April 1-5 US History Notes


- Nazis temporairly suspend civil liberties for all citzens in 1933 Never restored

- Nazis set up first concentration camp at Dachau in 1933 200 communists

- Jews are prohibited from working as servants, doctors

- Most jewish students not be able to go to college or high school

-Nuremburg Laws 1935

- Took away German Citzenship from Jews thus making Jews second class citzens by removing their basic civil rights

- Defined the Jewish race as being anyone who either considered themselves Jewish or had three or four Jewish grandparents

- People with one or two Jewish grandparents were considered to be mixed race, eventually anyone with at least one Jewish grandparent was at risk in Germany

- Jews could only marry Jews, No sexual relations between non Jewish Germans and Jews

-1936 Nazis boycott Jewish owned buisnesses

- On the nights of November 9 and 10 1938 the Nazis roamed through Jewish neigborhoods breaking windows of Jewish businesses and homes buring synagogues and looting

- In all 101 synaggues were deystoryed and almost 7,500 Jewish buisnesses were deystroyed

- 26,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps

-Jews were physcially attacked and beaten and 91 died in the attack


- All Jewish children are expelled from Public Schools in Germany and Austria

- Nazis take control of Jewish owned buisness

- 1939

- Hitlers orders the systematic murder of the mentally and physically disabled in Germany and Austria

- Jews are required ti wear armbands or yellow stars

- Nazis being deported German Jews to Poland

- Jews are forced into ghettos

-Death camps  set up begins to murder Jews

- German units shoot 33,771 Jews

- 1942 Final Soultion- to kill all jews

- 1943 Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto resist as the Nazis begin new rounds of deportations

- These jews hold out for nearly a month before the Nazis put down the uprising

-1945- Hitler is defeated and World War 2 ends in Europe

- The Holocaust is over and the Death Camps are emptied

- Many survivors are placed in displaced persons camps until they find a country willing to accept them

-Some 850,000 people lived in Displaced Person camps around Europe

- The United Nations establishes a Jewish homeland in British controlled Palestine, which becomes the State of Israel in 1948

- Italy's WWI Story- Benito Mussolini 1919-1945

- Italy after WWI

- Italy was very displeased with the Treaty of Versailles

-Wanted to get more land that they got

- Italy joined the league of nations and was a member from 1919 until they withdrew in 1937

- Tuesday

- Washington Naval Confrence 1921

-5 Power Pact

- Signed by GB the US Japan France and Italy

- Designed to prevent an arms race

- It limited the construction

-Kellogg Briand Pact- Countries plegded not to use war as a way to settle disputes

- March on Rome October 1922

- A march by Benitp Musollini Nationals Facist Pary

- Benito and the Facists won and took over Italy

- Mussolini and the Catholic Church- seperation of church and state was stopped

- Church was taught in school

-Church was given a lot of money

-Established Facism in Italy

- A government led by a strong Dictator

- Stressed strong Nationalism militarism and impearlism

- Wanted to dominate the Mediterranean area and Africa and Restablish the Roman Empire

- Used intimidation to get what they want

- Ethopia, Greece and Albania

- Italy's Goals in WWII

- Make a new Roman Empire

Make the Mediterian Sea an Italain Lake

- Take over North African colonies of Britain and France espically Egypt

- Take over southeastern Europe Greece and Albania

- Take over parts of the Middle East

-Italy and the Holocaust

- In 1938 Mussolini instituated laws discriminating the Jews

- 46,000 Jews in Italy at the time

- After the Facist Government fell when US Invaded tge germans took control abd started shipping Jews to camps outside of Italy

- Why did Italy lose the war?

- Italy was not prepared to fight a prolonged war

- Germany had to constantly bail Italy out

-Italy troops were spread too thin all over the country

-They weren't motivated to fight, it's not worth it as they were forced to fight

-Overall Italy was just a weak country

Impact WW2 had on Italy

- 410,000 dead 

- Spent 94 billion dollars

- Italy had joined the Allies by 1943 so the big concern for the US was making sure Italy became a democracy after the war and not fall to communism

- US gae millions of dollars to Italy Marshall Plan to help rebuild the war

- became a member of NATO in 1949

Became a member if the United Nations in 1955

Wednesday- TEST part 1

Thursday- Part 2



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