Monday: review, Hitler burned bodies to get rid of evidence, 1942 final solution, we didn't do much, questions, Warsaw ghetto, 1945 Hitler is defeated, Jews put into displaced person camps until they found a country that would accept them, Germany split into four zones after ww2
Tuesday: test tomorrow, Italy powerpoint, benito mussonlini-iL Duce, the leader, became elementary school teacher, socialist, nationalistic later, facist movement, 1920 taken over Italy, did not like religion, wanted more land than they got in the treaty of versailles, 5 power pack, limited construction of battleships, navel size, 9 power pact- open door policy for Chinese independence and trade, Kelloogg-Briand pact-not use war to settle disputes, March on Rome, King Victor Emmanuel was still king of Italy, didn't want civil war, keep communism out of Italy, Mussolini and Catholic church, Lateran Accords, wanted support, fascism, nazis's were fascism, imperalism, nationalism, Mussonlini wanted to reestablish great roman empire in the Mediterranean area and Africa, invaded Ethiopia, prior to ww2, Francisco Franco spain, Rome-Berlin Axis I 1936, Italy goals, took over Ethipia, Greece, Albania, hanged eventually, Italy and holocaust
Wednesday: test
Thursday: test
Friday: schedules, forum post leaders