Monday: forum post, japan powerpoint, be dominant power in Asia, all about getting resources, oil iron etc, Greater East Asai Co-Prosperity Sphere, Japan was gonna be savior for the other countries so western powers don't take them over, leader of Asia, Areas controlled by Japan wwII, french indo china, hong kong, thailand, british new guinea, philippines, guam, dutch east indies, portuguese timor, malaya, areas attacked but not conquered, australia, india, mongolia, Matthew Perry, Sino (china) japanesse war, Russo Japanese war, Paris Peace Conference, 1920's joined League of Nations, sigend the 4,5, and 9 power pacts, signed kellogg Briand Pact, then went into great depression, didn't have resources from trade, needed resources so wanted to invade china for them, invasion of Manchuria, soviet japanesse border war, 1932-1939 japanese at war with china, soviet beat japanese when they tried to take mongolians, ended with soviet japanese neutrality pact,
Tuesday: quiz, japan powerpoint, ussr declares war on Japan, soviet invasion on manchuria, china incident six years earlier, rape of nanking, mass killing of chinese people, denied fighting back, emperor hirohito, seen as a god, postwar constitution, no longer god just symbol of state,
Wednesday: united states powerpoint, waited about two years to get into the war, allied powers, great britain, soviet union, us, china, france, lil powers panama peru venezula and more (latin america, Europe), Warren Harding 1920 election promise to return to normalcy, 4 power pact, 5 power pact, 9 power pact, kellogg briand pact, Washington Naval conference, nueutrality acts passed, interventionists vs isolationists, america first committee, cartoons,neutrality acts ment to expiere after a year, Quarantine speech by rosevelt, panay incident, bases for destroyers, lend lease act, selective training and service act, draft,
Thursday: quiz, powerpoint, atlantic charter, allied goals for after war, battle timeline vs japan, hideki tojo emperor hirohito, admiral yamamoto, basics of pearl harbor attack, two attacks, supposed to be three, hawaii territory, japanese victory, dec. 8th 1941 last time US delcared war, declared it on japan, dec 7th 1941 pearl harbor, lost eight battle ships, four were able to be fixed,
Friday: work day for forum posts