Monday- Today we went over the Japan Powerpoint.
Japan was part of the axis powers
Japan was the Germany of Asia.
They took over a lot of land.
Japan wanted a lot of land and a lot of resources.
America shot high tarrifs.
This effected Japan a lot.
Japan wanted to be the leader of Asia.
Japan controlled:
Lots of China
Hong Kong
Japan had a lot of terraority
Japan also attacked a lot of land but didn't aquire it.
Attacked pearl harbor but then America fought back.
Japaneese put into camps durning WW2
If Japan didn't want to be taken over by the west, they had to be like the west.
Japan would be like America would take over smaller nations.
Japan grew as a country
Japan felt upset with the paris peace confrence due to race issues.
In the 1920's Japan joins the leguage of nations.
Japan was doing well in the 1920's
Then the great depression.
Japan would be resources from mancuria.
Mancuria offered new product and Japan forced them to buy products.
Tojo was the Japneese leader.
He tried to kill himself and failed
We brought him back to health and then he was hanged.
Iwo Jima played a huge role in American history.
Allied powers:
Great Britian
Soviet Union
USA after WW1
The United States went back to thinking of themsleves.
4 power pact
France and Japan would respect each others possessitions in the pacific.
5 power pact
Reduced the naval size.
9 power pact.
Gave Chineese independence
Neturitly acts wanted to keep us netural.
Bases for Destroyers
USA gave Destroyer ships to GB in exchange for naval bases.
End of US being netural
We gave supplies that was worth a lot of money
This allowed the US to lend war materials.
This helped because we wern't in the war.
This showed that the USA was picking sides.
We gave 31 billion dollars of supplies to GB
Gave supplies to USSR
Gave 5 billion dollars worth of supplies to China.
These were all of out biggest allies.
Service Act
18 to 45 year old guys were drafted to the US military,
Atlantic Chaarter
Defined post war world goals for the allied contries.
Pearl Harbor
Yamamoto was the leader of all this.
He said that they had to take us out fast.
December, 7th, 1941
Sunday morning.
It was a major Japaneese victory.
December 8th, USA declared war on Japan.
Next day USA declared war on Italy and then Germany.