April 1st-5th



Spanish Civil War

Francisco Franco was the leader of the nationalist part of the civil war. 

Hitler and Mussolini send troops and weapons to help Franco win the civil war against the communists 

This war served as an important training ground for Hitler's and Mussolini's troops

Axis Powers

Italy and Germany form their pact in 1936, with Japan joining later in 1940

Italy's goals:

Create a new Roman Empire

Make the Mediterranean an "Italian Lake" 

Take over North Africa, Albania, Greece

Mussolini was hung in Milan in 1945, marking the end of Fascist Italy

in 1938 Mussolini instituted laws discriminating the Jews-46,000 Jews in Italy at the time 

After the government fell, German troops took over italy and then started transporting them to death camps 

Why did Italy Lose? 

Italy was not prepared ot fight a prolonged war 

  • Germany had to bail out Italy a lot

Italian troops were spread too thin

The people of italy were not motivated to fight, where they would be forced to fight. 

In summary, Italy was a weak country


410,000 Dead-Mostly Military

Spent 94 Billion

Italy had joined the Allies in 1943 and the U.S. rebuilt italy so they would not be communist. 

The U.S. gave millions of dollars to Italy(Marshall Plan) to help rebuild

Became member of NATO in 1949

Became a member of UN in 1955 



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