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Peace Mission

  • Japan had sent a group to DC to negotiate peace deals while Pearl Harbor happened
  • They stabbed us in the back

Why did pearl harbor happen

  • When they took Vietnam we stopped trading oil
  • Japan tried to ally with the USSR
  • They needed US trade to
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4/15 - 19


Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? After Japan invaded French Indochina in 1940, US stopped trading Oil with Japan. Japan signed the Soviet-Japenese Neutrality Pact in 1941 guaranteeing that Japan and the USSR would not go to war. Japan realized

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April 15th-April 19th

Monday- Today we went of the USA powerpoint.

Not only did Japan attack Peral harbor, they also attacked:

Hong Kong


Philippine Islands

Wake Island

and Midway Island.

The USA used propaganda to get war bonds. 

America felt "slapped in the face" 

America th

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Apr 15th - 17th

Measles outbreak is growing. It was for the most part wiped out but anti-vaxers are bringing it back. 90% of people will get it if exposed to it if oyu are not vaccinated. babies under 1 and people with cancer can't be vaccinated which is why everyon

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US History Notes 4-15-4-19


December 8th 1941

-FDR's message, will have ultimate victory and declare war

-Hong Kong, Guam, Malaya, Phillipine Islands, Wake and Midway Islands

- Pearl Harbor Propaganda

-Buy war bonds and realize what happened

- WHY did Japan attack pearl Harbo

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