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Hitler's Jewish Question- Nazis "Temporarily" suspend civil liberties for all citizens in 1933 but their rights were never restored. The first concentration camp was set up at Dachau in 1933 as well and the first inmates are 200 communists. Jews were prohibited from working many higher class jobs like doctors, teachers, government positions, etc. Hitler- 1- took away German citizenship from Jews, which made Jews second class citizens and they could not have the same rights as Germans. 2- Only Jews could marry Jews. 3- No sexual relations between Jews and Non-Jewish Germans. In 1936- German's boycotted Jewish-owned businesses.

Kristallnacht (1938)- "Night of the Broken Glass"- November 9 and 10, 1938, the Nazis roamed through Jewish neighborhoods and broke windows of Jewish Businesses and homes, burned synagogues and looted buildings. 101 synagogues were destroyed and 7,500 Jewish businesses were destroyed.26,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps. Jews were attacked and beaten and 91 died in the attack.

End of 1938- All Jewish children were expelled from public schools and any Jewish owned businesses left were taken over by Nazis.

Hitler ordered the systematic murder of the mentally and physically handicapped in Germany and Austria. Jews were required to wear armbands or stars.

1940- Nazis began deporting German Jews to Poland. Jews were forced into ghettos. Nazis began the first mass murder of Jews in Poland.

1941- Jews throughout Eastern Europe were forced into Ghettos. in two days, 33,771 Ukranian Jews at BabiYar. The death camp in Chelmno in Poland begins murdering Jews.

1942- Final Solution- Kill all 9 million Jews. Five death camps in Poland begin to kill off Jews. Ghettos of Eastern Europe begin to be emptied and killed.

1943- Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto resisted the Nazis begin new rounds of deportations. These Jews held out for nearly a month before the Nazis put down their uprising.

1945- Hitler is defeated and WWII ends in Europe. The holocaust ends and death camps are emptied. The Jews that survived are put into persons camps until they find a country that was willing to accept them.

1947- The United Nations established a Jewish Homeland in British-controlled Palestine, which becomes the State of Israel in 1948.



 Italy after WWI- They were very displeased with the Treaty of Versailles and felt disrespected and unimportant compared to the big three powers. They were also upset with the fact that they got so little land after the war. Italy joined the league of nations in 1919 until 1937.

5 Power Pact- Great Britain, the US, Japan, France, and Italy signed this. It limited the construction of battleships, battle cruisers, and aircraft carriers, however, there were still many other battleships that were fine to build, so these countries just built those ones instead.

9 Power Pact- guaranteed Chinese independence

Kellog-Briand Pact- Countries pledged not to use war as a way to settle disputes.

March on Rome- A march to Benito Mussolini's National Fascist party. Mussolini and the Fascists won and took over Italy. (no bloodshed, he just walked in and took over the country... m'kay)

King Victor Emmanuel- Did not fight Mussolini's take over in Italy. he wanted to avoid civil war and also wanted to keep communists out of Italy, and he figured Mussolini could help accomplish this.

Mussolini worked with the Catholic church. Mussolini promised a lot to the Catholic church such as- no more separation of church and state, it became the religion of the state, gave the church land, recognized religious marriages for the first time since 1870, and the church got a lot of money. In return, Mussolini wanted the church's support.

Fascism- A government led by a strong dictator (Ex: Nazism). It stressed nationalism, militarism, and imperialism. Italy wanted to dominate the Mediterranean area and Africa. (re-establish the Roman empire). They used intimidation to get what they want.

 What was a country Mussolini took over?- Ethiopia - took it over because they lost it to African powers, which was embarrassing from a racist point of view, so he wanted to take it back. 

How the Axis powers got their name- It was said that the world was going to rotate Between Rome (Italy) and Berlin (Germany).

Italy invaded Ethiopia, Greece, and Albania.

Italy and the Holocaust- in 1938, Mussolini passed laws discriminating jews. He never really said that he wanted to kill all the Jews, but Hitler told Mussolini to round up his Jews and send them to him and Mussolini did.

Why did Italy lose? They were weak and unprepared for war. Germany had to constantly bail out and help out Italy. Italian troops were also too spread out through Africa, the Mediterranean, Albania, Greece, Soviet Union, France and the Battle of Britain. The people of Italy were also not motivated to fight, they were forced to fight.

Impact WWII had on Italy- 410,000 dead. 330,000 military deaths. Spent 94 billion dollars. Italy joined the Allies by 1943 so the big concern for the US was making sure Italy became a democracy after the war and not fall under communism. The US gave millions to Italy to help rebuild so they wouldnt be taken over by the Soviet Union and fall under communism.

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