Hitler's Jewish Question
- Temporary suspension of civil liberties 1933-never ended
- First concentration camp at Dachau in 1933, 200 commies were the first
- Jews prohibited from government
- No Jewish teachers/students
Nuremburg Laws, 1935
- Took German citizenship from Jews
- Considered Jews people who thought of themselves as Jews or people with three or four Jewish grandparents - eventually made into 1or 2
- Jews could only marry Jews
- No sexual relations between non-Jewish Germans and Jews
- VERY STRICT penaltiesd
- Nazis boycott Jewish-owned businesses
- Destruction of Jewish businesses
- Lots of windows and broken glass
- 101 synagogues destroyed and 7500 businesses
- 26,000 Jews arrested and sent to concentration camps
- Jews attacked and beaten, 91 died
- Nazis take their businesses
- Hitler orders mentally and physically disabled to be killed
- Jews required to wear armbands or yellow stars
- More and more jews put into ghettos
- Begin deporting them to Poland
- Nazis begin the massacre of Jews in Poland
- Really start amping up amount of death camps
- Jews everywhere forced into ghettos and deported
- German units shoot 33,771 Jews at BabiYar
- Death camp Chelmo in Poland starts murdering Jews
- Old people killed quickly
- US, England, USSR acknowledge the mass killings of the Jews
- They said it wasn't a target for the military and so they didn't go after it
- Warsaw Ghetto resists when Nazis begin to deport
- The Jews held out for almost a month before quelled
- Hitler defeated, WWII ends
- Holocaust over, camps emptied
- What happened to Jews that survived
- Most put in displaced persons camps
- US and Britain accepted a lot of troops
- Jews believed that Israel was the promised land
- Muslims took it over in biblical times
- Got little land from versailles, angered that they didn't get their share
- 5 power pacts
- Acknowledged that militarism was big problem
- Limited production of araments and weapons
- DIdn't affect cruisers, destroyers, or subs
- 9 Power pact
- Guarunteed Chinese independance and upheld Open Door Policy
- Kellogg-Briand
- Countries promised not to use war to settle disputes
- Mussolini
- After fighting in WWI he sets up facist Rome by marching on capitol
- Cathlics supported Mussolini
- 1929 Lateran Accords
- Gave Vatican territories in Rome
- Catholicism was state religion
- Separation of Church and state ended
- REligious marriages recognized
- Catholics got a lot of money
- He got the official support of the church
- 1929 Lateran Accords
- Establishing Facism
- Gov't led by dictator
- Strong nationalism, militarism, and imperialism
- Wanted to dominate mediterranean and Africa
- Used intimidation to get what they want
- Mussolini wanted African lands back from the embarassing loss
- US kept away from countries with embargos/financial restrictions to help keep us out of another war
- Mussolini used gas weapons on Africans to take the place
- Neutral in WWII
- Civil war broke out
- Hitler/Mussolini gave weapons and troops to Franco to help
Rome-Berlin Axis
- Mussolini said that the world would revolve around them
Italy GOals WWII
- Italy wanted entire Mediterranean
- "Italian Lake"
African/Italian Campaign
- We ended the African war in 1943
Italy and Holocaust
- In 1938, Musolini instituted laws discriminating the Jews
- 46,000 Jews in Italy at the time
- When facists fell, Germany resumed and controlled the
Italy's surrender
- Italy was never strong enough
- They never reallt bought into nationalism
- Felt is ruined their country
- Germany had to constantly help out Italy and they were spread thin
Impact of WWI on Italy
- 410,000 dead
- 94 Billion spent
- Joined Allies
- We had to rebuild them or the Communists would've got them just like Japan
- Entered NATO in 49
- Member of UN in 1955