Monday - Finish Germany PowerPoint and got an Intro for Italy
Hitler’s Jewish Question-1933
- Nazis "temporarily" suspend civil liberties for all citizens in 1933-Never restored.
- The Nazis set up the first concentration camp at Dachau in 1933. The first inmates are 200 Communists.
- Jews are prohibited from working as civil servants, doctors in the National Health Service, and teachers in public high schools
- Most Jewish students are banned from public high schools and colleges
Nuremburg Laws-1935
- Took away German citizenship from Jews thus making Jews second class citizens by removing their basic civil rights
- Defined the Jewish race as being anyone who either considered themselves Jewish or had three or four Jewish grandparents
-People with one or two Jewish grandparents were considered to
be mixed race
- Eventually anyone with at least one Jewish grandparent was at risk in Germany
- Jews could only marry Jews
- No sexual relations between non-Jewish Germans and Jews
- Nazis boycott Jewish-owned businesses
“Night of the Broken Glass”
- On the nights of November 9 and 10, 1938, the Nazis roamed through Jewish neighborhoods breaking windows of Jewish businesses and homes, burning synagogues and looting.
- In all, 101 synagogues were destroyed and almost 7,500 Jewish businesses were destroyed.
- 26,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps.
- Jews were physically attacked and beaten and 91 died in the attack.
- All Jewish children are expelled from public schools in Germany and Austria
- Nazis take control of Jewish-owned businesses
- Hitler orders the systematic murder of the mentally and physically disabled in Germany and Austria
- Jews are required to wear armbands or yellow stars
- Nazis begin deporting German Jews to Poland
- Jews are forced into ghettos
- Nazis begin the first mass murder of Jews in Poland
- Jews throughout Eastern Europe are forced into ghettos
- In two days, German units shoot 33,771 Ukrainian Jews at BabiYar- the largest single massacre of the Holocaust
- The death camp at Chelmno in Poland begins murdering Jews
- Nazi officials announce "Final Solution"- their plan to kill all European Jews
- Five death camps begin operation in Poland: Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka, Belzec, and Auschwitz-Birkenau
- Ghettos of Eastern Europe are being emptied as thousands of Jews are shipped to death camps
- The United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union acknowledge that Germans are exterminating the Jews of Europe
- Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto resist as the Nazis begin new rounds of deportations.
- These Jews hold out for nearly a month before the Nazis put down the uprising.
- Hitler is defeated and World War II ends in Europe
- The Holocaust is over and the death camps are emptied
- What happened to the Jews that survived?
- Many survivors are placed in displaced persons camps until they find a country willing to accept them
Displaced Persons Camps-Austria/Germany/Italy
- Some 850,000 people lived in Displaced Person camps across Europe
- Armenians, Poles, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians,
Yugoslavs, Jews, Greeks, Russians, Ukrainians and Czechoslovaks
- The United Nations establishes a Jewish homeland in British- controlled Palestine, which becomes the State of Israel in 1948
Italy’s WWII Story-Benito Mussolini-Il Duce (1919-1945)
Italy after WWI
- Italy was very displeased with the Treaty of Versailles
- Wanted to get more land than they got
- See map on next slide
- Italy joined the League of Nations and was a member from 1919 until they withdrew in 1937