of Asia.

They took over a lot of land. 

Japan wanted a lot of land and a lot of resources. 

America shot high tarrifs. 

This effected Japan a lot. 


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Apr 8-12


What were the goals of Japan on WWII

Be the dominant power in Asia

Revive the Japanese economy from depression

Japan in the Mid 1800's to early 1900's

US Commodore Mattew Perry sailed to Japan in 1853-54 and forced Japan to open its ports to

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Apr 8th - 12th

During the civil war morphine was used as anesthetic. Heroin was first made in 1898 as a way to get people off of morphine. The Harrison Marcotics Act was put into place during 1914. It was so you needed a doctors prescription to have drugs. In 1924

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April 1-5

Monday- Today we went over the German and Italy Powerpoint


Take the jews from the city and then put them in the ghetto resist and then they were put in the death camps.

The jews wanted to make sure that they do what they were told to do.

The Na

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US History Notes April 8-12


Japan in WW2

- Be the dominant power in Asia

-Revive the Japanese ecnonomy from depression

- Take over areas of Asia to get resources

-Create the Greater East Asia Co- Prospierty Sphere

-Promoted the cultral and ecnomic unity of East asians


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April 8-12 US History Notes


Japan in WW2

- Be the dominant power in Asia

-Revive the Japanese ecnonomy from depression

- Take over areas of Asia to get resources

-Create the Greater East Asia Co- Prospierty Sphere

-Promoted the cultral and ecnomic unity of East asians


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April 8th-12th

Monday: forum post, japan powerpoint, be dominant power in Asia, all about getting resources, oil iron etc, Greater East Asai Co-Prosperity Sphere, Japan was gonna be savior for the other countries so western powers don't take them over, leader of As

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Apr 1st - 5th

Federal government is saying that it is unconstitutional to force girls to wear skirts as a part of a uniform. They should at least have the choice of wearing pants because they don't want to be uncomfortable. If they boys don't have to suffer with t

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April 1st-5th



Spanish Civil War

Francisco Franco was the leader of the nationalist part of the civil war. 

Hitler and Mussolini send troops and weapons to help Franco win the civil war against the communists 

This war served as an important training groun

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Apr 1-5

Hitler's Jewish Question

  • Temporary suspension of civil liberties 1933-never ended
  • First concentration camp at Dachau in 1933, 200 commies were the first
  • Jews prohibited from government
  • No Jewish teachers/students

Nuremburg Laws, 1935

  • Took German citizenshi
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4/1 - 4/5


Hitler's Jewish Question- Nazis "Temporarily" suspend civil liberties for all citizens in 1933 but their rights were never restored. The first concentration camp was set up at Dachau in 1933 as well and the first inmates are 200 communists. Jews

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April 1 - April 5

Monday - Finish Germany PowerPoint and got an Intro for Italy 

Hitler’s Jewish Question-1933

  • Nazis "temporarily" suspend civil liberties for all citizens in 1933-Never restored.
  • The Nazis set up the first concentration camp at Dachau in 1933. The first
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April 1st-April 5th

Monday- Today we went over the German and Italy Powerpoint


Take the jews from the city and then put them in the ghetto resist and then they were put in the death camps.

The jews wanted to make sure that they do what they were told to do.

The Na

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April 1-5 US History Notes


- Nazis temporairly suspend civil liberties for all citzens in 1933 Never restored

- Nazis set up first concentration camp at Dachau in 1933 200 communists

- Jews are prohibited from working as servants, doctors

- Most jewish students not be able

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April 1st-5th

Monday: review, Hitler burned bodies to get rid of evidence, 1942 final solution,  we didn't do much, questions, Warsaw ghetto, 1945 Hitler is defeated, Jews put into displaced person camps until they found a country that would accept them, Germany s

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March 25-29


  • German systematic killings of Jews
  • 6 million dead


  • Not necissarily just killing
  • Not a term until 1948
  • Killing/seriously harming members of a group
  • Mutilation
  • Conditions of life determined to kill
  • Birth preventatives
  • Forcibly transferring chil
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March 25 - March 29

Monday- Bruns quizzed 1 of the 6 groups then continued with his powerpoint 

Siege of Leningrad

  • On August 30th 1941, the Germans took over Leningrad's railroads, cutting them off from the rest of Russia and the world.
  • Unlike the Battle of Stalingrad, the
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March 25-March 29


Siege of Leningrad

On August 30th 1941, the Germans took Leningrad's railroads, cutting them off from the rest of the Russia and the world

Unlike the battle of stalingrad, the Germasn surrounded the city to starve the city into submission


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