US History Notes April 8-12


Japan in WW2

- Be the dominant power in Asia

-Revive the Japanese ecnonomy from depression

- Take over areas of Asia to get resources

-Create the Greater East Asia Co- Prospierty Sphere

-Promoted the cultral and ecnomic unity of East asians

-Protect the people of asia from Western Imperalistic powers

- Areas controlled by Japan during WWII

- Several regions in China, French Indochina, Hong Kong, Thailand, British New Guinea, Phillipines, Guam, Dutch East Indies, Portuguese Timor, Malaya

- Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Straits Settlements, Kingdom of Sarwak, Brunei, North Borneo, Nauru, Imphal, Wake Island, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Christmas Islands, Attu and Kiska Islands

- Areas attacked but never conquered

Australia, Candada, India, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, UNITED STATES

-Japan in the Mid 1800's to early 1900's

- US commodore Matthew Perry sialed to japan in 1853-1854 and forced Japan to open its ports to western nations

- Japan had been extremely isolationist for hundred of years

- Japan realized they needed to become like the West so the west didn't take them over

- First Sino-Japanese War 

- Japan won and gained control of Korea and Taiwan

- They defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-1905

- This made Japan the major power in Asia, replacing Russia

- Japan fought for the allies in WWI

- Took over many German colonies and intrests in Asia and extended their control in China

- Felt disrespected and the Paris Peace Confrence as the racial equality proposal they proposed did not pass

-Joined the League of Nations

- Signed the 4,5,9 Power Pacts

-4 Power Pact- US, GB, France and Japan would respect each others possessions in the Pacfic

- Signed the Kellogg Briand Pact

- The Great depression had a negative impact on Japan

-Japanese Invasion of Manchuria- 1931

- They need essential raw materials, 100 million people in their population, very industrialazed

- used as a base to invade China

-Japan dropped out of the League of Nations shortly after the Invasion

-Soviet-Japanese Border War

-Fought between Japan and Manchiria and the Soviet Union and Monogolia from 1932-1939

- STarted the year after Japan took over Manchuria as Japan started looking into Societ controlled areas in Monogolia

- The war ended in 1939 when the Soviets and Monogolians defeated the Japanese

- This soon resulted in the Soviet Japanrse Neautrality pact

- The USSR and Japan signed an agreement to not fight one other in April 1941

- Japan considered breaking this once Germany invaded the USSR in June, 1941 but did not

-On August 8th 1945 the USSR declared war on Japan breaking the Neautrality Pact

- This was two days after the Hiroshima atomic bomb dropping one day before Nagaski bombing

- Stalin had promised in early 1945 that he woild declare war on Japan once Germany was defeated May 8 1945

- Over one million soilders invaded Japanese controlled Manchuria and were pushed back an suffered huge casualties

- Caught of gaurd Hiroshima bombing japan surrendered.


-Soviet Invasion on Manchuria - August 8th 1945

- Japan surrendered bam bam bam

- China incident- July 1937

- China is invaded by Japan, japan did very well, took some costal cities and got good chunk of land

-Rape of Nanking Late- 1937 early 1938

- a MASS killing of Chinese up to 300,000

-Mass raping of chinese women and girls 20,000

-Mass looting and arson

- Shooting, stabbing, decapitation, drowning, burning, punching body and more also happened

- There was a war crimes trial after the war to try Japanese soilders for particpiation

-Overall throughout WWII Japan killed almost 6,000,000 people, chinese, indonesians, koreans, filipinos, indochinese, western prisnorers of war etc

-Emperor Hirohito

-Became emperor in 1926 and ruled until his death in 1989

-The emperor at the time was seen as a god, and therefore was above poltics

- Was the only person powerful enough to completly surrender to the allied powers

- Hirohito did give the ok to attack pearl harbor

- All political power went to elected representatives

- Hirohito was not charged as a war criminal because US feared the people would revolt and push Japan to the Soviet Side

-Hideki Tojo

- Wednesday

-Became prime minister in October 1941 just two months before the Pearl Harbor Attack

-Tojos powers increased but never level of Hitler or Stalin

- Ruled in the name of the emperor

- Supported Japanese expansion into China and other places in Asia

- Supported the alliance with Germany and Italy

- Attempt dipolmacy with the us but ultimately ordered Pearl Harbor attack

- Tojo was forced out in 1944

- Afters japans surrender in 1945 Tojo commited suicide but failed

- Evenutally, Tojo was tried and hanged as a war criminal in 1948

- At his trail his personal reposnibility for the war and attempted to deflect attetion from the emperor

- The United States in WWII

- Main Powers Great Britain, Soviet Union, United States, China, France

- Australia, Canada, India - other big ones

- US after WWI

- US Never the Treaty of Versailles

- Wilson Democrat vs congress Republican controlled

- Join the league of Nations or go back to isolationism?

- Republican Warren Harding won the 1920 Presidential election with a promise Return to normalacy

- THE US went back to focusing on America

-The US did sign the Kellogg Briand Pact

-Neautrality Acts were passed by the US in the 1930's in response to the issues in Europe and Asia that led to world war 2

- Not going to make same mistakes

-  US had very strong history of isolationism

-America First Comitee- focus on America first don't focus on other countries, be neautral

- Neutrality Act of 1935- stop trading with countries at War

- Neutrality Act of 1936- stop loaning money to countries of war

- Neuatrality act of 1937- Cash and Carry system- weapons not included

- Neutrality Act of 1939- Cash and Carry System- weapons included


-Quarantine Speech- 1937

- Panay Incident- December 1937

- American gunboat attacked on river in China by Japan

- 3 US Troops killed, 45 wounded

- Japan said it was an accident, apolgozied and paid Us money

- Worsended relationship between US and Japan

-Bases for destroyer

- Passed in September 1940 between the US and Great Britain

- Fifty US destroyers were given to great britain in exchange for land rights on British Colonies for naval or air base purposes

-End of US Neutrality Lend Lease Act

- The end of neutrality for the US came with the Lend Lease Act passed in March 1941

- This act allowed the US to sell, lend or give war materials to nations the US wanted to support

- US gave 50 billion to allied nations throughout the war

- Great Britain over a billion, China and Soviet Union

-Selective and Training and Service Act

- Passed in September 1940 and ended in 1947

- Required that men between the ages of 21 and 35 register for the draft

- Extended to all men aged 18 to 45 once entered war

- First peacetime draft in US history

-How did the draft work?

- Local draft boards were set up from coast to coast

- Each male registered was given a number between 1-7,836

- The capsules were drawn from the bowl one by one to establish draft order

- IF your number was chosen you were chosen and your part is in the US military

-Atlantic Charter

- Signed in August 1941 between the US and Great Britain

- Defined the allied goals for the post war world

-The Road to Pearl Harbor

-Admiral Yamamoto- Had the plan of attack of pearl harbor

- December 7th 1941 Sunday 7:40 AM and 8:50 AM

-Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Terriotry

- Battle results Japanese major victory 2 Us declararition of war on Japan 3) Germany and Italy declare war on US 4( Us declares war on germany and italy

- All eight US Navy battleships were damaged, they sunk half of them

- 2402 dead, 1282 wounded




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