- German systematic killings of Jews
- 6 million dead
- Not necissarily just killing
- Not a term until 1948
- Killing/seriously harming members of a group
- Mutilation
- Conditions of life determined to kill
- Birth preventatives
- Forcibly transferring childern from one group to another group
- The master race as defined by Hitler
- Perfect Aryan was the blond, blue-eyed, and tall/muscular
- Actually refers to a dialect of German
Who was inferior
- Jews (6m dead)
- Darker skin
- Disabled
- Gypsy/Roma (500,000 to 1m)
- Russians, Poles (16.5m) (2.5m)
- Homosexuals (5-15k)
- Communists/Socialists (unconfirmed number)
- Dark skinned people (death and forced sterilization)
- Mixed races
- Jehova's Witness
Lebensborn - Fount of life
- Germany and Scandanavia had certain homes with lots of Aryan people ("Breeding home")
- Germany was winning but were being bombed/blockaded but these women were treated like queens
- A lot of kids went to unwed mothers which led to rape claims
- Women weren't forced
- Genocide wasn't the first option
- Hitler's final solution was eliminate all of them
- Systematic government solution set up
- Suspends civil liberties for allcitizens in 1933
- Nazi camp Dachau set up 1933
- Jews forced out of government
- Jewish kids banned from public high school and college