Take the jews from the city and then put them in the ghetto resist and then they were put in the death camps.
The jews wanted to make sure that they do what they were told to do.
The Nazi's stopped the Warsaw resistence.
1945 the war ends.
The Holocaust is over
Germans were sickened when they saw what was going on.
Displaced person camps
A little uner 1 million people/jews lived in these camps.
Germany after WW11 was split into 4 zones.
1947 Isreal was established as a Jewish camp.
Benito Mussolini
Nicknamed ll Duce= Leader
Italy was an Allie to America after WW1
They were not happy with the Treaty of Versailles.
They felt they should have gotten more land after WW1
Italy joined the league of Nations after WW1
5 power pact was to make the navies smaller.
9 power pact granted Chineese Independence.
Italy looked like they wanted to keep peace.
Signed the Kellogg-Braind Pact
Means that they don't want to go to war.
This actually failed and lead to war
1922 Benito took over Italy.
Adolf Hitler sees this and tries to over throw the Germna governmnet
Came to power in 1922
Benito wanted to be a elementary school teacher.
Had to go to catholic school and stabbed someone.
Fought for Italy in WW1
King Victor Emmanuel
Invited Benito in.
Thought that Benito was a good guy.
Couldn't lead the country that was catholic.
So, he supported the Catholic's.
Catholics were given money and Benito got a lot of support.
Estailblished Fascism.
Strong Government
Stong dictator.
Tuesday- Review for Test
Thursday- Test
Friday- Signed up for online classes.